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Amoran Kalamanira Kol

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Everything posted by Amoran Kalamanira Kol

  1. I did not know you well, but I thank you for helping to create the Children of the Eclipse. Happy Birthday Penny.
  2. Happy April Fools Day, birthday Jester. Though the wishes are belated, I should hope you at least had a wonderful alcohol filled birthday.
  3. Happy Birthday, Penny. Be well in your travels.

  4. Oh, nothing really. Just being silly.

  5. [quote name='Chewett' date='30 March 2010 - 01:09 PM' timestamp='1269972548' post='57184'] No he didnt it was Steve Anyways, its a good question. The fact that the wall separates Necrovon and the other land leads me to believe that it may have been built by the beserkers whom sought to protect necrovons bad influence effecting more area. [/quote] Leave Steve out of this! That would make sense considering how aged and broken the wall actually looks. However, I'm not certain its a question of "Who", seeing as there is very little lore, if any, to base it on.
  6. [quote name='Malaikat Maut' date='24 March 2010 - 12:27 PM' timestamp='1269451653' post='56852'] It sounds like the monitor is a CRT, in which case there would be no "pixels". Also, leaving electronics powered on is generally considered to be fine as they experience substantially less wear and tear than mechanical components, such as a motor. In fact, it may actually prolong the life because electronic devices tend to generate heat. Powering them off allows them to cool which could lead to condensation when they heat again. I agree with your prognoses though, Fenrir. Amoran, If you've tried that monitor on another computer with similar results, the only other thing I would have you try is to put a different monitor on your computer. If it shows a display than the monitor is definitely bad, and at this point they aren't worth fixing. I don't know that the parts are even worth anything, and I wouldn't recommend messing with the insides of a CRT monitor. They have huge capacitors which can hold a charge for a long time after being unplugged. The lethality of the charge is debatable...but still not worth the risk in my opinion. [/quote] I set up another computer monitor on my computer, its a temporary fix unfortunately. But yes, my brother fiddled around with my monitor and declared the same thing. The monitor has gone bad, I shouldn't open it up and explore it's insides, and that I should get a new one. I just sort of wish it hadn't of gone bad, and at a terrible time too. Thank you for your suggestions on this, I really appreciate it. [quote name='Malaikat Maut' date='24 March 2010 - 04:17 PM' timestamp='1269465460' post='56864'] Just to be pedantic...It's cathode ray tube. And those electrons are fired by an electron gun which "activate" phosphors and not pixels. It's impossible for a CRT to have "dead pixels" in the same convention that the language is used to define nonfunctional liquid crystals on an LCD. [/quote] Good sir, you have broken my brain. But that is most certainly interesting to know.
  7. In the forums, you are free to say your opinions, so I think I will say my opinion. I don't think this thread has produced anything interesting or constructive and in truth I hope it gets closed soon. I would not like to see this turn into another flaming thread.
  8. "Maybe they know what I know, that the true way to a man's heart is six inches of metal between his ribs. Sometimes four inches will do the job, but to be really sure, I like to have six." — Laurell K. Hamilton (Narcissus in Chains) "When in doubt, ignore and be horribly unimpressed." — Laurell K. Hamilton "Stupidity isn't punishable by death. If it was, there would be a hell of a population drop." — Laurell K. Hamilton (Anita Blake)
  9. I intend to get a laptop soon, the problem is deciding whether or not I want to spend so much money yet. I wasn't expecting I'd have to pay for a monitor, at the moment I've got a temporary fix.
  10. As before, we await your return friend.
  11. Now I have already tried to troubleshoot this issue, and have discussed it with a couple members already but if anyone can give me any idea of what might possibly be wrong or if it's repairable, I will deeply appreciate it. I woke up this morning to find my monitor screen black with the power button blinking. I tend to keep my computer monitor on sometimes at night, it works very well as a night light. ([color="#808080"]Don't ask, I wake up every 4 hours it seems[/color]) Some time during the night something must have fried or happened with my monitor because it will not display a screen. It gives me nothing but black with either a green blinking power button or a glowing green power button that is not blinking- as though the monitor is displaying picture ([color="#808080"]which it is not[/color]). Now I'd like to see if there's something I can do about this without spending $99-150 bucks of my money, but my last option is to salvage the monitor for parts and throw the remains out and get a new one. ([color="#808080"]Or just get a laptop.[/color]) To give those of you who might be curious of how old my computer is in general, it still takes PC3200 memory. Though I am not certain what the age of the monitor is, I can only assume that it has not been passed around between computers. [b]Troubleshooting:[/b] [list] [*]I have checked to see if everything is plugged in correctly, and it is. [*]I have checked to see if it is displaying a green line or a dell logo,it shows nothing but a green blinking on button. [*]I have unplugged the monitor from not only my computer tower, but from the strip I have and then plugged it back in again. It gave no result. [*]I have tried it on another computer, again....nothing but a blinking green light. [*]I have also tried giving it a decent smack, but again.. nothing. [*]I have left it off for a prolonged amount of time to see if it is over heated or something of the sort, again it gives me the same result. [/list] [b]Other Information:[/b] [list] [*]The monitor and the computer are Dells. [*]They are quite old, at least 2000-2004. [*]The computer takes PC3200 memory, if that says anything about it's age. [*]The monitor has 1 power lead that plugs into a power strip or a wall, and 1 lead that plugs into the computer tower. [/list]
  12. Congrats, Handy.
  13. Happy 20th Birthday! I hope you have a good one!!
  14. Gah! I should have sent in an answer. Ah well, it was a fun challenge even without the reward or possibility of one.
  15. I'm saddened to see you leave, I've said my farewells and my good byes in PM, and I should hope you will return someday. I want to say, continue to create artwork.. you are incredibly talented at what you do and it would be a very sad thing to see such talent go to waste.
  16. I had not noticed this public log, usually because I tend to ignore arront222, however I agree that it is offensive and such comments should not be tolerated.
  17. One thing that I do admire about the Guardians is that they do not intentionally try to break the rules of the realm. This wish point fiasco, in my opinion, has only been brought about as a big deal out of boredom. In all honest truth I would have this thread closed, so not to start anymore pointless arguments. I don't agree with Sage in that she gave Kamisha a wish point, but what I do agree with is the kindness that Phantasm decided to show to someone who at least tries. Perhaps a wish point was not a proper gift, but it was a gift no less and I commend him for that.
  18. She does as she feels is best. I would trust her over many in the Realm.

  19. ...the Guardians thus far. I admire what you have done with the alliance, and that you have kept to some form of tradition.

    Thank you, over all, for not taking my anger personally.

  20. If there is one thing about the Guardians that I admire, it is that they do not try to break rules and do what they feel is best. When a rule is broken, it is more often than not accidental or a misunderstanding.

    Perhaps the rest of the realm should take them as an example in this instance.

    Anthalas, you have surprised me in the end. You've done a wonderful job with t...

  21. That is a bit odd, though I do know that people aid other people in sponsoring quests. That may be what you have here under the areas that mention quests and "guardian quest", etc. I am not certain.
  22. In many ways, I do not blame you.. but I think this is a rash decision. Many will miss you, including myself.
  23. Rather well, and yourself?

  24. [size="5"]Happy Birthday Karak!! [/size] Thank you for helping me time and time again with the duties of the CoE! Your a wonderful captain and well appreciated. I hope you have a wonderful birthday!
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