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Dark Mystic

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Everything posted by Dark Mystic

  1. Happy Birthday! Hope you have a great day!
  2. Happy Birthday hon! :drinks:
  3. *smiles wickedly and begins to count her coins* :diablo:
  4. As you already know, I am very sad to hear this. Do what you need to. I hope that you will return, not only because you're my friend, but I truly believe you are an asset to this game. Much love, Mysti
  5. Happy Birthday! :yahoo:
  6. Happy Birthday Mur! :drinks: :clapping: :yahoo: I hope you have a great day!
  7. As a member of The Children of the Eclipse, I am sworn to protect Loreroot. I also wish to learn her secrets and ask that you will consider me for this journey. Dark Mystic Priestess of the Hidden Moon
  8. Are you still around Morrell? If so, I would like to speak with you.

  9. :friends: Happy Birthday Je! :clapping: :yahoo:
  10. It was a wonderful time. A memory I shall cherish always!
  11. Yes, Dark Side of the Moon is a must!
  12. I would like to attend the ceremony. Dark Mystic
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