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Everything posted by adiomino

  1. adiomino

    Cats Or Dogs?

    [quote name='dst' date='23 May 2010 - 09:15 PM' timestamp='1274645745' post='60283'] Cats FTW!!! Dogs...are too obedient. I want something with personality. [/quote] Dog are most definitely NOT "too obedient" and they have very unique personalities and you'd know this if you've had the pleasure of meeting a few at the same time like at a dog park. Including my dog. And er... me Obviously i prefer dogs too haha xD Even though i haven't met many cats, they all seem... whats the word? ._. idk. Though Both animals have different personalities among their own.
  2. adiomino

    A Wedding

    I'll be there too As the best pup of course x) Congratulations to Darigan and Mya
  3. I completely agree with pip. Honostly... The whole injustice thing seems like a big mess (sort of pointless) that you guys expect firs to have to deal with. I highly doubt that anyone would built a shrine or hang up that avatar as a picture for all to see in some place like the DQ honoring the late eden. And since it was put in the shop again... it should be used for a new player. In nim's defense she was merely being oppurtunistic. (sp) XD too lazy to check.. and i see nothing wrong with that at all. but... i suppose if you knew eden or something that eden did then the avatar would be special to you and have some sort of sentimental value. still, why not? I can see why certain people would be upset. Though i believe that "hoping" for nim to be punished goes a little too far. eden was an important character yes... i think similar feeling arose in a topic that announced the recycling of avatars. look at that.
  4. Pip is right. Or at least i'm pretty sure. One invalid def rit won't make every single other def rit invalid.
  5. Well... Please check the logs that you get while being idle. Maybe they'll help clear things up
  6. er... i've never had this problem before. are you sure that after your rituals are broken that the top rituals still have creatures over 301 ve? Because it doesn't matter at the time of creating the ritual that the creatures you set have 301 ve. but if right when you are attacked (or attack) the creatures have less than 301 ve your rit will go random sorry if this didn't help XD
  7. Looking for a chaos archer with lots of nice tokens Age does not matter to me Must have claw I and claw III for starters. And I'm looking for one that has more than just that. Pm or post offers I'll pay for a tokening service on one of my chaos archers that already has claw I.
  8. I have already contacted Blackthorn to draw my avvie (i'm sure no one forgot) but just for the sake of keeping communication up i would like to inquire about my custom beagle avatar. I have 13 silver atm how much would a beagle avatar (drawn with acceptable dimensions) be? Jw! Thank you blackthorn for replying to my first messages too Alright thank you Blackthorn! Sounds great then haha
  9. I say no for exactly the same reasons that chewett said. If your name really bugs you so much make another account. And name changes well just don't seem like a wish point sort of thing. Mur should be the only one to change names because i'm sure that he'd want to regulate who changes their name to what. ya know?
  10. I'm in yoshi
  11. [quote name='Shadow(mcvities)' date='02 May 2010 - 06:16 PM' timestamp='1272820562' post='59160'] Seems that my application was never even looked at...I really am a shadow [/quote] All applications are looked at shadow. Including yours.
  12. Hiya Hope we can talk ingame sometime! :PP
  13. I think only allowing the giving of heads to a person of the same mp sounds nice but what about player in mp3? XD anyways i'm not sure about teh ability to send heads anyways. i mean... if you want someoen to take your heads set a rit and let them right? IDK! I guess it doesn't really matter for the boss heads competition but i don't really like the idea of it in the regular HC
  14. A chaos archer with different tokens must have claw 1 Please post here or pm me to set up a trade. i'll trade for some sc
  15. Could any mod please close this topic?
  16. been over a week bump
  17. interesting i enjoyed reading this as most of it was far before my time
  18. I'm not really a v-zaur :PPP but gargant (haha he was nice ggseverin lupinus Falsh Nubrigar Ox Taurius the Red Dark Mystic (you know.. i miss her but actually saw her not too long ago. haven't seen her once since. maybe i'm just really ignorant as to how many people actually do come by from tiem to time) nice avy willem redbeard Gauge braiton lady renata getschi Envy of Endurance (i don't know why i like it but it is smiling ) archomancer monsoon princek Aeoshattr (i thought i saw aeoshattr not too long ago but i think i was mistaken) cryxus lady isolda Je Suis Oeufs Fous MysticSiren AqlBeast Witiko (wooow i like itXD) Logan Marquis sable nyx artelan kaiseryo the witch doctor Siala Lone Wolf killemoff (Hey! i found the almighty king!) awww isn't this nice XD SubZeroo frostythehemp Daemon Torvez (gasp! i ike this one a lot)_ abaddun kadrim lord3angle assurancetourix [b]One of my personal favorites is witiko's oh and Daemon Torvez:D[/b] i must stop now my eyes huuuurt XD haha not sure how old they are or i they are "lost" (besides maybe gargant) but i like their avatars XD lol sorry if some of them are already posted. i don't think they are though.
  19. are you talking about the scrambled picture? haha i've already done that but haven't taken a screenshot do i need to do that?
  20. Haha i remember when i started out as an mp2 and you answered a lot of my questions and got me to hurry out of that stage of the game XD i liked it thanks XD
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