You walk into the paper cabin wanting to grab some new adepts since all those in the park dojo have been stolen from you by your friends and aspiring mates (how dare they steal what is rightfully yours?! Lets rampage a war on them!). What you fail to notice is a black coloured, strange, shadowy, mist has followed you from the howling gates, into the paper cabin.
You find a lot of scrolls strewn on the floor and assume that one mp3 noob must have presumed that he was the god of thunder and tried to burn the scrolls with his invisible lightning bolts. You laugh to yourself and pretend to set the room hoping that mur would make you an rpc or gift you a drachorn for your hardwork. What you dont notice is the mist has entered the room and seemed to have closed the door.
You drop yourself on the chair, cursing your fate, Niether did you get to plague and mp3 noob to be your adept nor did mur give you a drachorn, noticing for the first time, the black mist. You squeal with delight, thinking that some stray shade has finally approched you for an autograph! You are famous!
The black mist rearranges itself into a chair and a cloaked figure who seems to be whispering something. You modestly take out your pen and raise your hand forwards confidently to sign when a wet, clammy hand clutches your wrist..
It whispers, 'Run.. Warn.. The shadow mist is waiting in the paper cabin.. Let the offerings to appease me come.. Else the plague of death will befall on all! RUN! MWAHAHAHA!'
You shreak with fear and run away to warn the others.. The blood drained from your face..
MWAHAHAHAHA! (resounds in your ears)