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Everything posted by adiomino

  1. I did this because i thought of how there were two parts to the symbol The circle is one part that symbolizes something and the two lines jutting from the circle symbolize something completely different. So I simply cancelled out the two parts of the symbol with horizontal lines to cancel out the entire thing. I hope that my logic makes sense. But the image should clear anything up.
  2. I really like this idea I hate pointing out problems and stuff... but many players really just use fake emails to create and confirm accounts in games. Hm.. so i suppose an option to change the email you want things to be sent to would be nice (if this isn't possible already.. idk)
  3. oh darn i won't be able to make it xD *tear*
  4. This is a little Off topic but i'd just like to point out that you can indeed gain loyalty in mp6 (if you are in an alliance that is ) edit: >>@ Curi<< It isn't so hard.. depends on the player i suppose. You'd probably be shocked to hear of how much honor some of the alliance members in my alliance gain after so much fighting xD
  5. Every time you decide to move up a level EX: from mp3 to mp4 or from mp4 to mp5 you are most likely a little guy compared to some of the players with more experience than you that are also in the same mind power level. It is normal to not be on the same level as people with more experience than you. Strive to obtain a variety of creatures and learn to take a few more losses than usual. If you keep training then perhaps.. you will be on the top of your mind power level as far as strength goes. And then.. you get to move to mp5 yay
  6. The waves were crashing, pounding against the cliffs-- angry as if demanding the walls to fall into its body, hungry and consuming. Above, staring at those waves, was a figure peering superiorly down upon those waves, perhaps thinking to itself the future and what her future would look like and if she should.. even have a future. Time seemed to slow down for her as she was deep in thought. The sound of waves crashing upon the banks of the cliff drowned out all the noise to be heard, other than the wind rustling the leaves of trees behind her. It was an overwhelming sound, such a sound provoked her senses of smell, touch, and hearing. and she thought ,"The waves are powerful today.." She softly shut her eyes and took in a deep, melodramatic breath of the salty sea air that was brushing her face and blowing her hair back. She tried her best to take in as much of the fresh air as she could. The sky above her shined radiantly in a light shade of blue. She thought to herself as she gazed up towards the sky ,"It is.. beautiful." A sharp pain seemed to come out of nowhere. She was struck by it, it felt sharp but it was a hollow pain. Her hand clutched her chest as the pain seemed to have come out nowhere, or rather from deep within herself. It went so deep into her that she even questioned if it was real because nothing had happened. Her body shivered, a taste of bitterness flooded her mouth. She dropped to her hands and knees with her face staring at the rocky bottom of the cliff. Thoughts of her lover, a man lost out at sea 4 months back, flooded her mind as she creeped up towards the edge of the cliff, her breathing was heavy now, and tears welled up in her eyes. They felt like bursting. She mumbled, under her heavy breath. She had been panting the entire time. Her voice was dark now, her face glowed red, but inside her spirit was tearing itself apart. " I want to be with you. Let us not be apart longer my love. How long has it been, since the waves dragged you to the bottom of the seafloor. " The words sounded as if they were forced out of her lungs. And then she yelled out to the sea, to the angry, powerful sea with all the strength she could muster. "How long was it?.. Since the ocean parted you and I? No more!.. No more!" Her voice was strained, but the sound was omnipotent. Her fist pounded the ground, her tears she was trying so hard to suppress were dripping down from her eyes.. to her cheeks, , to her chin, then down to the clash of the waves with the cliff side. The explosion of her voice suddenly seemed to mirror the strength of the waves, but it was shriller. While she was shouting even the ocean seemed to calm. And then.. there was silence. Only the sounds of the boundless waves again, hitting the banks of the cliff. She forced a smile on her face and whispered ,"I.. I am ready to be with you again, my dear, my love.." A tear trickled down her cheek, from the corner of her eye. She paused as if unsure of herself, "I.. i am not ready." And she teared up again, she twisted herself around slowly and she fell to her knees as she trembled. A chill came over her. "I'm sorry.." these were the only words she could utter out, though many flooded her mind. As she whispered those words the cliff broke. Her body fell, though she was motionless. Her eyes stared out at the sky as she was falling and she said nothing. No scream was bellowed out of her mouth. But a smile creeped on her face, stretching her lips only slightly. Then, she reached the bottom, and she couldn't have felt happier to see her lover. FIN (I formatted it the way it is because... i felt it would be easier to read. It is fairly short And i hope you enjoyed it.)
  7. Feel better Magnus.. Take all the time you need to feel better and when/if you decide to return you'll be welcomed with warm hearts and open arms.
  8. [quote name='Rex' timestamp='1290103482' post='72464'] I still hold most heat given to protector! i think it was close to 300k :L [/quote] In one day or what..? xD Shem has given me about 900k so far.
  9. [b]1~ To take an an apple core and plant its seeds so it can become a tree. [/b] Why not~ Because.. My parents would be angry and i'd have to take it down. (It'd be planted in their backyard.. xD) And why would i likely not ever achieve this? Well.. when i get my own place.. unsure! I think my future wife wouldn't want me to ruin our backyard with a big ole apple tree in the middle.. Why yes~ I could easily just eat an apple and plant the seeds somewhere.. Why~ Well.. I think growing trees sounds fun for some reason. (No wonder I joined the GOTR alliance) [b]2~Empty out an average sized room (no i dont feel like "defining" averaged sized room) and filling it with leaves and turning on a powerful fan (perhaps multiple fans XD) and dance in the leaves..[/b] Why not~ Because.. again my parents would be angry with me. xD And i'd have to clean up afterwards. (They don't understand my idea of.. fun half the time) And perhaps my idea of fun is too odd.. Why yes~ Because i can easily just gather a few leaves, clear out a few objects from the playroom in m house, set up a large fan, and dance. Easy! Why~ I've always wanted to do that xD.. Sounds fun,yes? [b]3 Do you know the end of the table where everyone eats at dinner..? The father usually sits at the end of the table (not on the sides. that is where i usually sit) Well..! I want to have just one normal dinner.. nothing special (maybe a large bird on the table.. ) with ME at the end where father sits (that would be.. interesting.)[/b] Why not~ Breaks tradition.. I can't do that because it would be weird for my father and he wouldn't approve. That's pretty much the only reason why.(I'd like to make it known that i've actually asked before XD) Why yes~ Well uh.. because anyone can just sit down somewhere and start eating right? xD Why~ Because.. I like that idea. There are many pictures and visions of a traditional american dinner.. (not necessarily american) with the father figure at the end. Well! I feel like breaking that picture.
  10. Adventuring Award (quester) -Kamisha Best Back Story / Paragon Papers (back story and quality of papers) -Magnus Vox (easy to read but very entertaining and... simple. i like his story a lot) Fossil of the year (On vet list, Chewett can't nominated, as he won last year) -Crazymike Most Addicted -Chewett Most Influential -Grido Rookie of the year (20 - 365 AD) -Yala Sviseusen
  11. Which spell? Oh and since this is offtopic is just feel like saying 71 of those casts were mine :DD XD
  12. Yay
  13. Selling these creatures below. Offer silver (preferred) or anything else you could possibly think of. Pimped grasan age 3 Imperial aramor age 211 Imperial aramor age 10 Unholy priests age 25 Tormented soul age 22 Ages are of day 323
  14. adiomino

    New Ggg?

    A bunch of people with a common goal in mind (train their creatures for a little while) gathering together to achieve that goal faster is not a problem. New GGG? No it is not.. The reason GGG was banned was because there were grinders at mp3/4 levels and it taught nothing to them about the battle system. Well they are using GGG style rits of course but that just makes things easier for them. I don't see why they can't train together without being harassed.
  15. That was an interesting fact Makes me want some of those nightshade berries now
  16. [quote name='dst' timestamp='1288550849' post='71216'] And what does that pic have to do with autumn? [/quote] I see blood red wine
  17. Oh that is beautiful simple too I'm working on a drawing as well. I'm not much of an artist but i'm trying xD YES! i got my scanner working ;D The second drawing is the one i am submitting of course. the first is just something i felt like adding Spirit of autumn looking after a forest elf paying his respects to the forest in a sunset. I'll nickname him shem
  18. Eh.. i agree with both chewett and pipstickz. I think it would just be a nice little thing to be able to see all the available protectors. Without all the extra information on them.
  19. I set up a ritual with 2 rustgolds 1 max ele and 3 angiens and gave the spell to dormouse (to attack someone that was bullying her) and instead 2 trees 2 birds 1 rusty and 1 lifestealercame up.. I did set the ritual i wanted to use on defense. I'm not entirely sure if a topic like this has already been posted. ehh...
  20. : Pipstickz uses his magical shiny long rod to turn adio into a real boy! Well a minor role change for adio. He's a boy now. err xD with a shiny new golden avatar! (the puppy on the forums is going to stay though )
  21. Happy birthday tarq!
  22. Yar... i've gotten my second rustgold drach ;)

  23. 3+ gold
  24. Pm me for my offer on your rustgold drach Or 50 credits Thank you
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