I'll add my voice in getting him up into mp5 too.
"No, it most definitely is not fair. But he is clearly not an 'mp3'. His grossly vain and very public display of his prowess proves that. He suggests that his status as 'mp3' is what makes his accomplishments have merit. "Feb vs the MP5 giants". I am merely suggesting that his label accurately express what he is. His strength, resources, and most importantly knowledge, are not what an mp3 is. He is -not- an mp3 in anything other than name, i suggest that his position should reflect that."
Well why is pushing feb into mp5 such a terrible, unfair thing? He is simply too powerful for his mind power level. And it would be more suitable for him to become an mp5. You said yourself, "But he is clearly not an 'mp3'. Well... all the more reason to get him to the mind power he belongs in.