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Amoran Kalamanira Kol

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Everything posted by Amoran Kalamanira Kol

  1. The Eclipse is currently recruiting Knights, Priests, or Priestesses. If you have an interest in the Children of the Eclipse, reply to this thread and I will PM you instructions in game or in the forum regarding recruitment. To join the Eclipse, we wish our to-be members to be knowledgeable in the alliance structure. Please read this topic: [url="http://magicduel.invisionzone.com/topic/6619-children-of-the-eclipse-information-update/"][u]Children of the Eclipse Information Thread[/u][/url] -Priestess -Priest -Knight of the Half Moon -Knight of the Full Moon If you have any questions regarding recruitment, Amoran K Kol and Tarquinus will be stationed at either the Hidden Exit, Maple Road, Ravenhold, or The Marble Dale Park. Please note that the Eclipse does not exclusively accept fighters as knights. We also accept people who are willing to learn about battle, who wish to become knights for that reason. -Amoran Kalamanira Kol, Sybil of the Eclipse.
  2. Loreroot does a festival per season. The Children of the Eclipse is currently planning the Festival of the Sun which will celebrate the sun, as well as summer.
  3. It is all false pretension, harlequin forest. Awaiting redemption for a life time - as they die alone with no one by their side are they forgiven?

  4. Why.. oh, why is it 4 in the morning?

  5. I am very interested in the Teleport to Oak Fort stone that you have, but I currently have only creatures to trade as I had exhausted my coins earlier in the year from quests and such.
  6. Eon, I need to speak with you ASAP.

  7. It's very boxy, but interesting. I like it...

  8. Plant suggestions, if they have not already been suggested: [u]7-layer forest garden[/u] [b]upper canopy:[/b] -Pecan trees -Willow trees -Apple trees -Peach trees -Pine trees -Maple trees -Birch trees [b]lower canopy[/b] -'Japanese maples' -Plum trees -Crepe Myrtles [b]shrub layer[/b] -Hibiscus -Gold Leaf Spirea -Azaleas -Dwarf Crepe Myrtle [b]herbacious layer[/b] -French lavender -Basil -Sage -White sage -Mint either spearmint or peppermint. -Ornamental Peppers -Chamomile -Dwarf Hibiscus -Catnip -Cat mint -Dill -Thyme [b]ground cover root layer vine layer[/b] I will add more suggestions to the list when I think of more.
  9. The concept of the ritual my character performed is a grounding ritual that you perform in meditation with a tree, or a plant. [url="http://www.meditationescape.com/grounding-meditation.html"]Scroll down to 'Sample Grounding Meditation'[/url] Explaination: You approach a tree if you feel that the tree accepts you coming into it's space, and kneel. You place your palms against the tree's trunk and tell it a story (whether it be something about your life, or something that has happened recently that has caused an emotional distress in you, just tell it a story.) - all the while feeling the tree's solidness against your hands. Try to feel in tune with the earthly energy of the tree [or plant] you are telling the story to, and when you open your eyes, if you feel refreshed and clear-minded.. you have done the meditation correctly. This kind of ritual is something that my character regularly performs at the Oak Fort, and the rituals have been recorded on her personal journal. [The link to her journal is in her 'About me' papers.] Roleplayed at the Oak Fort, Amoran performed the same meditation style ritual to calm herself in a time of crisis. Other alliance members were welcome to join her but no one showed up, except Marvolo. Recorded ritual: [color="#4169E1"][i]: Amoran K Kol crosses the bridge, her feet thumping softly against the weathered wood. : Amoran K Kol moves into the anchored roots of the Oak Fort, kneeling before the tree's great trunk. : Amoran K Kol rests her palms against the Fort's rough bark, closing her eyes, letting herself feel the solidness of the great tree towering before her.[/i][/color] Amoran K Kol: [color="#4169E1"][i]*speaks with a soft tone..*[/i][/color] May I tell you a story, great oak? [color="#4169E1"][i]: Amoran K Kol remains quiet for a moment, listening to the wind. : Marvolo goets to sit next to the lake, watching Amoran as she performs her ritual : Amoran K Kol lowers her head, resting her forehead against the Fort's trunk.[/i][/color] Amoran K Kol: The air is stale in this land... the smell of blood drifts in the air. Amoran K Kol: It is heavy.. Amoran K Kol: Metallic. Amoran K Kol: It holds a taste of iron.. Amoran K Kol: Our sybil sleeps.. and the moon hides her face to us. Amoran K Kol: The sun burns us, warms our skin.. and we move beneath it in ignorance, like nothing is wrong. Amoran K Kol: The kings of the land are dead.. and the crime feels...heavy. Sudden. It has not caught us completely. Amoran K Kol: I worry.. that through these trying times, that I will drift in the winds that carry the smell of our king's demise. Amoran K Kol: I seek an anchor. Amoran K Kol: I seek roots that are buried deep within this land. Amoran K Kol: Hold me to the soil, my Fort.. Amoran K Kol: Life, for you. Water, for you.. [color="#FF8C00"][b]: [Spell] Days beneath a shaded willow, under a shadow clad sky, time moves in circles.[/b][/color] [color="#4169E1"][i]: Amoran K Kol Shudders as clouds gather overhead, her pale skin lighting with a soft white glow. : Amoran K Kol opens her eyes and raises her features to the Fort's canopy as rain dances across her face. : Amoran K Kol 's lips curl into a content smile that touches her eyes.[/i][/color] Amoran K Kol: So few wished to join me in this grounding, but thank you.. my Fort. [color="#FF8C00"][b]: [Spell] Earthen Binding - Amoran K Kol[/b][/color] Marvolo: Amounts do not matter, rain does. Spells used: Weather Heavy Rain, Movelock
  10. It would certainly be grand if this was turned into an in-game event, rather than an obnoxious gloating act. As for Jester's choice of citizenship, I've been curious about that too. A king is not king if he is not even a part of his own land.
  11. Is there any way I might be included in the testing of the seeds? I've gathered at least three of them.
  12. It appears that the bug was fixed. When I logged on earlier, I was able to move. Also, BFH, I never run a cleaner of any sort unless everything is closed.
  13. While I do not mind entirely, I am trapped at the Oak Fort and am unable to move. I keep getting the same error, no matter how many times I restart my browser, clear my cache, or clear my history. I've run two cleaner scans on my computer thus far, and nothing has changed. [b]"Please clear cache and refresh your interface. If this problem persists, try again in a few minutes or report it as a bug."[/b] At this point, I would regard this as a bug. To my knowledge, there are other users in the game who are using fire fox without a problem at the moment, and that happens to be the browser I use. What should I do concerning this movement issue?
  14. Thank you to my adepts for aiding me in remaining mp6. You are all appreciated greatly.

  15. Happy Birthday, my king. And to you as well, Dari, dragon of Loreroot! I hope you each have a good one. Oh, and Firs, don't get too drunk.
  16. I would like to make a suggestion concerning the Legend's List. As I cannot for the life of me recall who is on it, I would like to suggest BlackThorn to be added to the list. For many months during the early days of Loreroot, BlackThorn, Nelya, Savelfuser, Knator Commander and several other influential characters put their heads together and started to work on the general structure of the Guardians. BlackThorn, as I recall, had a great impact on that particular structure. [b][Edit: Please keep in mind that some of the information regarding the Guardian's history may have happened a bit different than the way I have spoken of it here. I do not know the exact events that occurred back then, but I can only say what I have read and seen myself from the people who were around during that time.][/b] There was also a large project some time after, back when I first joined, that was meant to add some bit of culture or presence to Loreroot. Though it was something that did not make it into the game, as I believe it was rejected by Muratus, it was still a massive undertaking. It later was to be made into a large and 'epic' quest, but there was not enough player involvement to make it into one, and so it fell under once again. From this project, which was inspired by MD, I have on my computer an entire folder with 3 pages worth of writing, artwork (of at least 30 or more detailed scene illustrations), and other creative things (writing and the like) contributed by players (some of which still play the game occasionally) and BlackThorn's user himself. BlackThorn has also created some recent history with Loreroot, though it is quite negative history- it still caused tremors through the realm. He has also given MD some of it's most creative and detailed avatars, which inspires me to mention his time in the Artisans Guild. ----- [b][Edit #2: Adding another nomination, so I don't have to make another post to crowd the thread with.][/b] Though GlorDamar has already been nominated, I would like to elaborate a bit on what exactly he did. Not only was he the true alliance leader of the Artisans, he was the first Artisan and is considered it's founder. During my time as an Artisan, under Kalamanira Kol, he was my boss and managed who became an artisan and who did not. He also spent a large amount of time drawing for MD, whether it be avatars or scenes- he helped develop and draw a large portion of the archives as well. It was a large undertaking, but his artwork is still seen in the realm.
  17. Happy Birthday Jon!! I hope you're doing well!
  18. We still exist in the community, but we are few and far between now. Do not give up on seeking proper role play. It is there, but it is difficult to find.
  19. From Kiley, who may not have a forum account: "Dear Amoran, Upon entering this realm I was plagued with a reoccuring dream. I wake on the golden beaches of Golemus, the sun shining down on my body. As I lay on my stomach I close my eyes, tranquility filling my mind...It is then that the beast emerges from the water. Slowly I turn my head, his very essense permeating my being as he comes to me. I know he is trying to speak to me..not with words, but in my mind. I can not understand and become distressed as I feel the urgency behind his need. I awaken with him in my mind every morning and have spent many days searching for the meaning or the actual man that comes to me, demanding me to remove my mask. I have found what it is that I have searched for Amoran and am now forever changed. The mask I've hidden behind is slowly being removed, allowing me to embrace the heart that has been hidden for too long. As you can see from Kiley's dream and the ensuing journey the avi is more than a perfect fit for my evolving charecter. I do not know what dear Kiley's future holds, but am confident that not only will she surprise me but all of MD." [b][size="4"]Edit: Avatar has been granted to Kiley for her role.[/size][/b]
  20. Hello and welcome. If you have any questions, don't hesitate to ask. There are many helpful people in the game, not everyone bites.
  21. I recently took a look at the avatars that I have stored in my vault, and I currently hold two avatars that need a home. I would prefer if someone wore them who had a 'similar' or 'matching' role to what is displayed in the artwork. The avatars are as follows: 1. [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v681/JadeShade/fairydance.jpg[/IMG] [b]Description:[/b] A simple fairy with segmented wings flying while summoning a sort of energy to her right hand. This is an avatar that I drew and uploaded. 2. [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v681/JadeShade/harlequin.jpg[/IMG] [b][size="4"]Harlequin has been granted to Kiley for her role.[/size][/b] What I want each of you who might be interested in these two avatars to do is to post a brief description of your role, tell me why you think you deserve this avatar, and tell me how it inspires the character or role you play. The Quest ends when I feel I have found two new homes for the avatars.
  22. Amoran Kalamanira Kol


    Projects unrelated to MD. Book covers, graphics work, etc.
  23. This particular union is based off of the aspect that adepts are expendable, like employees at a cheap part-time fast food job. The simple fact is that they are not. Adepts, as I stated in my first post, are earned through respect. What makes this idea a problem to genuine protectors is that the activity scale fluctuates during the week. You could start the week off with 38 adepts and end the week with 31 adepts. Taking only a few from each protector could essentially remove each protector from mp6 status, especially considering the amount of people in MD who are 'young players' who have what is known as a life outside the game. The simple fact is that treating the mp6 status like this will destroy a large bit of work that genuine protectors put into becoming mp6, and yes it takes quite a lot of patience to help people on such a massive scale.
  24. His words are flies, swarming towards the true insects. Feasting on buried dreams and spreading decay upon your skin.

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