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i have 6 angiens all aged. jz want to sell 3 of them they're all jz eggs ready to be evolved to the next stage idk the selling price for these so jz bid highest bidder wins only bids in pm will be accepted thanks
everyone, i have the perfect solution! wait for it.... wait for it.... *drumrolls* let's just ban all fighting in MD! yeah! MD should just be about creature collection and RPing wouldn't that be swell? then, there'd be no more pissing contests on who's stronger or who's weaker okay. you can all vote me king of MD now for being the smartest one of all. /end
ahh.. but ppl can always go to irc or some other chat client if urgently contacting other players is such a concern besides, we have enough modes of communication already as it is mood panel, forum posts/pms... about AP showing spoiler images, can't it just be scripted so that those without access to those locations won't see the image but just see a blurred image instead?
can someone win more than one reward? eg. if they win more than one sphere
i think it would be best if Mur posted a disclaimer in the site about avatars being uploaded by players and absolve MD of any responsibility arising from avatars uploaded by players... jz a suggestion.
famous artworks are part of the [url="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Public_domain"]public domain[/url] and as such MD cannot get in trouble even if they are used. but stealing works such as those from Marvel comics is a serious business. not only is their copyright up to date (copyright expires anywhere from 50-70 years depending on which country copyright was registered. work automatically goes to public domain if the owner does not renew copyright) but Marvel is a big company that means serious business. so tangle with them at your own risk. 1. if it is for personal use, comic book drawings from Marvel and elsewhere does not infringe on copyright. that's why you see drawings of superman, batman, etc which can be freely used in blogs and personal websites. 2. it becomes an issue when someone tries to make money off said artwork/drawing which is NOT THEIRS 3. and since MD sells its avatars... and even if it doesn't, it still uses artwork in a game which is a business (yes it is a business) so artwork must either be original or have permission from original owners to be used well, if Kamil can get permission from Marvel, all is well and dandy and we can sleep better at nights.
then that's an even sadder story a better way of checking should be established then the community should be enlisted for help all submitted artworks should be published here in forums before getting approved a larger group of ppl will make it more possible to screen better than a few ppl could
i think it should be the duty of the artisan's guild to screen these avatars so Mur's time doesn't have to be taken up with this crap artists should be artists, not copiers. have some dignity at least! it's shameful enough that you're copying the work of others but to accept payment for it and claim it as your own is just unacceptable! i remember Mur saying that successive punishments for things like this would be heavier (than what Fenrir got) remember that it's just not you that is going to be affected, but MD as well always remember the golden rule of copyright works public domain = copy, use freely as you like remember that copyright exists the moment a work is created (even if it hasn't been registered with the copyright office) copycat artists are especially easy to find out so ownership of artworks can be easily proved you see, even if you can steal others' work, you still can't steal originality
[quote name='Grido' date='16 May 2010 - 07:35 AM' timestamp='1273966521' post='59874'] one word; [size="7"]NO[size="2"] using the creature spaces on an alt is benefitting your main account, benefitting your main account with an alt is alt abuse, alt abuse is against the rules. so whilst technically you're just storing creatures on the other account and not using them, you're also technically breaking the rules, and could technically get banned [/size][/size] [/quote] well, it's just technically banning, right? lol. that's why i wondered. easy to achieve the trader achievement if you could just trade CTCs with your ALTS
technically, you're just storing the crits on the other account (not using them) so you can free up space on the main
well, i'm from the Philippines. my flag shows Australia maybe we can ask everyone else having same problems to add to the list?
can't Mur just change it so we can manually change our country of origin instead of it being detected from IP?
so if i use a proxy that corresponds to my country, it'll change? i'd like to see the list of players from my own country when i click the same country link rather useful getting together with your own countrymen, even if for just talk
the flag beside my name is Australia's i'm not from Australia so i'd like to change it how can i?
i like kafuuka's idea. wishpoints should be spent on what it is named after, wishes. and just like with all wishes, it may or may not come true, or may come true but not as you would like. wishpoints shouldn't be made into a currency like, hey this item is for 2 WP. each WP should be worth exactly one wish.
Is Md Too Exclusive To Entice A Larger Player Base Than Hard Cores?
Harion replied to Harion's topic in General Forum
[quote name='Fenrir Greycloth' date='19 July 2009 - 12:32 AM' timestamp='1247931150' post='37405'] Sure I admit I don't do quests. Most of them are retarded. Like "get me ten adepts and five protectors and you can have my spell doc" ...I think that more people should have the ability to makes quests, not reward them, but to have a quest page. In order to get the quest activated the player needs to get the quest apprOved by an rpc. This will allow many more quests, and a way to control the quality that comes from them. [/quote] 2 things you pointed out which i agree with. first, i think making quests that benefits the questmaker should be prohibited. next, controlling quality of quests. oh, we have that voting option, "did you like quests made by this player?" but it's too unscientific and too bias-prone. if you had a grudge with that player or just doesn't like the player, you can vote negatively. as it is now, quests are not quality driven. it should be. and quality quests that are repeatable and non-expiring should be given due by putting them as a main part of the game (like berserker's puzzle). that's also how you get your ladder quests, Mur. current problem of quests: no page for it for everyone. starting and ending quests is not integrated into the game i don't mean the quest itself but only joining one. like, on the quest page a button can be clicked to start the quest and then a new page opens up for the quest to be read. starting the quest should automatically list it on your "ongoing quests list" which should also be coded into the game (currently, we have no way of tracking our quests except by writing it down on the notes page) likewise, a button to quit the quest should also be added. coding this kind of quest system into the game also allows quest creators to track players doing their quests. we also may do away with those: send me a pm if you want to do this quest and instead have it automated. anyone who wants to start the quest get the info they need by clicking the start button. filtering players that can do the quests can also be done. now, on grading quests. first grade by difficulty, then by votes of how enjoyable it is on a scale of 1-5, then lastly ask those who did the quest whether it is worthy of being part of the game, just okay enough to stay on the quest page, or too bad the creator should lose points for it (yeah a point system on quest creation. gain more points to get better rewards to give out) grading difficulty should be automated by tracking how many ppl were able to complete it or until how far they got. this can be coded right into the quest page. after players complete a quest, they are asked to rate it on a scale of 1-5, 1 being the lowest and 5 being the most enjoyable. if players quit on a quest, it is automatically rated 1. ps. sorry i got so detailed on this but this is one part of MD i feel strongly about. it's the one part of MD that makes it so different from other games it just makes me sad it isn't improved to make it better. i'd like to reply to all posts, rebut others but for now this will be all i have to say. i'll gather my thoughts for a while, wait for more to comment and see what many others think of what is said in this thread. -
[quote name='Guybrush Threepwood' date='16 July 2009 - 08:39 AM' timestamp='1247701149' post='37173'] I suggest asking around in game, that's the idea for this game. Shouldn't be too hard to find someone to give you some advice. [/quote] you know, if you're going to bother and post a reply, you might as well have posted some short tips instead of a variation of RTFM. how would you feel if you ask for help and you are pointed somewhere else even though you know that person you asked for help from know what the answer is? it's f&*!ng rude and irritating. if you're bothering to answer, then answer instead of saying something like: follow my finger idiot. i'm pointing there. he's here in the forums exactly because he can't find it in-game. some ppl like to use forums instead of asking around in-game, some like asking in-game. is it a crime to use the forums and ask around here?
Is Md Too Exclusive To Entice A Larger Player Base Than Hard Cores?
Harion replied to Harion's topic in General Forum
[quote name='awiiya' date='18 July 2009 - 05:31 PM' timestamp='1247905871' post='37379'] I think you overdo it on the "exclusive" part. I think MD is exclusive only because it takes a smart person to play this game. Well, play this game and succeed, I should say. The veterans that I know (because to some degree I consider myself a veteran) are all intelligent people, and have earned their place in this game.[/quote] no, no. read above as Mur said, he himself admits he made this game kinda elitist. exclusivity has its draws you know. more than that, i have always felt in the beginning that Mur put these filters in the game because he is searching for specific kinds of players. the problem lies in that filter too much and you don't get new blood. you don't get new blood and the game stagnates. YES. no matter how intelligent, creative, great the players are that passes all those filters, if you don't get new blood, the game will always stagnate. also, smarts isn't the greatest filter in this game but patience. you may not be as smart as some, but if you are patient, you will last longer in this game. you see, it's not about just being friendlier only when you ask for it, pm someone, ask for help. NO! the game has to be friendlier at DEFAULT. there is still a difference between being newb-friendly and idiot-friendly is there? you can filter out the idiots without filtering all the newbs out there. get what i mean? [quote name='Muratus del Mur' date='19 July 2009 - 02:43 AM' timestamp='1247939018' post='37421'] That was my problem since the beginning of MD and still is ... the choice if to make ti more commercial and get BIG or to keep it exclusive and special.[/quote] yes. exactly my question. and hey, it's no business of mine if you want it to stay exclusive and not commercial. i'm just pointing out that there must be a way to get it both ways. best of 2 worlds, you know. you can build an entire world where commercial players know nothing about and only those who pass the filters get to see. [quote name='Muratus del Mur' date='19 July 2009 - 02:43 AM' timestamp='1247939018' post='37421'] I worked to much on elitist features, even now for example, i am working on the Black Letters, a series of 15 letters that will be sent out to 15 players ... now imagine how elitist is that if not even all rpcs get those.[/quote] yes! 15 players that will be sought after! 15 players that may make or break the quest. that's exactlt what i'm talking about. too much power given out to players that could make or break the game. hey, this 15 people can do ask anything they want from other players just to grant knowledge of those letters. seriously, can i play this game without being ultimate slaves to other players? like what do i need to do to get that quest? do a lap dance or show myself eating poop on a video to an RPC to fulfill the quest? POWER, my dear Mur. POWER! it's the problem you create when you give these sort of things to players (yes, players and not employees or GMs of your game). it goes to the head of those players and before you know it, they are thinking up quests that are so exotically difficult sometimes no one even solves them. what the heck? i came here to enjoy the game and get a relaxing time off work. i didn't come here to be ordered around and work some more! [quote name='Muratus del Mur' date='19 July 2009 - 02:43 AM' timestamp='1247939018' post='37421'] Its wrong, true.. but i do it because i enjoy it and the reason you have MD and enjoy it is because i did only the things i enjoyed to do, so i can not make promises that things will get less elitist around here, even if i realise i should make it more easy at the beginning with the regular npc grinding and hardcoded ladder quests ... like any other old fashioned rpg.[/quote] i know, and i understand. i'm not really looking for grinding here in MD. there are millions of other games out there that give out grinding. but ladderr quests, i believe, is something you need to put in MD. it will solve a lot of problems, most of all give players a reason not to quit. ladder quests are what gives players the feeling of progress. without those, frustration will set in esp if all the quest they can find are ALL player-made and they're ALL extremely difficult, and they're ALL required to get the secret stuff and all the goodies. [quote name='Muratus del Mur' date='19 July 2009 - 02:43 AM' timestamp='1247939018' post='37421'] All games i played grow in only one direction .. "serial" ... but .. i had a dream before starting MD..to have a "game" grow also in "parallel". For example you read a book, that story grows serial, only in one direction, but what if a book had 1000 versions or branches to it.. People enjoy serial growing of stories and game, they enjoy to gain more and more stats and get deeper in their adventure, even if they realise their adventure has only one way of expanding. Even if you have options to pick skill branches or guilds, its still serial evolution. This type of evolution makes money, all business do it, but its no true adventure behind it. I like adventures that give you total freedom but freedom is not free you have to work for it. RPC are more free than a new player, freedom, of choice, of action, this is the trade. There are two ways to be tottaly free, either tottaly smart or tottaly ignorant , ignorant people are "free" to leave. [/quote] that's also been my dream ever since. to play a game that you can make without being led through the story. all RPG games up till now have storylines - and no matter how many options for story branches game developers put in it, they are all still options those game developers made. they are not your choices. so what if you didn't wanna save the princess or kill that ogre? what if all you wanna do is sit around and study magic? your game is in the right direction Mur. but if you wanna build a world, you will need to expand. and for you to expand, you will need players. lots of them. and you will need to give them the freedom to explore your world and give them choices other than creature collecting and battles. i think you started off wrong when you filtered out first before expanding. i would've gone about it in the opposite direction. grow the world and when it's as big as i want it to be, start putting in filters slowly one by one. those who pass it go on to a different phase in the game unknown to others. those who don't are happy in their ignorance. as long as they don't know they're missing out on something, they will stay contented with what they have found. and it goes like that. those who don't pass the filters don't know that there's a secret world like Loreroot or Golemus or Necrovion. they go on happily roaming MD thinking the land they've explored is all there is. i still have too much to say but i'll say it some other time. i'll let others post in here what they think, and also wait for your reply. -
so i've stopped playing for a couple of months now got tired of having the game load slowly for me though i admit my laptop is a bit ancient, i have other browsergames which doesn't load as slowly as MD so that's what i've been playing instead of enduring slow loading times with MD (i like MD very, very much but until i get a new laptop or PC, i guess i'll be out of the game till then) anyway, this has been a question nagging at me since i started playing MD is it too exclusive for average gamers to enjoy? i know MD's attractiveness is based on keeping spoilers to a minimum but is making MD too hard to explore or quests ridiculously hard helping grow the playerbase? (well, if the game is content with what it has now then i guess it has no problems) *waits to be flamed* there has to be a way to keep the hardcore MD players happy and yet still keep average gamers playing perhaps an easy setting for those who want it? i've been wondering why there are no non-char NPCs that give out easy quests (that doesn't expire!) so that it'll at least give some players the feeling of progressing in the game instead of being stalled when they can't get over certain parts of the game *waits for more flaming* for example, it's currently nigh-impossible to get into loreroot unless you have the knowledge beforehand on how to get in or someone tells you how. i'm not saying it's impossible. i'm just saying it's close to impossible. maybe it's the misleading hints? making the right ritual isn't the only requirement to get in. otherwise i would've gotten in after i made "that" ritual. i had to be told WHY i still can't get in after making the right ritual. could i have discovered it for myself? well, if i kept at it, i would've since it would've been just a matter of TIME before i fulfilled the requirements but you know, i've almost given up on getting in thinking it's my rituals that was the problem anyway, here's my point: for me, the greatest aspect of MD and the most unique part are the player made quests and the ability to integrate your character into the game. it's what sets MD apart from all those games out there. but it's also the main weakness of MD into why it doesn't grow into a very big game. (but of course, maybe Mur wants the game to stay the way it is, exclusive for elites, so who am i to criticize?) currently, the game is set so that there are certain parts of the game that you can only access by completing certain quests set by other players such as yourself. there are also parts that can only be unlocked by figuring out puzzles left by Mur. that's all well and good. the problem gets in when some players get roles that become too central to the game they acquire huge powers that can and will be misused. idk what i'm trying to say. i can't explain myself fully except to say that there has to be away to make MD more friendly to gamers without making it a requirement to be slaves to the elites.
don't mind dst, he/she likes being the villain in this game both in-game and in forums obviously, for someone to complain about heads contest they prolly be someone new and why expect everyone new to know about def rits? hell, everyone should come into this game and know everything! it's a crime to go ignorant in this game, i tell you so tough luck, dst and their kind abound in this game if you dislike owning heads, just don't attack those with heads and if you have some, you prolly already lost them if your rit got broken anyway, heads contest or no, your crits getting killed will prolly happen most of the time EVEN with DEF rits just be patient with the healing and everything else this game isn't meant to be played fast like a game of counterstrike while waiting to fully heal and regen your VE, VP, and AP you can go and explore the land, solve quests and riddles and socialize with the players here that's the main bulk of this game anyway you'll be missing 90% of the game if you don't do any of this stuff and just stick to fighting
yes, thanks a lot burns
both actually, what format does friendster use? my blog is in friendster bbcode would also be very useful as i post in a lot of different forums
is there a way where i can use that nice MD banner so that when ppl click it, it points to my referral link? i'd like to use the MD banner in my blogsite but would like to do it so that the link leads to my referral page.
my question is a bit simple when you buy them, do they automatically get applied? and is the application random? also, is it more advisable to buy tokens when you have older and higher levelled crits rather than buying them when you have fairly weak crits?
how do you contact Mur? in fact, how do you contact anyone else for that matter? through here in boards or in-game? or some other way? email? IM?