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Amoran Kalamanira Kol

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Everything posted by Amoran Kalamanira Kol

  1. [quote name='pamplemousse' timestamp='1289523056' post='71916'] So, the chatban lasts for [u]4 hours[/u], so I'm told. That seems [b]INCREDIBLY[/b] excessive. I understand that only one person can be banned at a time, and that there is, or will be, a cool down. But for those that are not on MD for long hours at a time, this seems a bit unfair. Of course, those that rebel will have to lose some rights, but if someone is rebelling, you most likely have an issue with a King and that King might be more inclined to want to shut you up because you are rebelling, not because what you are saying is inflammatory or negative. Being a rebel has its price, but not being able to speak anywhere in MD chat for 4 hours seems like a brutal muzzle for those in opposition to the Authority, not a real way for Kings to squelch an uprising. *edit* I don't want to just state what I think is wrong and "moan" so I will also offer suggestions. I would think that a ban of 30 minutes would be long enough to be a deterrent to rebellious speech, but would offer enough freedom to still actually be involved in MD. Alternatively, the 4 hour ban could remain but perhaps for every 5 or so silences, there would be a deterrent for the King. As in, *half a point given for every 5 casts of the Rebel Queller. *or for every 1 cast, The King would also not be able to speak. I just feel there needs to be something to balance the 4 hour ban, but that is just my opinion. [/quote] I commend you for bringing up the possibility of abuse, and helping to answer a few of my own questions. I must say that I do agree with the fact that a 4 hour ban is excessive. Considering that we do not know, for whatever reason, how long the item will take to 'cool down', this could very well be a problem. If it is as long as my gut tells me it is, a king could likely use it every 1-2 days and silence the rebels while talking about a useless topic like.. say, toast. I find that to be a bit ridiculous honestly. I feel that there should be a penalty for misusing the chat-ban item, as being shut up for 4 hours for talking about something unrelated to your so-called rebellion is, in my opinion, not alright. It is well understood that being a rebel has it's draw-backs but... that item should be regulated in some way. Not just by mechanics and cogwheels, but by rules. As to what rule, I leave that for those in this topic to debate. This is just my small bit of input.
  2. Information about a few of the avatars: Avatar 1 - "Weapon Master Aleron": This avatar was drawn by GlorDamar to represent Aleron, the weapon master/weapon crafter. However, it can truly be representative of anyone. In Glor's opinion, when he showed it to me before it was released, he commented that it was one of his better bits of artwork. Avatar 2 - "The wolf": this avatar was drawn by a very old and very respected artisan named Morrel. It is one of the older avatars in the game and one of the few submitted by him. Avatar 3 - "Smiling Fairy": This avatar is a generation 6 avatar, and I believe it was from a commissioned set by an artist outside of MD. I'm uncertain of this though, I tried to find information regarding the generation 6 set quite some time ago and had very little luck. As to the value of avatars, it's surely understandable that you have spent a long while gathering these, and that you may have dipped into your own funds to get them, but I would still consider the general value of an avatar. The avatars you buy in the shop are worth one credit, to sell them to the shop, you are given 3 credits. I'm not sure what this would process to in gold/silver/coin, but do keep the prices somewhat fair if you intend to sell them. Normally I would not agree to this sort of 'buying and selling' at all, but I am glad to see some of the more detailed works being revealed. These artists no doubt worked hard to create these, and I have said and will always say, let them be viewed.
  3. Please remember that all participants are to PM me their list of completed or mostly completed names. If you cannot find all of the names, PM me what you have and you will be judged on timing and accuracy. Remember, a wish point is at stake!
  4. =_= It's too early. Way too early.

    1. Grido


      Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay too early

  5. A lovely entry BFH. I would like to announce that the Artwork Quest as well as the Scavenger Hunt have been extended for another week! Get your entries in! Send me that list of names!
  6. Public Log Scavenger Hunt! [size="4"]Explaination[/size] - This scavenger hunt is mainly aimed at the younger, newer generations of the realm. It is designed for the new ones to 'meet' the older generation, or those who may aid them well in the future. So, instead of simply hunting for names to receive a wish point, hunt for conversation. This is meant to be enjoyable, not your usual boring "seek and find" quest. Those who wish to participate must seek the owners of each of these 25 public log entries. Make a list of names as you find the owner of each public log, and wish each of these people a friendly hello along the way. PM me the list of names for judging. I will not answer whether anyone is correct, but the first one to complete this correctly will likely get a wish point. The second may gain a creature, and the third may gain some silver. Answers and prizes will be distributed at the end of the festival, or the time allowed for the quest may be extended depending on how many join. [size="4"]Rules for the Scavenger Hunt[/size] - I am not certain if there is a specific way to 'cheat' at this, however.. if I find that anyone who has previously completed the quest has cheated.. you will not receive a wish point, and you will be banned from participating in any further festival events. [size="4"]Reward[/size] - One wish point to the first person to complete this quest correctly or semi-correct. To begin.... 1. So cute when he\'s being all big and strong. 2. Boho skirt meets toast hand. 3. Beauty so deadly Beauty so dark Eyes so steadily A flame from a spark 4. He has my interest, He has caught my eye, This i know is not a lie, Survivor of my dark kiss, Giver of my Bliss. 5. I have never seen such an intensely roleplayed handshake as the one he had with burns. 6. She has a heart of gold and a face as pretty as the dew sparkling on a early winters morn.....a good friend. 7. Beaconsteins Monster... 8. Ghostie is pretty cool. 9. dosent know bout words to much sorry to say 10. Crazy as a peach-orchard boar, but a sweetie... even when she is acting all sarcastic and mysterious and stuff. She\'s totally gonna rule the world. Funnier and more creative than anyone I know. 11. Tricksy...thats what he is... 12. A new man with a hint of darkness. His eyes see what others can not in the dark.A good friend and excellent dueling companion. 13. Too clever by half. 14. Most certainly a traitor - power corrupts absolute power corrupts absolutely. 15. Owed one silver for returning a valued item. 16. A wonderful person. Good friend, gives good advice, definitely someone who deserves respect. ps. I have given his fluffiness braids and fine white flowers. Quite a lovely bit of work, if I do say so myself. 17. Poor sad clown, yet unafraid of the invisible boxes. Her hug kinda takes your breath away. 18. Wise fellow, always seeking answers to better himself, if you are his friend then you are blessed if you are his foe, Mur help you.. 19. An undead huh? The dead sure find the living amusing. 20. Gifted. Were she on the market, I should purchase her. 21. May you grow big and strong, and have many women... 22. He seems very lonely. One will always love and lose, and with hope such love will return. 23. One of the most naturally gifted poets in the realm. Funny, bold, and sharp. I am honored to call her Legend Speaker and rival. 24. I am honoured to know her, and call her friend. Her gentle smile and warm words always sooth that which is rough and lost within. 25. Canny and trustworthy. A friend. One whose wisdom oft falls on deaf ears. [size="4"]Note: There are ways to cheat at this, but if I catch anyone cheating you will be disqualified. -This is also posted in my quest page, but very few people have participated so the quest has been extended for another week.[/size]
  7. Happy Birthday Sparr!! I hope you have a good one!
  8. Thank you to everyone who attended the events of the festival. I hope each and every one of you enjoyed yourselves this week! Judging will begin soon and rewards will be handed out after judging is complete.
  9. Those who stand in the shadow of truth will see no light, for the storm will grow and we will be powerless against it's might.

  10. To Yoshi: Why yes, that most certainly counts! Ravenstrider: I quite like the second entry, it reminds me of a feather.
  11. Stand beside me and face the howling storms, the clouds come swiftly, unexpectedly. It's wind will slice the air, our skin will shatter, and we will have bled for it.

  12. A Red Service will begin at Maple Road in 30 minutes. Please come join in!
  13. I hope everyone enjoyed their holiday. Unfortunately the most I got to do was celebrate by eating a candy apple.

    1. Udgard


      Well at least you got to celebrate! We don't celebrate halloween here >.<

  14. @ Mr. Mystery: It can be made in any way, as long as it is considered an original work. @ Dst: There are the themes of a full moon, a cup of wine, an ritual knife, and a withered tree. Essentially that is an altar with a prepared ritual. These themes work with autumn. There is a classic ritual that relates to paganism or wicca (I forget which honestly), I believe which you are supposed to do during Samhain (hallow's eve, halloween) where you are supposed to bathe before the ritual and use a glass of red wine as a tool during the ritual. It's partly why I included wine as one of the themes of autumn. Here's a quick example of the ritual, I think it can be modified for personal preference according to the user: http://www.amerindea.com/spell-samhain.html
  15. The next story telling session has been moved to 23:00 server time on day 303. Prepare your stories, friends!
  16. Granos has bowel problems...

    1. Granos


      That may or may not be true and may or may not have to do with my name >>

    2. Guest



  17. First Entry by Master Hitoshi He submitted two works that will be counted as one. This is allowed.
  18. [center][url="http://magicduel.invisionzone.com/topic/8275-fall-themed-artwork-quest/"]Link to the Fall Themed Artwork Quest thread.[/url][/center] [center]Click here to submit your artwork.[/center] [center]Public Log Scavenger hunt is set up in my quest page. Please check it if you wish to participate.[/center] [center][url="http://magicduel.invisionzone.com/topic/8276-mushroom-hunt/"]Curi's mushroom is gone! Quest link. (Check Marvolo's Quest page, or the forum to find more information.)[/url][/center]
  19. [center]The Artwork Quest is finally here! Due to a large number of questions concerning the last artwork quest that was held, I have decided to create a fall themed artwork quest which will be a part of the Children of the Eclipse's Autumn Festival! If you wish to participate in the Quest, please check my quest page for more information.[/center] Examples of fall themes: Harvest moons, autumn leaves, acorns, wine, pumpkins, gourds, purple grapes, fire, blood. [size="4"]From quest page:[/size] [size="3"]1) [/size][size="3"]Explanation[/size] - This is an art contest for those of the realm who seek to show their ability with a pencil, pen, or color anything. It is a contest in which those who participate are expected to send in one well drawn fall-themed work of art. It can be done in any medium, and the person who does his best with it will receive a wish point. This contest will last all week, and.. depending on the amount of entries sent in during the week of festival, for the rest of the month. (In this case it may last for a total of 2 weeks) [size="3"]2)[/size] [size="3"]Rules[/size] - 'Cheating' is difficult for this contest as well, however if I find that anyone has plagiarized a work of art (used another artist's work as their own), they will not receive a reward and will be banned from participating in any festival events. All entries must be original, I do not mind 'copying' a work as long as you make that work your own. Copying a pose, or a stance, or taking an idea and working it into something new is fine in my book, so long as it is creatively done. The entry must be YOUR ARTWORK. [size="3"]3)[/size] [size="3"]How to send in art [/size]- There will be a thread made on the forum concerning the festival, you may post your artwork in this thread. * In order to participate, you must have access to a scanner or some type of image producing technology (Example: a camera, webcam, etc.). * Please do not spam this thread with nonsense. * Enjoy!
  20. Are you prepared for the Autumn Festival?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Peace


      I am not, still haven't received my autumn outfits.. Grido has them!

    3. Prince Marvolo
    4. Asterdai


      there are outfits involved! *grins* i cant wait to see

  21. Happy Birthday meanie!! I'll have to send you a gift.
  22. As above, so below.

    1. Prince Marvolo

      Prince Marvolo

      The lips of wisdom are closed except to the ears of understanding

    2. The Great Pashweetie

      The Great Pashweetie

      silence wouldnt exist without noise.

    3. Magnus X

      Magnus X

      and the ears of understanding opens

      to the heart of patience.

      silence was in the beginning and it was all good til noise came and broke it.

  23. Update: I woke up in a really poor mood this morning, expecting that as I opened my eyes, I'd be drug off to the hospital with barely any time to get ready to watch my father get dissected... And instead, I woke up at noon to: "The surgery is postponed." They have decided to wait and inspect my father's surgery, do some nerve tests to find out if there's a way they can do something simpler that uses less 'hard ware' as they put it. So this time my absence has been postponed, I will be available more in the next couple of days. So, that was unexpected and strange.. but they're good doctors, they would rather not have my father make a major life-long decision if there's a simpler- more reasonable way to do the surgery.
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