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Everything posted by Macnia

  1. Hello Ive had some major difficulties playing due to lag. Takes ages to load pages of not load at all. For all of my accounts. My internet is fine as I am at work. So any other site is loading no problem. Has anyone been having troubles too? Macnia
  2. Macnia

    Fyrd Stuff.jpg

    Twins...or really good photoshop
  3. tis a grand story
  4. Dear Amoran It has been a while since we last meet at the foot of the Oak Fort. Any titles for lower levels?. I do wish to be part of the great Alliance of Loreroot. I was born in the counrty you see and I have many a talent that my young hands can do. Fishing as you know is a skill easy to me but I have a good hand at the bow, and Im am pretty skilled with my trusted pocket knife as well (flips pocket knife and catches it in his mouth) well a young fella I may be but I would love to join Yours Macnia
  5. Macnia

    I'm back!

    Dear Jazira....Well I said hello in the game but anyway again I d like to say welcome back. Missed you greatly. Macnia
  6. Macnia

    Alliance List

    [quote name='stormrunner' post='30538' date='May 7 2009, 06:35 PM']they are ledah's not real alliance, not to be put on the list[/quote] Ah yes, Ledah the Bob hater, having seen him for a while actually Thank again all for the above info. Macnia
  7. Macnia

    Alliance List

    Dear All, Well being kind of new I would still like to know the officail Alliance formation, a whos who. Could someone make a quick list of all the active alliances and who is the leader and second in command and recruiter. No need to get into history or anything as it is stated on other pages. All a bit confusing at times. This person quits, this war happens.....and so on. Just a simple list with names and whereabouts. Thank you Macnia
  8. I usually get jacked just before an attack and Im full of heat from a well deserved 13 killing spree and BAM, log out and loose all my heat.....really annoying....but hey the game has too many good points to be too bothered by it. Macnia
  9. Dear All Pirates First of all thnak you Cap. Cryxus for letting me join your hearty band of Pirates on the good ship Crimson. But it has been a while and like you said before I would get a pirate badge but have yet to recieve it. Not your fault of course. Secondly when will the Crimson set sail again and why do we not have a formal alliance? Lets get this rolling again. Your faithful Pirate Macnia
  10. Happy Birthday Burns......have a good one (riding an 180cc motorbike at 21 really surprises me, well another year I guess) Macnia
  11. Hello Kael. Welcome. Strong arm for Windy. Well it might prove a tough job. You might see me droping some fish of sometime around the pub Macnia
  12. Sounds good to me. I would like to get something this time. As my hours online always conflist with prize given etc. Missed out on the Maze (passed it but was too late), missed out on heads (not online at the right time), missed out on free goodies from Mur( was attending a more improtant matter, fishing!) Ah well, hoepfully I can gain somthing this time Good luck with it Jester Macnia
  13. Hello there Jean Claude
  14. Hello everyone. Well as Amoran decided to post a Hi message, I felt I should follow in her footsteps SO HELLO EVERYONE *grins and backflips* Hi dst *winks* Macnia
  15. Hello there oh lovely one *backflips* Macnia
  16. Macnia

    Forum Game

    Burns: while suffering from terrible pain, but all of a sudden, he has THE idea to save his life: Glaistig: he shoves his finger down his throat, so as to induce a gagging reflex to purge the his system Lulu: but the cruel laughter of Jonn and Hannah makes him choke on his vomit as his eyes fill with desperate tears--he can'tbreathanymorethevomittastesrealbad and THE WORLD IS CRUEL--gone--and he is dead. Either oblivious or uncaring, Hannah and Jonn... Grido: continue their laughing. They soon remember that there's still the strange man in the room (you know the one with the brother, with the picture hanging up).... Metal Bunny: The man then suddenly wakes up from his surreal dream and Burns: realizes Hannah is standing over him, tickling him with a feather, ready to... Rex: whip him with a whip made of.. Apophys: thick Grasan leather, belonging to Dark Priestess (a.k.a. Peace), just for fun. Afterwards, she intends to... Lightsage: slit his throat with a concealed dagger at her hip which happens to... MRWander: have been the same dagger that killed Marind and Wodin from which it was... Metal Bunny: smuggled out of sight by Grido, by hiding it in his favourite orifice and... Aarow: swallowing it so he fullfill his evil plan to.... Macnia: to devour Hannah and enjoy......
  17. Well havent tried it in a long time. Getting them all Black was the easy part. Turning them all Orange is mega difficult.... you have to have a photograhic memory An automatic prize would be best Macnia
  18. Happy Birthday kriskah....let us ARIES rule! Macnia
  19. Macnia

    Happy B-Day Cless!

    Happy B-day....wow not be selfish but it was mine on the 3rd of April......ARIES RULE Macnia
  20. Good to know. Thnak you MRD Macnia
  21. Well I did click on it and it was horrible..glad this is beeing communicated properly. I use a MAc so maybe Im ok. Logan is my MAC at risk as well? Thank you for the support Macnia
  22. Well Im shocked. Received an Email from mignulikz titled IMPORTANT....led me to a darn insest porn site... Can beleive I got this on MD forums....shocked Macnia
  23. Will miss you pouncing Jazira and of course your friendship Macnia
  24. I wouldnt even know were still looking for one anyway. Are they that good? Another thing about the Survey...I did it of course but it was with one of my lower Mp3 accounts. I didnt know that we could could only do it once so I answered questions related to that account....like Can you get into Loreroot...I answer NO...but I "Macnia can of course"....ah well Macnia
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