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Intrigue last won the day on February 26 2014

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About Intrigue

  • Birthday October 16

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    Path of Loneliness
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  1. Drowning in RL chaos... send a rescue party!

    1. Sunfire



    2. Assira the Black

      Assira the Black

      lol I loved that show growing up. *might try rewatching a few episodes*

  2. Working on being back around more... As chaos in RL lets me, that is.

  3. Intrigue


    Intrigue... mostly because of the definitions of the word. Depending on how it's used, Intrigue may be a good thing or a bad one, but always secretive things are involved. *edit: I just realized I had already commented on this thread forever ago. oops!
  4. from summer temps to Ice and snow overnight... Texas is so moody when it comes to weather :(

    1. Assira the Black

      Assira the Black

      I know :( I want warm weather back.

  5. up to my ears in chaos, in-game very little for a while.

  6. never have I ever... danced with the priests around the bonfire in Necrovion
  7. Again, I appreciate the feedback. I chose the wording "root role" because the very basic "root" of the role is to just be there, regardless of any speaking or doing. Others may go on to do much more elaborate things, such as encouraging events or rp combat with others, but WHisper's dedication to simply being there is equally as dedicated as the more "interactive" guardians. He is a perfect example of this perhaps basic, but necessary bit of guardianship.
  8. I appreciate the feedback Sasha. I chose the word Nap because of the intervals in which it happens, he is/was quite often asleep one moment, and awake the next, and then asleep again, almost as though just catnapping here and there instead of ever truly sleeping.
  9. I had tried my hand at writing descriptions for two people (both are people I interact with/fellow ally members) however, I don't know for sure if this is what you're looking for.
  10. Anyone else getting this error? http://imgur.com/pwkYlxY

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Intrigue


      no, not that I know of. no errors this morning, so not sure what caused it. probably something crashed on my end. Thanks chew

    3. Blackshade Rider

      Blackshade Rider

      ive had that error before. not sure what it was for

    4. Chewett


      It means jquery didnt load in some way, stops some of the technical effects.

  11. Aye, it were fun. I should slowed down (was worried about that timing on the trivia, lol), may have scored a wee bit higher :) I'll take the pickle pack and the avy, please. Thank you!
  12. yay, warm weather!

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Blackshade Rider

      Blackshade Rider

      you suck i want warm weather to



      how does she suck if you dont have warm weather?

    4. Intrigue


      Trust me, I'd share, but I'm desperate. Ever try to tune a carb or rewire a car with your fingers froze? It's not fun times.

  13. Oh stress, why you gotta make my brain refuse to cooperate?

  14. Semi-distracted reading, totally missed the bucket part in your first one Junior. Good idea :)
  15. So.... You're going to take the barrel UP the mountain, to the waterfall on the other side of the mountain, let the waterfall do the mixing, and then get it back down the mountain how?
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