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Amoran Kalamanira Kol

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Everything posted by Amoran Kalamanira Kol

  1. In a lot of ways your right, but then again over the past month quite a few good ideas I have seen posted in the forum that would actually be GOOD for the game have been shot down immediately, threads closed, etc. The power to create and inspire is within the player's hands, yes, but for me in truth what hinders people from going forward with ideas is the attitude that what you do does not truly matter that leaves me personally unwilling to create or do something interesting. It gives me the thought of, "Why even bother?" Well, for one, doing a role play quest would be fun, it would be interesting, but there's also a very good chance that about half of what I plan to do with the quest will get mocked, insulted, shot down, or generally disrupted in some way. This does not encourage creativity, it limits it, and this is exactly why I have done nothing incredibly important in game for the past six months. If you want people to be inspired, if you want the chain of inspiration to continue, then one has to inspire people to do something fun and new. I see no encouragement lately, and I see negative attitudes towards newbies that were not present when I first joined. Perhaps it is that we, the veterans, are tired of many things or maybe it's that the quality of new players in general has declined, I cannot say. What I do know, however, is that it is OUR DUTY as veteran players to encourage creativity in new players and inspire them. Even if you feel powerless to do something yourself, you can at least inspire others. If you want change, let the ideas flow.
  2. I think that at the moment the Item Owners list causes more harm than good, however I do see the potential in keeping such a list in the side menu. It may work better if it were organized and set up in a different way, but at the moment with the way it is currently I do not see a reason in keeping the list around. If the market for items were constantly in circulation and constantly moving I could see the potential in it.. but for now it sits in the side menu and has no general purpose because the market is somewhat slow when it comes to items. I do see hoarding of items, most often to get to the top of the list, and this boosts reputation/ego and.. at the moment it just isn't a good thing because.. truthfully, what is the point in items if they are nothing more than trophies? I voted yes, it should be removed.
  3. In no particular order: Mya Celestia - A kind person, always looking to make people feel better, always trying to solve problems in the best way that she can. She works hard and deserves as many hugs as I or anyone can give her. Shadowseeker - He has always been an inventive force in the game and even outside of it, he claims to be lazy but I disagree. He's a great roleplayer, and a loyal friend if he so chooses to befriend you. Burns - Burns, you are a fire ball with a stick sword and a smiley shield! A silly guy with a great sense of humor and even more so? He knows that making you laugh makes you feel alot better when things just generally suck. Marvolo - Artsy as hell, more interesting than he lets people believe he is. He's a great guy to talk to about...well, just about anything. He has always given me honest opinions and spoken openly. I'm grateful to have gotten to know him better. Tara- I don't know you well, but you know? You've got a bit of fire to you, and I appreciate your openness and your freedom of speech. Lady Dawn - She's smart as hell, observes well, and pays attention. She's new to the game and already she knows more than most mp4s do. She's a good person to talk to, a fun person to chat about artwork with, over all a great friend! Poe - Intelligence burns in this one, she's wise and has given me a great opinion on alot of things. I have not encountered a bad roleplay session from her yet and I continue to see her blossom and grow in game. Out of game? She's a good friend, we've had a few laughs together! Pamplemousse - I don't know if we see eye to eye 100% the time, but one thing is certain.. she is bluntly honest, she is very very sweet, and she is definitely not untasty. I met pample back when I was mp4, and she has been watchful of me and others around her. She notices alot that maybe some people might not even bother to notice. Seriously, if you don't know her- you should get to know her! One thing holds true for me about Pamps, I have always considered her a beautiful person with a tough exterior and sometimes, a fragile heart. Tarquinus/Keith - This guy has pulled me out of a metephorical hole many times. He's a good friend and an even better person to talk to and really? Pay attention when he talks in game, theres alot more to what he says than you think. Lately, I stick around just to chill with this guy and I've got alot to thank him for and most definitely not all of his kindness can be repaid, but damn it I'll still try. Of anyone in this game, I am most grateful for meeting him. A friend who makes the tough times, and even the not so tough times a little easier. Dark Mystic - My favorite trouble maker! She definitely makes things interesting, not just in game but even out of it. Cracks me up in YIM, gives me amazing advice, and drinks tons of wine! You might look at her and think one thing, but the next your opinion will totally change, sometimes for the worst, sometimes for the better, more often than not.. the better. Of the many beautiful people in the game, she shines and I am very glad and even happy that I met her. Innocence - A bubbly force of nature who is an incredible friend, a great roleplayer, and deserves even more compliments than I can give. Sometimes doesn't think much about herself, but you know.. theres alot to see in this painting, reminds me of a magic eye picture. You have to squint and focus to understand everything on the page but when you do, your amazed and completely grateful for the knowledge and maybe even the advice she's given you. Many more nice things to say about people... Comin' up. Thanks Mya, you've gotten me into a complimenting mood! Surely you realize this is your fault?
  4. This is not at all acceptable. It is incredibly offensive, this is a total invasion of privacy and more over its over an out of game issue? Everyone should be able to enjoy the game without these kinds of things occurring within it. Whether it be from people pulling logs of conversations and passing them around or people threatening to pass private pictures about, insulting others in the game via PM or worse, it should not be tolerated. I remember what this person did at Christmas of last year and his constant attacks against another established member, it was not okay then and it is not okay now. As to what to do? Well that would be up to the game owner I would think.
  5. Hail, King Jester! Well, dead Jester.. but uh, still!
  6. SANDRA! *pounces and huggles* Its alive! Did you bring the infectious giggle with you???
  7. Bump- The highest I am willing to pay for a rustgold is 120 silver, and the lowest: 80-90 silver.
  8. Nah, your a sweet grapefruit all on your own. I just prefer my grapefruit with some sugar! (not necessarily a bag though >.>)

  9. *pours a bag of sugar on Pample and ruuuuns*

  10. All I have to say is this... I see absolutely no problem with helping a newbie out who has been trying at beating the Guards for a month or more, in fact I believe that's something that is referred to as giving people who know less a bit of a break. In concern with simply giving every newbie you see the answers? I do not agree. Give them creative hints, give them little pushes in the right direction but don't directly spill how to beat the Guardians. The Guardians are there for a reason, and that reason specifically is to teach others a bit about battle.
  11. Czez: I think its absolutely fine if you are using the items to keep them in your inventory UNTIL they are used, however when I speak of hoarding I merely mean that people collect such items simply for the sake of collecting them or ending up at the top of a list. If you look on the item owner's list, there is an account that has a massive number of items- specifically metal items and the like- who doesn't appear to be active at all. Metal items are by far the most difficult items to gather in MD and I see this person having at least 4, perhaps 5 of them. The point is, it does not help to hoard the items that would under normal circumstances be most useful, in fact it hurts the creation process more than anything. I believe that having markets for each land would be a somewhat decent idea, and it would only make sense to me that such markets should exist.. however, how would such a thing work? Who would manage it? Would it be self automated or would it be something similar to the Material Vault? Marvolo: The weight thing is a good idea, it'd keep people from carrying too many, though... I think the crafters would be very slow! [quote]"The current usable items allow for dynamic item creation, for example you could have an lumber axe and if you are in certain places on the map the axe could spawn a certain number if wood chunks for example. This can be made for example for christals, metals etc. The other items such as tools , could convert a certain number of raw materials in your inventory into a more rare items. This sounds nice I know. There is also a restricted place in MB reserved for a possible mining camp...but...what is the impact of such a feature on the long run...how would you get a manufacturing tool or a gathering tool. I am afraid this will only make strong players richer and will cause a huge item inflation destroyin the importance of items overall. still thinking about it..."[/quote] It would definitely be an interesting concept but I understand the complications of it. (edit: sorry, skimming through the topic bit by bit.. haven't checked it for a few days.)
  12. Wonderful friend and person in general. Outstanding role player!

  13. :| Are you selling it for 150 silver again?
  14. [quote name='dst' date='20 January 2010 - 06:53 AM' timestamp='1263992020' post='53102'] But what good will the papers do to Loreroot? I mean, if you don't have it you cannot enter Loreroot anymore or? For Necro is understandable since few actually have access and this will allow players who chose a different path to enter it. A bit strange for GG but that is a different story... [/quote] What good will loreroot pass papers do? What if we have a newbie of sorts who wishes a tour of the land? We could give them the pass papers and allow them access for only one week. There are plenty of uses, Dst. I recently dealt with a situation where an mp4 had been having trouble beating the Lorerootian guards. She desperately wanted to see the Loreroot lands and I ended up using a spell to give her a tour. She has recently beaten the guards, but if I had pass papers before they would have been quite handy in this situation.
  15. I've noticed recently that there are a couple of members that are hoarding creation items and not even using them. They simply sit on the account of said person like a trophy. Mind you not all items need to be used but... a few people seem to have oodles and oodles of items that could be handy to use in the item creation process but they are unwilling to sell or use any of them because they are...trophies? I guess that's the best way to put it. Item hoarding to sit at the top of the 'Item owners' list. Anything that can be done about this? I'm just curious, I have a couple of items that I'd like to make for some quests that require the use of steel or metal for instance, but almost all of those kind of items are considered to be valuable and are seriously seriously difficult to get ahold of. A lot of raw materials seem to be hoarded by an inactive player, there could just be more items made but wouldn't that cause a kind of inflation and reduce the value? Edit: Elaborated a bit.
  16. I will miss playing in the game with you, Aeo. I'm certain many will miss you. I have stated before, it makes me sad when friends leave, and you Aeo I do consider a friend. I don't know what caused your sudden leave, but I can make many many guesses. Be well, I will talk to you in YIM.
  17. [quote name='Phantom Orchid' date='17 January 2010 - 03:01 AM' timestamp='1263718892' post='52863'] I echo these remarks. Furthermore, as non-citizens of each land can obtain torches, I'm afraid this 'contest' does not reflect each land as it might. And finally, how can this contest be so heavily weighed when it is so easily, and effectually, exploitable? [/quote] I carried a torch for Loreroot out of duty for Firsanthalas, as I am a Full moon knight. I do not enjoy this contest, I do not see a point in it in all honestly.
  18. Create a character, work on developing the character's persona. Gather creatures and build up your profile based on the character you play, then try to find an alliance to join. Make plenty of friends along the way and gather as much info about the game as you can, many things will aid you including your creatures.
  19. He keeps scaring me with is talk of leaky bags and kitties. Should I be afraid? Should I run for the hills??

  20. I do not claim to like Dst's view on this or the way she handles things, nor do I claim to particularly care for how she "hunts people" in the game. (Pardon me, but that isn't playing a role.) So far, all I see is Dst trying to drive people she personally dislikes out of the game. Especially people she openly dislikes. I will not argue that she has done good things for the game [i]before[/i] but I am tired of these kinds of things happening and I'm even more tired of not being able to enjoy a game because of certain people that are sad enough to hunt others who want nothing, absolutely [b]nothing[/b] to do with them. We were polite when she walked in on us, we cleared the chat and asked if there was anything we could do for her, and for whatever reason that gave her the incentive to invade our privacy by pulling the log of what was cleared in the chat and then, not only that, but making rude comments in the mood panel about it? That is immature and childish on more levels than I can express. What did she continue to do? She continued to return to the Tower and pull the logs, even logs of cleared chat that had nothing but innocent mushy junk in them. What do we get when we express dislike over this sort of treatment? We get told, "If you don't like it, leave." To tell another person to leave the game because of harassment is wrong on more levels than you know, and in most games the person DOING the harassment would have been banned a long time ago. As I have said before, she is a woman with a grudge who is more than a little openly selfish and I want nothing to do with a person with such obviously skewed morals. I play the game for only one reason now, and that reason is not nor will ever be for Dst.
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