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Everything posted by Nimrodel

  1. you should rather eliminate creatures like rakaustan or whatever its name is. It is one creepy erm... thing.
  2. Well.. Erm.. Moony.. You can start an organisation to kill all the people whose names start with B. You can attack them with weapons starting with the letter A.. I SUPPORT FOR THE EXISTENCE OF WEREWOLVES! MY LUCIAN IS THE BEST GUY I HAVE SET EYES ON! AND ALL THOSE WHO KILL WEREWOLVES SHALL HAVE TO BEAR THE CURSE OF THE FALLEN ANGEL ON THEM! *cough* *whispers* Is that ok marv? [color="#0000FF"]Is the screaming really necessary? dst[/color] they shout in war cries dst.
  3. Erm.. adventure RPG Free BBRPG interactive rpg charecter involvement rpg
  4. Nimrodel


    Well.. It has requirements even if they are to be taken seriously or not.
  5. Nimrodel


    Our *cough* alliance *cough* has requirements! You should go through the *cough* alliance *cough* page a.s.a.p.
  6. Nimrodel


    Sure akasha..
  7. Wierd. It wasnt that way when I opened my friend's list the last time..
  8. Nimrodel


    Perhaps we could erm, discuss the official erm.. Symbol or sign that would tell that we support the sisterhood.. Like a special recipe or maybe a special nailpolish, or a book or a jewellery.. And öoh! Windy! I'll let esme idle infront of wind's sanctuary! Just take a look at her hate page and tell me if Its ok for the sister hood!
  9. Ooh! Ecli and jura! But jura is blue rite? Maybe the other one is dark guard..

    Read more  
  10. In game MB.
  11. Erm.. Akasha.. Liberty... Whichever mod sees this topic first please do close it. I did read the story akasha. But it was too short for me to understand it. Thats why i put so many questions... I do ask a lot of questions... Sorry if that was a trouble. I didnt intend to cause any. One last question. Where can i find all the previous logs? Guess its time for print outs in my holidays..
  12. Me too.. Please close this topic. I had assumed that this thread had died. Apparently it didnt. Its embarassing to be called cute when you are not..
  13. Lmao. I edited my post. My bad. LMAO! and i dont think anythings wrong is there in discusing genesis. Its just a debate. If öne can discuss The Holy bible, why not MD?
  14. Erm.. What about loreroot? And why did golemus create instability? It was a totally different land of its own. I mean it was unconnected to the mainland of magic duel, till the bridge was built..
  15. Erm.. In case you didnt see.. Tainted angiens... Why are they tainted? Disgraced...?
  16. *scratches her head* hmm.. Khalazdad has been inactive from the past few days.. And liberty, erm.. Ok.. Erm.. Shades are not natural enemies of angiens.. Why? Shades are the dark, angiens are the light.. Erm.. They antagonise each other. Arent they like.. Erm.. How do I put it? Like the day and the night. Erm.. How can light exist in dark and dark in light without trying to hide when the other dominates? Ok.. So now.. I have another question. Tainted angien. How can light be contaminated, erm perveted by darkness? Ok.. Tainted means disgraced.. So why are they disgraced?
  17. Correct me if I am wröng liberty. I read in some pinned up thread bout angiens being a natural enemy of shades and somethng about bears and sharks.. Never mind..
  18. I won? O.o wow! I WON! Yay! *still cant believe it* I Won! I won! I won! Wow! *does a jig*
  19. Hmm.. Well.. In a square, you can go around and around too.. Cyclically.. I dont want to sound obstinate or imposible. But I just cant grasp what you are trying to say. Now for the shades and a perfect sphere, erm.. Isnt there a charecter who is a perfect sphere, i think MRD. the one who floats in the air and went to golemus, to gain knowledge, so what about him? Does that interfere with the balance? Hmm.. And when the shades mirror us.. Erm.. They should also mirror our negative side right? That means they should be having positive sides too right? And erm.. They say that angiens are the natural enemies of shades. So if the shades mirror our negative side, would they still be natural enemies of angiens?
  20. Hmm, please define cyclicity for me.. I guess I am getting confused.. Because when i say cyclic, i mean the whole thing starts and ends at the same point no matter which way i go or move my pencil.. Well now for spirals.. Erm i agree when you say that spirals go clockwise and anti clockwise when you change the planes. What does that have to do with cyclicity?
  21. You spoke my mind burns. So that means every shape is cyclic. Including the cube. Well.. Now then everything that did originate from the cube is cyclic.. So how does that make the shades different from us? Refering to the association of shades to cyclicity of spheres and spirals, i would say even we should be associated with spheres and spirals... Then how do you explain that the shades mirror us?
  22. Its not a point death bell...
  23. Erm.. Reading all about spheres, cubes and circles in the pinned up thread, i remembered a question i encountered while preparing for my engineering exams( i m not an engineer i am a doctor. I prepared for both) The question was what would you relate a circle with radius equalling infinity to? The options given were a cube, a sphere, a line or a point. The answer is very simple. I'l let you people figure it out. Its a paradox. Hmm. My question is something you will understand after you figure out the answer. You see, I would like to point that the principle of cyclicity will not hold good in case of an infinite circle. If it does, then it should hold good in case of every shape.. Because an infinite circle finally is the basic building block of every shape.. Meaning all the shapes should be cyclic. Its a complex question. You will understand it only if you manage to get an answer to the above question. If you dont, please post, i'l let you know by pm....
  24. Nimrodel


    Erm.. Thank you.. XD
  25. Nimrodel


    Whats the difference between a peach and an apricot?
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