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Amoran Kalamanira Kol

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Everything posted by Amoran Kalamanira Kol

  1. Pample! You exist outside of MD too! I know it!! I'm from Texas.
  2. Yay! Smiling is good! Smile more!!
  3. Happy Birthday Siemon!! I hope things turned out well for you today anyway!
  4. You are either.. 1. Extremely happy 2. In a silly mood while being extremely happy. 3. Hyped up on caffine while being extremely happy. 4. Or you are drunk and extremely happy. 5. A combination of all of the above. Ducks and kittens are adorable, gotta say. /end of useless comment. XD
  5. The autumn wind is whispering again.

  6. I'm a Willow/bull. It's kind of neat, when I was younger there was a Willow tree in my grandmother's back yard. I remember only seeing it green once or twice but since then I've always been quite fascinated with Willow trees. This was something kind of fun to come across.
  7. It's a huge leap to just simply say that 'none of the current mp6 are active in their duties'. I send PMs to my adepts and my worshipers often to check on their progress and provide them with an opportunity for questions, I also do daily rounds in the realm to heal or help any of those who are bound to me. I often see Pamplemousse out and about quite often, healing and taking care of her worshipers and adepts as well. We all have different methods of participating in this mind power, and not all of us have to be incredibly active in one area (such as the Marble Dale Park) for us to achieve the purpose of this mind power. Before you went mp6, I did suggest to you that waiting may be a good idea, and it was simply because of the fact that you are young in the game and do not have a lot of experience. However, for a newer player, you did do well and I'm sure your worshipers and adepts will understand.
  8. [quote name='Shadowseeker' timestamp='1281043049' post='65190'] You need...a walkthrough for zelda game? Shame. Something I haven't seen yet..I don't think anyone will mention either, because I think it is a german book. Maerchenmond. By Hohlbein. I could list quite a few more, but I admit the Askir series got me hooked right now, by Richard Schwartz. [/quote] Well, I went half way through the game without the walk through, but got to the point to where I was tired of missing out on the skulltulas and various other hidden goodies. So, walk through it is! Reading currently: Sacred Places by Sarah Ann Osmen. Surprisingly it's actually an interesting read, if you happen to care about strange religious practices, taboo things, and sacred religious sites in the world.
  9. Today's fashion item.. Kitten jewelry, live cats that hang off of you to resemble painful lapel pins!

  10. Hello and welcome! Good to have another happy one in the game.
  11. Lifeline: I do not agree that february is not at fault. Granted there are certain flaws in the system, I'm sure, but that doesn't solve the current issue that february has presented. If only the system is repaired and he stays at his current level, with his massive amount of VE or stats (not certain about the stats), he can continue to do the same thing to mp3's over and over again. My opinion is that he should be moved to the next level, if he chooses not to do so on his own. As for why I decided to comment, I have reason to believe that one of my adepts had encountered his ritual, which pushed her to the mp3 cap. Because of this she decided to simply make a new account and start over. I personally do not have anything against february, nor do I talk to him much, thus I think a forced mp level raise is fair and I do like the suggestion of an item given to the kings that will give them the ability to do this. I'm not certain what my thoughts are concerning the sacrifice limit, though. I can see that potentially causing a problem, depending on what the limit is.
  12. I am not impressed. Letholdus: Click the images.. to upsize them.
  13. Whaat Else? Brilliant! I laughed aloud when the cartoon characters started coming into play.
  14. I apologize, I did not see your bid. Updated. Astrea sold to The Phoenix for 4 silver. The creature has less age than the previous one.
  15. 1 gold coin, 2 silver.
  16. Well, crap. Now the toaster is talking to me.

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Prince Marvolo
    3. death ray

      death ray

      can i stick my hand in it?

    4. Amoran Kalamanira Kol

      Amoran Kalamanira Kol

      I'd feed it cookies, but it'd burn them.

      As for DR...sure, just make sure you aren't wearing any rings.

  17. Muse Agliz sold to Khan, Front page is updated.
  18. Good ol' 13th... the bearer of bad news.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Curiose


      Yeah, what's wrong, Amo-Lady?

    3. Mr Mystery

      Mr Mystery

      my comp didnt function on the 13th lol >.<. Had some problem, adn i managed to find a solution on the 14th. so that kcan happen lol.

    4. Magnus X

      Magnus X

      its my bday on friday the 13th so it cant be that bad (at least for me) :)

  19. I will try to go to this event, unfortunately I work tomorrow, so I'm not sure if I'll be able to stay.
  20. Astrea is sold to Sasha for 5 coins.
  21. It is indeed a great idea! Thank you Mur for the the items, I have waited a long while to have them.
  22. There will be another White Service at 5:00 to 6:00 Server Time. I should hope that each of you are able to attend.

    1. LadyDawn


      Darn... darn...darn... I am mad on myself for missing this out... :(

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