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Everything posted by Nimrodel

  1. Update: Added more prizes, changed the wishpoint reward to the special award criteria instead of the third place.
  2. 1 Grido. :3 1. I once hung out of a bus to scare a guy on a bike. 2. I am single. 3. Mur is not my alt.
  3. Updated: prize list, rules for the special award.
  4. “Happiness is a state of noncontradictory joy–a joywithout penalty or guilt, a joy that does not clashwith any of your values and does not work foryour own destruction...” |

  5. [quote name='purplebunny' timestamp='1359883796' post='131903'] Family [/quote] The incredibles
  6. True success is determined by the QUALITY of one's convictions, not by the number of followers.

  7. Updated the rewards bundle
  8. awesome! More sponsors!
  9. Thank you very much Mur! Nao! Lets see what special category I can make. Hurry with the 10 submissions! HURRY! HURRY! HURRY!
  10. “Freedom (n.): To ask nothing. To expect nothing.To depend on nothing.” | The Fountainhead

  11. All Symbols. I know it needs lot of effort. But there might be other big rewards too
  12. Have a magical birthday vert!
  13. Happy birthday!
  14. Hello! This is my second quest! and is quite different from the first one. MD has four mainlands and other minor lands. Each of these lands have alliances and guilds, each having their respective symbols. Your task is to write about your perception of each symbol with reference to its constituting elements, colors, shape, size ratios or any other feature that you find striking and worth mentioning. For convenience sake: 1. Marind's Bell: a) Knights of the Bell b) Seekers of Enlightment c) The Water Dowsers 2. Loreroot: a) Guardians of the root b) The Crafters' Guild c) Woodcutters' Guild d) Children of the Eclipse (special)* e) Savelite's Church (special)* 3. Golemus Golemicarum: a) Guerrilla Golemicarum b) MR's Fraternity c) Kelle'tha Order d) Fusioneers e) Lair Keepers (special)* 4. Necrovion: a) Tainted Warriors b) Necrovion Sentinels (special)* 5. The Tribunal: a) The Caretakers b) Seal of Six c) Soldiers of the Inner Sun d) Treasure Keepers 6. MagicDuel Archive Lands a) The Archivists b) Dimensional Shifters c) Legend Speakers (special)* 7) Underground a) Shattered Illusions * [b][i][size=2]The ones mentioned as special are devoid of members at the moment. But each of them has had a significant role in the realm's history. [/size][/i][/b] [size=2][size=4]The entries are to be sent to me by [u][b]FORUM PM ONLY.[/b][/u] They will be submitted to anonymous judges for scoring. Kindly do not reveal your names and entries to others until the results are announced. [u][b][color=#ff0000]Any attempt to cheat will result in immediate disqualification.[/color][/b][/u][/size][/size] [color=#008000][u][b][size=2][size=4]REWARD BUNDLE:[/size][/size][/b][/u][/color] [b]First Place:[/b] [1 wishpoint +1 morph** + 1 pickle + Udgard's offer** + choice of spell stone** +Rusty**] OR [choice between a wishpoint and a 1 Melodic charm]*** [b]Second place[/b]: [1 wishpoint** + 1 morph** + 1 pickle + choice of spell stone** + Soulweaver**] OR [1 wishpoint or 1 Melodic Charm depending on what the first place winner chooses]*** [b]Third place: [/b]1 morph** + 1 pickle + choice of spell stone** + Soulweaver** [b]Fourth Place:[/b] 1 aged angien with claw1** + 1 gold coin** + 1 attack lock stone** [b]Fifth place:[/b] 1 sharptear with purpur fog** + 5 silver coins** + 1 move lock stone** [b]Special award** for the most unique submission ([/b]Surprise the judges. You can submit audios, videos, photo shopped stuff, anything you feel might get you the special prize! Remember though. It should be relevant!): 1 wishpoint** + 1 special ID creature from King Manu's account** + 1 morph** + spell stone** [size=2][i][b]** The ones marked with a double star will be awarded only if the number of participants is greater than 10.[/b][/i][/size] [size=2][b][i]*** the ones marked with a triple star will be awarded only if the number of participants are 10 or less.[/i][/b][/size] [s][size=2][size=4][color=#000000]The deadline for submitting your entries is [/color][u][color=#ff0000][b]4th march 2013[/b][/color][/u][color=#000000]. You have about 5 weeks.[/color][/size][/size][/s][size=2][size=4][color=#000000] Deadline now changed to [/color][u][b][color=#ff0000]12th March 2013 0000 ST[/color][/b][/u][color=#000000].[/color][/size][/size] [size=2][size=4][color=#000000]Noteworthy advice:[/color][/size][/size] [size=2][size=4][color=#000000]Try to make your entries crisp, relevant and concise. It'll be easier for the Judges. This is not a story contest.[/color][/size][/size] [size=2][size=4][color=#000000]Stress on variety, association and MD themes. It is an MD based quest after all.[/color][/size][/size] [size=2][size=4][color=#000000]For any help regarding the Symbols: [url="http://magicduel.wikia.com/wiki/List_Of_Alliances"] List of Alliances[/url][/color][/size][/size] [color=#ff8c00][i][b][font=georgia,serif][size=2][size=4]Consider it a learning experience. Nothing in MD is meaningless.[/size][/size][/font][/b][/i][/color] [i][b][font=georgia,serif][size=2][size=4][color=#ff3399]Edit 1: [/color][/size][/size][/font][/b][/i][font=georgia,serif][size=2][size=4][color=#000000]Phantom Orchid has offered to sponsor the quest with a wishpoint. If there are enough number of submissions, the person winning the second place will receive a wishpoint as well![/color][/size][/size][/font] [i][b][color=#ff3399][font=georgia,serif][size=2][size=4]Edit 2: [/size][/size][/font][/color][/b][/i][font=georgia,serif][size=2][size=4][color=#000000]Mur has offered to sponsor the following rewards[b] [u]if there are at least 10 participants[/u][/b]:[/color][/size][/size][/font] - a very low id creature from King Manu account (nothing special about the creature itself, but for some thats highly collectible). Id will have just 3 digits and about 2000 days age - 1 wishpoint - 4 morphs Fang Archbane has offered to sponsor 3 pickles Udgard has offered to sponsor by offering to convert the wishpoint won by 1st place to an item - something along the lines of a tablet/plaque containing drawings of symbols from the above mentioned alliances of Magicduel - [u][b]if there are 10 participants or more[/b][/u]. [i][b][color=#ff33cc]Edit 3: [/color][/b][/i][color=#000000]I am adding Four spell stones: earfocus, acousticremains, sendtogazebo and teleport to paper cabin. The first place winner will get to choose the stone of their choice, followed by the second place, then the third and the last stone will be given to the winner of the special prize. [u][b]Subject to more than 10 participants[/b][/u]. [/color] [i][b][color=#ff3399]Edit 4:[/color][/b][/i][b][color=#ff3399] [/color][/b]Treasure keepers have offered to sponsor one rustgold and 2 soulweavers! YAY!!! But the prizes will be given out only if there are [u][b]more than ten participants[/b][/u]! [color=#ff3399][i][b]Edit 5: [/b][/i][/color][color=#000000]Adding a fourth and fifth prize too! Mercurial Spectre has offered to sponsor an aged angien with a claw 1 and a sharptear with purpur fog. I am adding a gold coin and an attack lock stone to the fourth place and 5 silver and a move lock to the fifth place, the prerequisite being [/color][u][b]more than ten participants[i].[/i][/b][/u] Also, I changed the wishpoint reward to the special reward category from third place. Have fun getting creative!! [color=#ff0099][b][i]Edit 6: [/i][/b][/color][color=#000000]Burns has agreed to sponsor the quest with 1 Melodic charm, if there are [u][b]less than ten participants[/b][/u][/color] and Murs requirements are not met. Yay for the new drachorn master! [color=#ff0099][i][b]Edit 7:[/b][/i][/color] Changed the deadline. Quest extended for another week! Yay!
  15. [IMG]http://i56.photobucket.com/albums/g173/ysnigdha/funny-good-morning-pictures-lolcats_zps01db6b87.jpg[/IMG]
  16. Nimrodel


    *Nimrodel watches shem knock her cake while brawling with Reggie* *Nimrodel goes into Erza mode* x_x *Nimrodel exequips into demon armour and goes to brutify Shemhazaj*
  17. So you are campaigning for support and not for the vote while amoran campaigned for votes? And now your wish means nothing to you and you were just wanting to see how many votes you'd get? Meaning you prevented people who really wanted wishes from getting what they want by campaigning for a wish that means nothing to you? Wow. This just gets better.
  18. [quote name='Tarquinus' timestamp='1358954654' post='131285'] [list=1] [*][b]Peace - [/b]bottle of perfume w/ revival power [*][b]Esmaralda - [/b]spell or item to activate night/summon moon [*][b]Dark Demon - [/b]the Shadowblade [*][b]Tal - [/b]item to bestow/remove Silvan Watch tag [*][b]Miq - [/b]spell to reclaim TSB keys [*][b]Pipstickz - [/b]ability to bestow spell doc page [*][b]Phantom Orchid -[/b] chase spell [*][b]Maebius -[/b] 1 WP [*][b]Rumi -[/b] spell: weather - mild rain [*][b]Shadowseeker -[/b] Crimson Cross amulet [/list] [i]Edited because I keep misspelling 'Esmaralda'. [/i] [/quote] 'Campaigning' for a vote that your leader didnt mention in his top ten votes? Lol. I dont even know what to say. Edit: Wait! I think i do know what to say. Doesn't really help your cause if your leader does exactly opposite to what you are campaigning for
  19. [quote name='Fang Archbane' timestamp='1358931069' post='131259'] An option is an option regardless of the circumstance. If this is the road they wish to take, I wholeheartedly support it. Ive never been one to care about what others think (negatively), but an Alliance is equivilant to a home. I don't know what happened to have them lose it. I'm not one to care for politics, I'll leave that to the intellectuals of this realm, and give my humble opinion if asked. They want their home back. I won't fight against it, so why not help them achieve it? I don't care about the natural flow of things. I don't care about what others might think of me for my choices. I follow my own path, and my heart is telling me to help them. In their situation, I would do the same thing. Your entitled to your opinion DST, and so are they. You made your own wish for your own reasons, and DD made his. I won't heckle you over your wish. Frankly, I could care less what you wished for. Thus, I find it petty that you'd stoop so low as to judge them. Who are you to judge? Your opinion is that of a hateful and resentful person. Go ahead. Speak your mind. Troll me. Kill me over my choices. It won't affect me. I'm not afraid to speak for myself, and those I blindly follow. What I feel for Kol is respect. What I feel for Dark is admiration. What I feel for my fallen friends of the Eclipse is love. Blind faith DST. it's more powerful than anything you could possibly do. [/quote][quote name='DARK DEMON' timestamp='1358934618' post='131265'] [font=comic sans ms,cursive][color=#006400]And what makes you think of that? Lazy to work?[/color][/font] [font=comic sans ms,cursive][color=#006400]Do you even know what's going on before you start yapping?[/color][/font] [font=comic sans ms,cursive][color=#006400]NOTHING was happening when I came to this realm. I was lucky enough to see Amoran awake just once, to have a chance to speak to her. That's when I decided to do what I want to do.[/color][/font] [font=comic sans ms,cursive][color=#006400]I spoke to many many people, dst, and they gave good suggestions, which I'll not speak of here. [/color][/font] [font=comic sans ms,cursive][color=#006400]Since when did you get so interested in how CoE is campaigning for it's return? Chew told me to DO things, that saying we have supporters is not enough. And I agreed.[/color][/font] [font=comic sans ms,cursive][color=#006400]I vow that if my wish comes in the top 3 but if it still not granted, I won't stop. This is for my land.[/color][/font] [font=comic sans ms,cursive][color=#006400]When people find out that something has been wronged, only then they'll truly support it, be they new or old. You have to raise your voices for them to actually be heard. [/color][/font] [font=comic sans ms,cursive][color=#006400]You always try to destroy Phantom Orchid's role, what she worked on for many years. Is that better than asking people to support for your alliance's return? Look who's talking.[/color][/font] [font=comic sans ms,cursive][color=#006400]You can give me whatever thoughts on this you like. I still like mine better.[/color][/font] [font=comic sans ms,cursive][color=#006400]I'm nobody to tell you what to do, but if making people's lives miserable is your job, then you and all who support you have lost my respect. I don't hate you, dst. But I'm sorry, you're just not what I expected an old, experienced vet to be. And it's RIGHT for "noobs" to know about you. They're too young and they must be protected from those who seek nothing but to harass people.[/color][/font] [font=comic sans ms,cursive][color=#006400]Council won't fix the wrong, but new voices will.[/color][/font] [font=comic sans ms,cursive][color=#006400]Oh, and please don't say I've been brainwashed. I've had enough of that too.[/color][/font] [/quote] Umm, love your passion and all. Reminds me of a certain someone. But the post doesnt address either of you.
  20. [quote name='purplebunny' timestamp='1358857294' post='131215'] Alien [/quote] Sigourney weaver
  21. 1. [b]Shemhaza[/b]j - 1k Fenths exchanged (made into) an independent reality coagulator (10 points) 2.[b] DARK DEMON: - [/b]return of the Children of the Eclipse (9 points) 3. [b]Burns[/b] - ability to create 'Drach Melodic Charm' (8 points) 4. [b]dst[/b] - independent mineral water tool (7 points) 5. [b]Pipstickz[/b] - ability to give a spell doc page (6 points) 6. [b]Fire Starter[/b] - My chawan to be able to heat up cold tea (5 points) 7. [b]Shadowseeker[/b] - crimson cross amulet to be given the ability to summon people who bear the flag (4 points) 8. [b]Princess Katt[/b] - MB citizenship back (3 points) 9. [b]Rhaegar Targaryen[/b] - altered version of dance spell (2 points) 10.[b]Chengmingz[/b] - Peas (1 point)
  22. Not to spam the topic, but the negative reps are probably for the ridiculous prices that have been bid. Undervaluing a GG drachorn to this level, despite knowing its value and and its importance is worth getting negative repped.
  23. [quote name='DARK DEMON' timestamp='1358432162' post='130807'] [color=#006400][font=comic sans ms,cursive]peanut[/font][/color] [/quote] Snickers!
  24. Want to buy a fully tokened or heavily tokened (22-24)regular aramor. Please pm me.
  25. [quote name='Maebius' timestamp='1358251846' post='130561'] Nathan Fillion [/quote] Nate flory :3
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