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Everything posted by Sparrhawk

  1. I agree with Pip, And the one from Sagewoman to Kamisha should be removed that is a rubish excuse to have a wp im sorry but thats my opinion. i cant comment on the others without some details Wps are supposed to be earnt in some way.
  2. Totenkopf recieved a heavily tokened chaos archer, Great idea by the way I checked in as I do regularaly unfortunately RL issues have me with very limited access at the moment hopefully this shall change soon but I am glad to have checked in today Thankyou Awiiya and enjoy Totenkopf whome i just picked at random when i ventured to the GoE.
  3. Happy birthday you 2, hope you both have/had a good one
  4. In my opinion Raw material isnt for Roleplay why because its reason for being implemented in the game was for crafting, It annoys alot of people maybe thats why there is "pressure" I would know I have been wanting to craft something for a very long time and have had alot of difficulty trying to get any materials I needed, it took me months just to get my hands on a moonstone one thing I wanted to use in crafting now there are issues with getting other materials due to hoarders. Hopefully something can be worked out and I will be able to craft, I do not get how some people dont understand that their hoarding is hurting those who want to craft. There isnt unlimited Raw materials.I couldnt care less if people hoard normal items its raw materials that IS an issue.
  5. I think personally that raw materials shouldnt have usable abilities exept for perhaps combining them with something like what mur said in the announcment, it would incourage people to hold on to then rather than trade them to people who want to craft items.
  6. I have recently aquired this item Chartreuse Cloak A cloak of yellow and green, when worn in a forest you may shimmer, unseen. I think that it would be interesting if it was usable as in could grant invisibility inside loreroot perhaps [color="#FF0000"]Mur: item made usable. Not only that but its a very cool one. It can cast cloak on others and consume heat for the cast. An other cloak item of someone else received same functionality (not sure who it was)[/color]
  7. As the title says im looking to sell a Tainted angien, I would like A rusty and some coins or items but a rusty is minimum, Post your offers here or pm them, It will run untill I get an offer I like. Current offer : rusty a double aged choas archer with 17 tokens on each [claw3,2 and darksky and 14 other tokens] Sparrhawk
  8. You where doing what anyway? as its not closing 4-5 topics made to sell a few creatures be clear when you say something dont just spam the topic.
  9. Bumping has always been generally acceptable since the CTC section has been open it has been around along time. Making a new topic every couple of weeks with the same offers and so forth wouldnt that be spamming more than just a small bump, With new topics are you going to then ask mods to clean up the 4 or so topics youve made to sell 4-5 creatures?
  10. The third wishpoint went to DST thought it was very close only 10 mins or so in it for contention, So the quest is over now it ended alot faster than I had hoped but thats ok, The quest will remain on the clickables for a few days if anyone wants to try to challenge themselves it seems quite a few found it rather difficult, If anyone would care to post there thoughts or critisms it would be appreciated, I do intend in the future to make a sequal to the quests story once i have some sponsors or wp codes but I will bump up the length of the quest and in all likly hood the difficulty, It was my first quest and I think I have learnt a couple of things on how to improve for next time. I hope it was enjoyable for those that tried it out, I tried to incorporate things I liked about other quests and things i like myself namely the cryptic clues similar to crossword clues,
  11. Not too long ago my friend Rhaegar dissapeared on a journey vaguely mentioning something about stone tablets, since his return he has been recluse in lore manor refusing to see anyone and barely talks I am curious to what he has discovered to make him this way, I found his journal discarded in the forest it seems a few pages are missing find them for me so I may know what has happened. Also, it seems all of Rhaegars journal is coded so I will need help for this, otherwise I would try to gather them all myself... The Gazebo of equilibrium would be a good place to start your search. [The stone tablets, that’s the password for the clickables to start with you will be notified when that changes ] 1st and 2nd to complete this quest will be awarded a wishpoint
  12. Aye there is a problem with this its disgusting, I have had a few complaints about wishing star (mp3) and n00b (mp4) They are both alts I just dont understand why someone would want to mess up new people in this way for no apparant reason.
  13. Happy birthday Czez hope you have/had a good one
  14. ive just been skim reading its quite late but anyway the parts that stood out was putting a cap on stats, I think this would be an absurd idea i worked hard to have the stats I do and intend to increase them, i get beaten by those with much much lower at times, anyway I think if there was a cap on stats what would happen ? I can guaruntee the caps will be hit by quite a few people and then will battles depend on strategy? of course not they will depend on who has the most tokens on their crits, With the cap on principles tokens are capped and it has beena goal for a while to be able to beat someone who uses heavy tokens i dont know if it will every happen but its what i will try i can beat light token users and at time some more moderate but anyway i think ive made my point and if this makes no sense at all it will be edited in the morning.
  15. [img]http://i16.servimg.com/u/f16/13/96/54/12/bob10.jpg[/img] This is my entry hope you all like it just a bit of paint nothing too fancy just within my capabilites
  16. Ah it seems i was attacked by summon army (my log didnt show it before was full with wins) and i have been told that causes skill damage so case solved
  17. Ok so i dont know if i am missing something really simple.. but im not in skill damage i went idle at GOE i come back at i notice this. regeneration --0.753 energeticimmun --0.193 tradesense --0.753 briskness --0.433 initiative --0.593 defence --0.593 attack --0.033 power --0.713 Anyone know what the deal is?
  18. Nice entries I will try come up with something later
  19. I do see how there may be a problem with alts but what about those people who legitimately play an alt as another character. One example I can think of is Tarquinus and Keith. They are played as seperate characters. What would be wrong with Keith having an item crafted for his own character like a note book or something. Limiting the alternate character which is played in this way without thought for abuse would be quite frustrating to those people who play them and can't get the advantages there other character can. I do realise that there could be abuse with alts, some people are greedy but just because we think that people could abuse it, should we let that ruin it for those that play legitimately?
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