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Amoran Kalamanira Kol

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Everything posted by Amoran Kalamanira Kol

  1. I am saddened to see one with so much potential to create leave the realm. If this is what you feel you must do, then do it and know that you will be missed by those who consider you a 'friend' in the realm. I hope there are ways for people to keep in touch with you outside, maybe drop in for Christmas. Who knows? Either way, I wish you the best and do hope to see a visit someday.
  2. F*ck politics.

    1. The Great Pashweetie
    2. Esmaralda


      Politics do suck indeed. I am behind you all the way!

  3. I will be leaving for the next few days due to a family emergency. My father is going to be having surgery on the 19th, and I will have to be there for him. I will try to check into the game if I have internet available, but I will not be able to spend much time. Mostly, I will log in to check PMs and messages, and remain updated. If any of my adepts or worshipers have any questions, do not feel bad about sending me a message. I will answer as soon as I am able. If I'm needed for any other reasons, again, please send a message. I'll do what I can, but my goal during the next couple of days will be to spend time with my father. Thank you all for understanding.
  4. MD related: Bothering Ailith in IM about what's going on, sending her pictures of crude Halloween costumes while giving them crude names like "Aunt Flo". (A long time ago in MD, I made an account called "angry vagina" who basically was pretty much what her namesake was. She ran around the newbie areas screaming about no one buying her nice things. To be precise: "No one ever buys me any clothes!!!" It was decided that the name 'angry vagina' was too graphic, so it was immediately changed to "Aunt Flo") Non MD related: Watching the kitten, who has been jumping vertically at the back window, which has a moth on it, for a good 10 minutes now. Uh..sitting with my mother as she taunts the kitten, drinking coffee. Not much, really.
  5. Happy Birthday Intrigue, may you forever throw flowers at people. Happy Birthday Kragel! Come around more often!!
  6. "Cloak of autumn shroud, I gaze, dim ricochet of stars. I reckon it is time for me to leave. You sleep in the light, yet the night and silent water, still so dark."

  7. "Cloak of autumn shroud, I gaze, dim ricochet of stars. I reckon it is time for me to leave. You sleep in the light, yet the night and silent water, still so dark."

  8. "Cloak of autumn shroud, I gaze, dim ricochet of stars. I reckon it is time for me to leave. You sleep in the light, yet the night and silent water, still so dark."

  9. "Cloak of autumn shrould, I gaze, dim ricochet of stars. I reckon it is time for me to leave. You sleep in the light, yet the night and silent water, still so dark."

  10. Look down your nose at someone more likely to piss at your feet, as you so wish them to.

    1. Blackwoodforest


      Look at your man, now back to me, back to your man - now BACK to me... :)

  11. We are all bending our tired leaves over your empty shell. In the sign of true esteem, are you beloved lord sighing deeply under these waterfalls?

  12. You get cookies. Lots of cookies. Cookies that taste like cheese, cookies that taste like cotton candy, cookies of generally all flavors.

    Oh, and hugs! Hugs too!

  13. "I've gotta say, I don't think I give a f***k."

  14. Saturn ascends, choose one or ten. Hang on or be humbled again.

    1. Magnus X

      Magnus X

      ..back in the atmosphere with drops of Jupiter...like summer..like rain..time to change...stay on the moon..listen like spring..talk like June....

  15. Thank you tons for letting me know what's going on! I really appreciate it!

  16. What do you believe his birthright is, Pample?
  17. Grant me another reason to dislike you..

    1. Curiose


      What happened? :c

    2. BFH


      Do you dislike me??

  18. I do not like that you did not include "0 silver" in your poll for the unaged Angien eggs section of the poll. If they have a year or more of age, then sure, they're worth something because of the gathered age. Usually they take about two months or so to even get to the point that you can include them in a battle, so of course they would be worth something with that much age. As for eggs that are new, I would say that they should not cost anything. If they are new: you still have to wait a couple months for them to age and there is nothing generally 'special' about them (except for the fact that they are angiens) besides the fact that you spent over 100-200AP to get them. So yes, I agree with what Tarquinus posted, no matter how harsh it may have sounded.
  19. Why must we put up with people who have the attention span and brain function of a retarded, disabled goldfish?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Amoran Kalamanira Kol

      Amoran Kalamanira Kol

      Sour, thick, and over all completely bony.

    3. Sharazhad


      well you dont have to put up with them... just ignore...

    4. Chewett


      ya gotta put up with me amoran, sorry but im not leaving yet :P

  20. Let us go there, to that other place, on wind bound wings above the ocean. Let us go.

    1. The Great Pashweetie

      The Great Pashweetie

      Why does everyone keep posting thess creepy statements oO im not going anywhere thank you!

    2. Amoran Kalamanira Kol

      Amoran Kalamanira Kol

      Who's to say I would actually take you anywhere?

  21. Happy Birthday Pample! I hope you have a good one!
  22. That's very weird because... I don't remember doing that. But now that I've checked, that seems to be the case.
  23. So.. a long, long time ago I had heard word during one of the old 'group chats' that used to occur on YIM, that voice might be incorporated into MD. I did not, however, expect that skype would be strangely compatible with the game. Is that what's going on here? Or is my computer on crack? [b][i]EDIT: This is my MD friend's list. [/i][/b]
  24. Happy birthday to the old and the young.
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