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Everything posted by adiomino

  1. I say no to the stats damage change. Mostly because for me, it would greatly limit who i could attack. Why can't a strong mp5 attack a weaker mp5 without consequences? Heck... I'm fine with all the stronger guys beating up my creatures. Also! I'm all for a guild dealing with overpowered characters in the lower mind power levels. Perhaps feb shouldn't take any punishments himself. Since he didn't actually do anything wrong. (though he could be dealt with by the guild) He doesn't pose an immediate problem after all.
  2. I'll add my voice in getting him up into mp5 too. "No, it most definitely is not fair. But he is clearly not an 'mp3'. His grossly vain and very public display of his prowess proves that. He suggests that his status as 'mp3' is what makes his accomplishments have merit. "Feb vs the MP5 giants". I am merely suggesting that his label accurately express what he is. His strength, resources, and most importantly knowledge, are not what an mp3 is. He is -not- an mp3 in anything other than name, i suggest that his position should reflect that." Well why is pushing feb into mp5 such a terrible, unfair thing? He is simply too powerful for his mind power level. And it would be more suitable for him to become an mp5. You said yourself, "But he is clearly not an 'mp3'. Well... all the more reason to get him to the mind power he belongs in.
  3. most unimpressive my friend... must have a silly amount of vitality on that mp3. x) also... i havta say that the reason why you won is because of your high amount of ve packed on those max angiens. Not much else Nice ritual all the same though. But glorifying your wins is something that is just so~~~~ boring. Were all those wins consecutive? ~ or did you have to lose quite a few before being able to get lucky (with a burst as well) and getting the chance to print the screen on those particular battles..
  4. GRR!! stupid log in captcha thingies.....

  5. very nice xD
  6. noted and gratz
  7. I wanna join i'm a cake eater :DD
  8. [quote name='Grido' date='09 August 2010 - 02:30 AM' timestamp='1281317456' post='65430'] MAHA [b] Gender:[/b] Feminine [b]Usage:[/b] [url="http://www.behindthename.com/nmc/ara.php"]Arabic[/url] [b]Other Scripts:[/b] [url="http://www.behindthename.com/support/transcribe.php?type=AR&target=Ma%21h%5E%5Ea-h"]مهة[/url] [b](Arabic)[/b] Means "wild cow" in Arabic, the wild cow representing beauty. [url="http://www.behindthename.com/name/maha"]http://www.behindthename.com/name/maha[/url] [b]Meaning:[/b] In Hindu meaning is: Gazelle [b]Origin/Culture:[/b] Thai [b]Gender:[/b] Male [url="http://www.babynology.com/meaning-maha-m66.html"]http://www.babynolog...g-maha-m66.html[/url] [b]Boy or Girl ?:[/b] girl [b]Origin of name:[/b] Muslim [b]Meaning:[/b] Resembling the moon. [url="http://www.babyhold.com/list/Muslim_Baby_Names/Maha/details/"]http://www.babyhold....s/Maha/details/[/url] [b]The meaning of the name Maha is [/b] Shining[b] The origin of the name Maha is [/b]Arabic http://www.babynames.com/name/MAHA [/quote] Well you beat me to it grido xD I only had 2 of those.
  9. Yay! thank you ailith. lots of fun in the festival
  10. xD well the location doesn't really fit my poem. but i'll try to make the best of it
  11. Hey! Clock kept his promise to me xD
  12. WTB blood pact archers.

    1. adiomino


      Offering a single gold coin for 1. And buying 3. Age doesn't matter much and won't pay that much for extra age. See my forum topic :D

  13. 2 gc 1 sc
  14. bumpity bump. just want to say that i really don't care for age on the bloodpacts. or the pimpies. heretics don't need age either. So i won't be paying much for extra age. Maybe just a little. So, the price offer given at the top is pretty much what you should be expecting from me. nothing more. nothing less. Pimpies are 2-3 sc each.
  15. WTB Bloodpact Archers. Pm me for trade :D

  16. My offer 1 gold coin per bloodpact And buying 1 more. Won't pay much more for age but offer anyways if you have an aged one thats about it. i don't want tokens on my bloodpacts. Correction, i won't pay extra for tokens. Best offer so far is a fresh bloodpact archer for 1 gold coin. Now i remember saying i don't care about age but why not try to get a better offer if you can right? So a little more age like say 140 xD is a done deal.
  17. [u][b]Updated offer [/b][/u] 3 gold 13 sc for the bloodpact and 2 sharptears! :DD
  18. I'll miss you shar! Hope everything gets resolved soon so you can return
  19. Hello! Look forward to seeing you sometime!
  20. [quote name='Esmerelda' date='20 July 2010 - 07:55 PM' timestamp='1279652140' post='64251'] I wish to participate... Name: Nimrodel Homeland: Loreroot MP5 [size="6"]People i request you to send me all your fight logs when this happens... Person who sends me the maximum number of fight logs wins two silver. In case of a tie.. one silver each to the first two people to send me the fight logs.[/size] Erm... not allowing Shop crits and spells would be great as well... It'd give an equal chance to noobs [/quote] I think the not allowing shop crits and spells part could be reserved for a different tourney. THIS is the tourney of champions xD
  21. Name-Adiomino Land-Loreroot Mp-5
  22. Perhaps limit the number of tokens on the rituals they use. like 5 or something (less more idk)
  23. gold coin for number 1
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