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Everything posted by Sharazhad

  1. [i][color="#2e8b57"]WELCOME!!! I hope to see you in Loreroot soon. [/color][/i]
  2. [i][color="#2e8b57"]Im not against GGG but i can see why people are. [/color][/i] [i][color="#2e8b57"]For those that dont know I prolly have the worst connection in MD It makes playing MD really difficult as quite often I will appear online but cant load the screen; nevermind setting a rit up in time, or setting a proper defense. I usually hop over to GGG to train a crit or two in order help myself from being obliterated. I dont stat grind - I literally dont have the time for that, but I have found it really useful to help to get where I am today. [/color][/i] [i][color="#2e8b57"]I quite agree that it is beneficial if you learn the various skills of creatures in order to set up a rit that works for you. You cant do that from stat grinding. I would never understand which creatures work best together without trying it first. Its quite pointless having a strong army and not knowing what to be able to do with it.[/color][/i] [i][color="#2e8b57"]Pip and redneck I clearly remember seeing the two of GGG quite happily gaining the benefits from the training ground. I think it quite hypocritical of the two of you to start chanting for its closure. [/color][/i] [i][color="#2e8b57"]Z and Kyphis - I agree with you, prior to GGG people would hang around pubs and Inns waiting for a fight. Th I miss the pubs...I remember winds used to be quite active! Now its almost like a cemetery. Too many people have forgotten how to RP. One cant RP much at GGG without being told to stop spamming the chat. However there are far too many players with powerful crits that if a player wanted to play the game without using tokens and shop crits they would be right and truely screwed.!! [/color][/i] [i][color="#2e8b57"]Since MD is about balance; you can't just obliterate GGG. I think certain measures should be put up to curb stat grinding such as:[/color][/i] [i][color="#2e8b57"]1) Limit the amount of times a player can visit GGG[/color][/i] [i][color="#2e8b57"]2) Limit his stay at GGG. after x amount of hours a player should be sent back to GoE[/color][/i] [i][color="#2e8b57"]3) Assign mods to GGG that will ensure that it is used as a training ground only, repeat offenders (and I say repeat as, as a noob I had made a few errors setting up first) should be sent back to GoE.[/color][/i]
  3. [quote name='Rhaegar Targaryen' date='10 June 2010 - 06:31 PM' timestamp='1276187477' post='61575'] Since when does majority makes something right? [/quote] [color="#2e8b57"][i]Majority doesnt make something right, but it is the only time when action will take place. There have been spikes in history where a group of few overcame many, but in a democracy majority rules. Which by the way was the same way that all the kings were elected.[/i][/color][color="#2e8b57"][i] [/i][/color] [quote name='Rhaegar Targaryen' date='10 June 2010 - 06:31 PM' timestamp='1276187477' post='61575'] I said that I don't need to compare him with other kings - other lands have their own issues or not to take care of, it is up to one of their members to voice something is wrong if it is. The fact that I think Loreroot could have been functioning better or that I want Firs to carry out what he said he will do doesn't need to be brought down just cause some else ruler (insert a proper name) is doing a much worse job. Cause that has nothing to do with us. [/quote] [i][color="#2e8b57"]The General LR population seem to be content with Firs. Look I dont know what your gripes are with Firs, and I dont care, but I think you are being a tad unreasonable. This whole discussion would have been avoided if you just spoke to him with the idea of Loreroot Rangers (which by the way I think was a grand one). Put yourself in his shoes and consider the situation as it is, would you have reacted differently?[/color][/i] (post edited to reduce spacing between quotes)
  4. [quote name='Rhaegar Targaryen' date='10 June 2010 - 12:16 PM' timestamp='1276164990' post='61552'] and to chewett... I don't care about other kings. I'm talking about Firsanthalas, things that he didn't do, why should I compare him with other kings? "Bush is not that bad... Look at XXXXXX in Zimbabwe, he's massacring his people every day, so Bush is not that bad, no reason to do anything a?" (I have no idea what is the situation in Zimbabwe for the record.) [/quote] [i] [/i][i][color="#2e8b57"]Compare apples with apples and not apples with bananas!!! [/color][/i][i] [/i] [i][color="#2e8b57"]The political situation in the US is ENTIRELY different to the political situation in Zim or South Africa or Poland or Romania or whichever country you want to pick!! Which is ENTIRELY different to the political situation in MD. [/color][/i][i][color="#2e8b57"] -Im not gonna get started on Bush and Mugabe because I could write pages on their similiarities - [/color][/i] [i][color="#2e8b57"]Each President (whether you deem him good or bad) does what he feels is appropriate for their country. Robert Mugabe (The Zimbabwean president -or should I say Authority - the political situation has changed somewhat- ) believes his plan for his country is best, as does Obama, Jacob Zuma etc. Yes the outside world may rant and rave, but at the end of the day the final decisions are made by the ruling party of that country. If the MAJORITY of the public dont like it, come election time, they vote and re-elect. [/color][/i] [i][color="#2e8b57"]If you are comparing presidents in terms of who is better, then you look at what they have accomplished for each country in terms of progress compared to the rest of the world, and how they fare when it comes to outside political pressures. [/color][/i] [i][color="#2e8b57"]You asked why should you compare Firs to other kings?[/color][/i] [i][color="#2e8b57"]Well, if you are looking at what he has accomplished in terms of progress for Loreroot in comparison to other MD lands and how he outside pressures etc; then yes you should compare him to other kings. If you are looking at what he has accomplished as Ruler in Loreroot then you compare him to other rulers in Loreroot.[/color][/i] [i][color="#2e8b57"]The forums that you referred to are, as Udgard said, inactive, and has nothing to do with Firsan's current abilities as a ruler. Why are you making such an issue out of it?[/color][/i]
  5. [color="#2e8b57"][i]Guys... Its heartbreaking to see the leaders of a land that I love so much, bicker with each other. Please sit down and talk about this, put your egos aside and just say sorry I f'd up and move on. Rangers of Loreroot would have been a fantastic idea, its a pity that it didnt go through the proper channels. Firsan is king of Loreroot, and should at least know the goings on of his own land. If he didnt he would be criticised as not be vigiliant enough. Sparr you are a reasonable chap, and you are a good fighter that I respect. Your skills are valued, and it would be beneficial to LR if you and Firs could talk this out. [/i][/color]
  6. [quote name='Rhaegar Targaryen' date='07 June 2010 - 11:31 PM' timestamp='1275946316' post='61307'] you wouldn't know me if you think it would stay on this Sharazhad. I curse this day to make me sharp my sword against my own, but this won't end here Firsanthalas, you just started a long journey. There are the ones who know about your treason on Loreroot from long ago, those who remember. The spirits of the old will hunt you down, usurper, and I'll do my best to please them, this is my promise. [/quote] [color="#2e8b57"][i]Civil War Rhaegar? What exactly is that gonna prove? Firsanthalas did not usurp the throne as there was no throne to begin with! Elections were open to anyone, and if I remember correctly the applicants for Kingship were you, Firs, Sage and Gremlin. The general public voted and Firs won it. As chewy mentioned earlier, if you are unhappy with his leadership you could have called for another election. Calm down - decisions made from rage are never the the best. [/i][/color]
  7. [color="#2e8b57"][i]The basis of Karma states in a nut-shell that you reap what you sow, that there are consequences for your actions. Rhaegars sentencing was a consequence for his words and his actions. One has to learn to be responsible for the things we say and do. Threatening a king publicly cannot be condoned. I can understand his anger - but his words now are not justifiable. Firs was elected in a fair public election. I only hope that this does not snowball any further than it has now.[/i][/color]
  8. [i][color="#2e8b57"]Happy Birthday Blackthorn [/color][/i]
  9. [i][color="#2e8b57"]Happy Birthday Druid! - I hope you have a good one![/color][/i]
  10. [i][color="#2e8b57"]With all due respect, I think the way it was handled was poor form. Mya had no idea what was coming and something like that goes against gaming courtesy. With all the recent hubbub about RP, and poor RPing skills, I think this was the poorest form of RP yet. Ive been playing rpgs for a verrry long time, and simple rules like:" Dont bash another person's RP, or ruin their story and Dont involve someone in a quest without their consent. " makes good gaming for everyone.[/color][/i] [i][color="#2e8b57"]Mya may have had her own storyline in the pipeline, and the way I see it, is that she could well be forced [/color][/i][i][color="#2e8b57"]to change her storyline just to fit the RP of others now. [/color][/i] [i][color="#2e8b57"]Yes it spices up MD, and makes things intresting, I dont doubt that for a second - I just feel that consideration for others should have also been taken into account .[/color][/i] [i] [/i] [i] [/i]
  11. Sharazhad

    Cats In Md

    [i][color="#2e8b57"]no. 4 = dst[/color][/i][i] [/i] [i][color="#2e8b57"]no. 6 = chewy[/color][/i] [i][color="#2e8b57"]no. 8 = Grido[/color][/i] [img]http://i239.photobucket.com/albums/ff27/Bwitched707/madeyousummu128389343325937500.jpg[/img] [i][color="#2e8b57"]Contestant 18[/color][/i] [img]http://i239.photobucket.com/albums/ff27/Bwitched707/ded.jpg[/img] [i][color="#2e8b57"]contestant 19[/color][/i]
  12. [color="#2e8b57"][i] Nice one!! Metalbunny is outed - he is a product of the Tomato CULTavists![/i][/color]
  13. Sharazhad

    Md Meeting

    [i][color="#2e8b57"]Im gate-crashing [/color][/i]
  14. [i][color="#2e8b57"]Mae govannen Mellon (well met friend)[/color][/i] [i][color="#2e8b57"]I hope to see you around soon. [/color][/i] [i] [/i] [i][color="#2e8b57"]p.s stay away from Burns...he's evil [/color][/i]
  15. [color="#2e8b57"][i]I quite agree with Burns. Alts are worthwhile if you can play them well. But I dont get why this is becoming such an issue. Is this gonna develop into a rant to ban alts? cos it sure seems to be heading that way - Just makes me wonder, what kind of world is MD turning into? [/i][/color]
  16. [i][color="#2e8b57"]Congrats Sage & Phan looking forward to seeing little Dariea![/color][/i]
  17. [color="#2e8b57"][i]Pashsweetie I suggest that you find one of the Guardians in-game so that we can get to know you, and provide a little more motivation if you wish your application to be taken more seriously. Seeing as you an mp3 I'm gonna advise you, that you get into Loreroot first before we take you on. If you have an queries contact me (IN GAME) or any of the other Guardians.[/i][/color]
  18. Sparr I hereby challenge you to a tequila drinking session in the Inn.

  19. [i][color="#2e8b57"]Well put Mike.[/color][/i][i] [/i] [i][color="#2e8b57"]Shadow, if you are serious about joining the alliance please seek Windy out. Bear in mind that mentorship is not just a way of passing time. You will be sent on assignments and such before the decision is made to invite you. Your co-operation or lack thereof will be a deciding factor.[/color][/i] [i][color="#2e8b57"] [/color][/i]
  20. *looks at the mechanised parrot wearing a sock* thats just odd...plain odd....

  21. hello you....

    *catapults acorns at you and runs*

  22. [color="#2e8b57"][i] [/i][/color] [color="#2e8b57"][i]Hey Ammy![/i][/color][color="#2e8b57"][/color] [color="#2e8b57"][i]Aa' lasser en lle coia orn n' omenta gurtha (which means: May the leaves of your life never turn brown) [/i][/color] [color="#2e8b57"][i]Have a wicked day! Happy Birthday[/i][/color][color="#2e8b57"][i] [/i][/color] [color="#2e8b57"][i] [/i][/color] [color="#2e8b57"][i] [/i][/color] [color="#2e8b57"][i] [/i][/color] [color="#2e8b57"][i] [/i][/color] [color="#2e8b57"][i] [/i][/color]
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