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Posts posted by Jazira

  1. Creature :
    Seedling, Sapling (?), Vine , ??? (4 or 5 stages). Starts as a seedling, and grows into a large vine.

    No Man's Land - Reason : It starts by taking life from fellow creatures, to get 'nourishment' and ends by taking life from the enemies. So, it kind of helps both enemy and ally. :D

    It needs nourishment to begin with, so the fellow creatures help by giving it health when it gets hit, so it stays at full health. Then, as it grows, it takes the life from the enemies creatures. The final stage would take life from the Enemy and give it to its allies.

    Abilities : Steal Life. Perhaps even something like 'Snag' which would keep a creature from attacking for one round, kind of like the bird's Freeze? Just a thought.

    Principles.... ? I must think about that one

  2. Staff Times :

    King Bull, any time?
    Sage : 1300-???
    XinHun 1530 - 2130
    1400 - 0100 * 0600 - 0900 Ibruzu (has various times)
    Jazira 15:00 - 20:00 (may change later)

    Trainees :

    1400 - 23:40 - Frostas
    20:30 - 23:30 - McVities Shadow
    22:00 - 05:00 - Ice Pheonix
    14:00 - 17:00 Shadow
    14:00 - 24:00 Brimstone
    8 - 12 am * (14-17 & 20-22 next month?) Princ Rhaegar
    03:00 - 11:00 - Kratus Rey

    I'd like the Staff to have at least two trainees under them. This may help with training, and if they have questions, there will be a staff member available to them. So, Staff members, choose your trainees and post here who you choose.

    Also, it may be easier to try staffing one Dojo at a time, and when we get more trainees, start staffing the Road of Battles, then Defensive Quarters...Sound good?

  3. We can work around that, as I, too, will not be available for weekends. The shift I used for myself is only an example. Like I said, I need more help with this, as I cannot do this alone. The staff members really should be putting in more opinions and criticism at the very least...

  4. I'd just like to let all the new recruits know this : You must also be willing to become LHO (Live Help Operator) under the supervision of Jonn to become Dojo Staff Members.

    This means you'll be required to answer questions from newbies, but even if you dont know the answer, you can always ask someone else for help with it. ^_^

    Also, to become LHO, or ask to be LHO, you must be MP4 - Although, dont let that stop you from asking Calyx about Dojo Training.

    Also, if you can, please post the server times you are available in the game. Thank you ^_^

    Edit : On a side note, not all will become LHO, but you can still help out in the Dojo if you still wish to

  5. A thought : We spend one day in one dojo, then the next day, be in another Dojo, then a day off, then a day in the third dojo, and back to first. So, 2 days of work, one day off.. Sound good?


    Schedule for Jazira and two Trainees under her care (not yet decided on who)

    Monday - Loreroot, Tuesday -Road of Battles, Wednesday - Day off, Thursday - Marble Dale (or new location), Friday - Loreroot, Saturday - Road of Battles, Sunday - Day off

    Again, just an Idea. I need your thoughts on this.. Also, schedules may not always be the same.

  6. Edit : Server Times may be needed in the future... Ignore this Post for now ^_^

    [color="#FF0000"][size=3] I NEED SERVER TIMES[/color][/size]

    [color="#000000"][size=2]If I am going to schedule staff to the Dojos with at least 2 staff members present at all times, then I need times that I can work with. The easiest times to go with would be Server time because it is the same for everyone. If you do not know what times you're on, then please look the next time you get online.

    Also, I need feed back from Staff / potential Staff. I cannot do this alone.

    Also, I would like someone to volunteer to help me on this because I may be gone for a while very soon. I will be moving and will not be able to schedule people. [/color][/size]

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