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Everything posted by adiomino

  1. Happy birthday!
  2. That happens to me year round.
  3. I'm sad to hear this, Sasha. Be well and stay up!
  4. Bump.. so far i only have the nutcracker and the dream mutation joker to buy
  5. [s][b]698 age 9244103 exp as of: Server time: Mar 03 03:39:55 ~ Day: 61 Year: 6 ~ with antifreeze and gold belt. [/b][/s] If i were to sell this what kind of offers would you guys give me? Oh and [b]2 untokened already MAX jokers[/b] both with around 200 age
  6. The option to nickname your creatures whenever you want after three upgrades. Only one nickname change per creature. I'd gladly pay a credit for it if it were available in the MDshop. Anything wrong with it? Is it a bad idea in general? eh..
  7. How about "cushion stats" for people in stat damage? Say you have 2000 cushion stats (from attack all the way to init or whatever) and whenever you lose while in stat damage you lose those "cushion stats" instead of your real stats. Those cushion stats don't get added to your real stats of course so the number of "cushion stats" could be relatively large. like 2000 Just thought of it
  8. Topic says it all. Post or pm me if you'd like to strike a deal. Creatures willing to buy: [s]Soulweaver[/s] Dream Mutation Joker [s]Santa[/s] Nutcracker
  9. Two new avatars added 2 new avatars added
  10. Happy Birthday Aster!
  11. I'm in adiomino
  12. 3 more avatars added [attachment=2600:WarWary.gif] My best work so far! The only thing i wish i could've drawn better is the face Evaluate!? Critique?
  13. [log=Removal of Black Water] Grido: but the problem you have with something you don't know about, is that...you don't know what might happen if you leave the body out, either adiomino: I believe that sasha's body will remain contaminated as long as she holds memories of the black water. But removal of black water has to do with her vulnerability and the memories associated with Kiley: *looks over to Grido, then back to Blade* Is she contagious? adiomino: black water. adiomino: *he ponders and mumbles* Imagination Blade Faryn: We're not sure Kiley. Grido: Unknown, nobody around here seems to be showing too obvious signs of contamination though Blade Faryn: If anyone, Adio would have probably shown signs... seeing how often he's been down here lately Kiley: *cocks her head* Depends on incubation time I suppose. adiomino: Black water is a transformative liquid.. and sasha is essentially its user although she has died from it. Because from her own memories and insane imagination it manifested in her body correct? adiomino: So black water is not something to be removed physically.. : Kiley sits down, listening adiomino: *turns to Blade* Perhaps sasha can remove it herself. adiomino: *shrugs* With help of course Grido: Prepared to take the risk? : Blade Faryn nods to Adio Grido: If she can't, then the soul might get currupted as well adiomino: More like willing to, Grido *smiles* Grido: the seperation is much like a protection mechanism Blade Faryn: What's a challenge without some risk? Grido: When it's someone's life in the balance, you mean? Kiley: So by dispersing the "black water" you chance condeming her soul as well? Grido: No, by rejoining the soul to the body, you chance it Grido: and unless the soul is part of the body, the soul cannot have any chance of dispersing it adiomino: *motions his hand* I'm thinking of how this would backfire Kiley: ohh, then those that love her would loose her forever? Perhaps. adiomino: You have a point, Grido. Grido: I'm glad : adiomino he ponders Grido: That you are thinking of them, I mean adiomino: Sasha must erase the memories associating her with black water. adiomino: Or rather, let them go. : Blade Faryn nods slowly at all of this adiomino: *shrugs and whispers to Blade* I'll need to ask someone who knows a bit more than I do.. adiomino: And who holds more experience Grido: Someone in mind? adiomino: *turns and smiles to Grido* Perhaps mya or amoran. Blade Faryn: *nods once more* That might be the best thing to do right now. : sasha lilias the ghost, fades away into nothing : Blade Faryn stares over where the ghost was once dancing, thinking sasha lilias: (Remember to post onto the forums if you wish RP to be counted ( adiomino: Grido do you happen to know someone i could ask? adiomino: Yes adiomino: I saw ailith around yesterday. adiomino: If I'm extremely lucky I'll see her today Blade Faryn: I don't suppose any Necrovions might know? Grido: And hopefully she'll be around more frequently, I've missed her adiomino: *shakes his head* Hm.. adiomino: Me too grido Grido: Ailith would be good to ask [/log] [log=Miiriam] : adiomino he motions child and whispers to him adiomino: Black water.. Miiriam: Black Blood? Miiriam: *raises a finger to Adi* He has asked his question.. Eldar Doomspell: Miiriam, are you a sage? adiomino: *frowns and sighs* Alright.. Miiriam: *looks back towards the man* I assume you ment Black..water. Miiriam: Once the water has entered the body it manifests itself into what ever form the user imagines. Miiriam: In most cases this is the water poisoning their insides, thus it covers all major organs. Miiriam: Once this has happened....completely...only Granos would know how to remove such a thing. adiomino: *mumbles* Then the black water will not be removed.. but it should be changed to a harmless state. Miiriam: For someone other than Granos to try and remove this...abomination...would be like a dog doing tooth surgery on someone... Miiriam: Nothing good would come of it. *Burns*: *sighs* And we just leave out Braiton, right? : adiomino nods to Miiriam Miiriam: Braiton was not the creator, Granos was *she says as she looks at Burns* . [/log] [log=Mya] adiomino: Mya, shall we go on about discussing the removal of black water? *Mya Celestia*: How long has the person been infected? adiomino: Hm.. adiomino: A few weeks adiomino: *he ponders* Two *Mya Celestia*: *shakes her head* Not good adiomino: *frowns* Time is a big factor, then isn't it? *Mya Celestia*: Yes *Mya Celestia*: but... adiomino: Well.. sasha lilias has been in a state above equilibrium. Her body not decaying at all as time passes by. *Mya Celestia*: Tell me what you think Black Water is first. adiomino: Ah.. *smiles* adiomino: I believe that black water is a manifestation.. first of all an abomination. It is a transformative liquid that takes advantage of one's imagination and manifests into one that is vulnerable to it. adiomino: It transforms according to the affected's imagination and memories associated with it. *Mya Celestia*: You can quote the information, but do you understand it? adiomino: *chuckles* You caught me.. though only have of it was quoted. Well the way i see it.. adiomino: Is that sasha was for one insane.. her mind was vulnerable and the black water took control of her mind. adiomino: She had a vivid imagination. adiomino: It appeared to her in the form of voices.. adiomino: They controlled her thoughts and eventually led her to her death. *Mya Celestia*: You know that Black Water is a spell right? : adiomino nods adiomino: A spell doc *Mya Celestia*: Do you know who cast it? adiomino: Who cast it? Hm.. well granos was the creator and he used it to his will. So did Braiton. *Mya Celestia*: I mean on sasha adiomino: Hm.. adiomino: I do not. Though i believe she came to the fountain of dark vibrations to.. well she succumbed to the black water there. As far as i know *Mya Celestia*: *shakes her head* It doesn't work that way. adiomino: Ah.. *Mya Celestia*: The fountain of dark vibrations doesn't contain black water. adiomino: Hm.. *Mya Celestia*: I'm afraid at this point you've got a lot of jumbled information. adiomino: That certainly leaves me confused : adiomino nods adiomino: Well then.. what is in the fountain of dark vibrations? Sagewoman told me something.. but i must have forgotten. ChildOfTheSoul listens to the conversation *Mya Celestia*: At one time it was tainted. *Mya Celestia*: Taint is different from black water adiomino: Interesting.. Mya could you explain the taint? I'm foggy on that. *Mya Celestia*: Well *Mya Celestia*: *exhales with a slight frown* I'm not sure it would help you *Mya Celestia*: Much of what happens in this realm is of the mind. Essentially sasha has to have the will to get better. : adiomino nods slowly adiomino: So.. if she wishes it then the black water will disappear? *Mya Celestia*: You might be able to delute the black water, but in the end it's up to her. ChildOfTheSoul: so will controls everything... *Mya Celestia*: Yes [/log]
  14. Ah thank you chew
  15. Yes i just wanted to add a screenshot since chewett said a screenshot would be important if trying to fix a bug. err something like that in his pinned topic for bugs
  16. Oh my.. Has the quest been postponed or actually ended?
  17. Sold. Please close
  18. [s]0 age and no tokens post or pm offers Highest bid is 13 sc (about to make the sale if no one steps forward to make a bid of 15 silver.)[/s]
  19. I'd like to participate Sounds fun (I'd like to point out that since I'm mp6 i can only fight other alliance members xD)
  20. Ah yay! Thank you guys. I'll definitely be using one of those then
  21. Darn.. Thanks cutler. I suppose i won't be able to turn in my avatars after all xDD
  22. My question is.. does it really take photoshop to put transparent gifs on the avatars we draw? Becauuse.. I thought i heard of other ways. Eh.. Photoshop is expensive too isn't it? meh
  23. [attachment=2610:Cloakclack.gif] [attachment=2609:Bookbook.gif] [attachment=2603:Ladyladylady.gif] [attachment=2602:Ladylady.gif] [attachment=2601:WarWary.gif] [attachment=2599:WarWar.gif] [attachment=2595:Evilevil.gif] [attachment=2590:Avatar 1.gif] [attachment=2591:WizWiz.gif] [attachment=2592:Flowflow.gif] [attachment=2593:fairfair.gif] [attachment=2589:AngelAng.gif] I'll add more later. Critiques and tips?
  24. [log=Log Box Name] : sasha lilias begins to float backwards, staring at the wall as she does : sasha lilias mouths a single word before dispersing into a small cloud of mist : sasha lilias the mist hovers above the body for a few seconds, before melting into the soft skin Cuthilion: (humm, too bad I missed that...) Tipu: spying .....muh *reports to his team leader* : adiomino yawns as he drudges to the periphery of the gazebo and sits himself down, he positions the harp in front of him : adiomino his hands reach out to play the music but he notices something odd about sasha's body, he walks over to her and kneels next to her head adiomino: *the back of his hand grazes against her soft cheek, astonished he yanks his hand back* I feel heat.. : adiomino ponders the feeling he had on his hand and walks over to his harp and strums its golden strings, melodic tunes reverberate in the cavern and ring in his ears : adiomino he concentrates on his music hoping for body of sasha lilias to react somehow to its familiar sounds, his eyes close and he lulls himself into a dreamlike state yet his fingers continue to strum [/log]
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