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Everything posted by zalabar

  1. [i][u]Dragostea-din-tei[/u][/i]
  2. the Grassan is selling Grasans.

  3. kicking trees, particularly bob, Lup-a-lup :P

  4. it shows through how many unique people that stop on by, in how much MD is "worth" pure hypothetical. I payed attention to the chart at most, it seemed that we've had a slow coming with new friends, and old friends falling out.
  5. [url="http://bizinformation.org/us/www.magicduel.com"]MD Worthation[/url] maybe we need to help get the word out more?
  6. wow, we both came up with similar Ideas? well, drat. Great idea, it's a great fitting to add. I just had the oddest thought, you might become the new quest master who hands them critters out like... uh... Alek(someth'n someth'n) well, Good luck with your critter. (Now, if I can only learn how to set up them stats...)
  7. Vampire Bunnie? I'm going to have to invent a new drink... now, if I can find some Vampire Carrots... Welcome to MD, I'll be thinking of a nickname for you, if we ever bump into each other.
  8. I kind of think of helping the newbies out at the very beginning of their entrance to the world, I personally believe, if you introduce them to RP at their early age, tell them a few stories about some story, help orientate them to the World of MD, don't bias them to lean to any one side, teach them the very few rules of this great game, essentially, be a mentor. It gives them a much easier start, a better understanding of what goes on in the world, and helps ensure that MD will have a fresh batch of good people that will make the game more interesting. Don't see this happening soon, but I like to give thanks to all of the live help and veterans that dedicate their time to helping new people out. of course there is my personal pet peeve of idiots that use abbreviations of English words, furthering the language being butchered into just bizarre things.... Cheers!
  9. Beware, Someone wants to make a Staff out of Bob. beware the COM!

  10. you know, I'm kind of having a hard time holding back the peta jokes. anyhow, be warned, I might accidentally blurt some twisted joke the next time we run into eachother :P

  11. sad, to loose a pet that is close to you, is like loosing a piece of what makes you, you. here's to your pup, probably running around in doggie heaven. *sips his tea*

  12. How do you tan a grapefruit? stick it in the microwave and nuke it. :P here's to the mistress of books. *raises a cup of tea*

  13. interesting picture, of Ravens, and a golden skinned man... now if he only had hourglass eyes.

  14. if you can talk the stalk, why don't you walk the Stalk?

  15. That makes two of us, lassie.

  16. now, I am going to ask... what?

  17. looks like I am going to have fun talking to people.

  18. nevermind that, one How are you?

  19. Nevermind, that, there's another feller, Theslesmar, or something, great guy, but is also stuck in Golemus.

  20. heh, your rep's back to normal. as sad as that is. :P

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