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  1. Upvote
    redneck reacted to MRWander in Stop Ggg   
    [quote name='Sparrhawk' date='03 June 2010 - 10:02 PM' timestamp='1275631339' post='60962']
    Better yet take a moment to think before you post a ridiculous suggestion.
    have you even read any of the topic.
    Nope I havent even read the title to this thread i am completely illiterate and post my opinions on random ideas i have anywhere in the forum you can tell by my high post count and how i m always being flamed for spam.
  2. Upvote
    redneck reacted to MRWander in Stop Ggg   
    [quote name='Sparrhawk' date='03 June 2010 - 09:44 PM' timestamp='1275630242' post='60960']
    A stat wide reset and close all training grounds right, what will happen then? either people
    most likely people who spent money on stat boosters will consider leaving. other than that
    the ones who have token rits and drachorn rit will just go around and boost their stats
    fast again, or people will continue their combo training circles and farm up there stats
    again quickly. it wouldnt really solve anything.
    use your head i m eventually you ll figure it out...i m not here to babysit or play school teacher this game is SUPPOSED to be about thinking and using your brain maybe it try it sometime then you ll see what it will achive.
  3. Upvote
    redneck reacted to MRWander in Stop Ggg   
    As a MR i m sure this wont come as a surprise but i like the scorched earth policy... nobody will be happy no matter which way it goes...my suggestion game wide stat reset. then the fun can begin again...
  4. Downvote
    redneck reacted to Sparrhawk in Stop Ggg   
    A stat wide reset and close all training grounds right, what will happen then? either people
    most likely people who spent money on stat boosters will consider leaving. other than that
    the ones who have token rits and drachorn rit will just go around and boost their stats
    fast again, or people will continue their combo training circles and farm up there stats
    again quickly. it wouldnt really solve anything.
  5. Upvote
    redneck reacted to Indyra in Stop Ggg   
    Sorry..i;m lazy and didn;t read the entire thread..but as much as some of you would like GGG closed that won;t stop players to "move it" i another location ...the way is there ..they know how to do it...they can just move to their own private parties ...what will you do then ...haunt, stalk , break their rits if you catch them ? ...i agree that there are some serious stats grinders who we don;t see outside of GGG..but closing it won;t be a solution...yes new player are attacked and "killed" by vets ...so what ? it's called natural selection ..the whole purpose of fighting is finding flaws in someone rits and defeat it by any means you can : strategy, stealth, brute force etc..we have many examples of that in nature just take your pick...
    i can give tons of game examples as well..none of them is fair to new players? why should MD ? i;m sure that if a fresh Mp5 would stop for a moment and PM his attacker any of the vets will explain or at least point him out what to do ...and one more thing...IT's up to you if you chose to be a VICTIM or if you chose to learn and MOVE on..so no excuses for the ones feeling masacrated . If any of the vets picked on you means you have enough stats for them to be interested . how did you get those stats ? by training at the GGG. That's what happens when you have massive stats and no idea about the fighting system. Live with it.

    LE: i'd put stats limits ....you have over X , you can;t enter ....that will help against grinding and let private parties opened for those who want to attack them but also keep the ones who need a little training safe ( but idk if the idea can be applied in game, just another rule to be followed won;t help to much)
  6. Downvote
    redneck reacted to Manda in Stop Ggg   
    GGG good truth the help too much the players, also get there because in one day (mp5) i was close to skill damage ..... I at mp5 know how to fight already investigating the majority of creatures, but I really can not win against 6 dragons, 6 angels, 6 BP full of tokens and that its owner has 7000 + ATK or df,
    in Fight Club you get good things, but come the abuses and history repeats itself ....
    if you dont like GGG, well, do this encourage people as Fyrd argentus in races
    Cutler creature card game and a ton of things, yoshi memories, you dont need to give wp if you dont want
    and yes new player interesting in fight mechanism but he c he cant win he borred and ops no more player
  7. Upvote
    redneck reacted to Pipstickz in Stop Ggg   
    [quote name='bfh lighthing' date='03 June 2010 - 08:59 PM' timestamp='1275620347' post='60944']
    Imagine new Mp5 trying to fight veterans that already have tons of stats.
    The new MP5 should maybe try to hit the vets a few times and lose, then stop trying to fight them. Why would they keep attacking? Also, again, before GGG, new MP5s got along well enough.

    [quote name='bfh lighthing' date='03 June 2010 - 08:59 PM' timestamp='1275620347' post='60944']
    That's not the only problem, anyone think in the impression this cause to new players? One example?

    Player Limethunder (45 days old in game) was attacked and totally destroyed while he is idle in GGG. He tells after he awake "i have no def rits though

    and most creatures dead or near to" -- "alright i'm off to cower around sanctuaries for a few days regen some crits"

    do you guys think this cause a good impression to this player?
    Lime Thunder was awake while No one was there attacking people, and they were talking in chat. I remember specifically that he said something like "You should talk to your victims more often. It makes them feel special." This is only one quote (the one that I remember >>)
  8. Upvote
    redneck reacted to Pipstickz in Stop Ggg   
    New MP5 -> Average MP5 -> Veteran MP5

    Group A of New MP5s come in, and get beaten up for a while by the older MP5. Then Group B of New MP5 come in, which pushes Group A into the "average" slot, because they now have someone to attack. The cycle continues.

    Sanctuaries are there for a reason as well. How many people do you think actually USE sanctuaries? Why SHOULD anybody use them when they could be at GGG farming wins instead of just sitting there waiting for the regen timer?

    Back when there was no GGG, new MP5s got the hang of defending themselves well enough, but now that there's GGG, again, why should they?

    You, Poppi, are a perfect example. You've used your privilege to create alts well, because you've had a few, and over time, you've learned quite a bit, right? Does it really matter if you can't beat a few vets? Avoid them. It's not hard. At worst, you get a few losses and have to wait for regen, or use free credits, or ask your protector for a heal.
  9. Downvote
    redneck reacted to Fenrir Greycloth in Stop Ggg   
    Didn't I say exactly the same thing a few months ago? I could have sworn I did....

    Oh wait. I did. And oh wait. I got flamed and told to shut up, and got accused of a bunch of stuff.

  10. Downvote
    redneck reacted to Fyrd Argentus in Stop Ggg   
    GGG might be the worst thing to happen to MD, but all you multi-year veterans have failed to provide an alternative. Right now all a new mp5 can do for combat is go to GOE and get thrashed by angiens and drachs on steroids, wander around the empty lands, or go to GGG. It took me 3 weeks to find 180 victories outside of GGG - that's fewer than 10 per day.

    If you ancient whiners would create something worth doing instead of trying to tear down the only thing left, we wouldn't think you're such ####'s.

    I tried to create an alternative - and got no support. Burns is at least trying, I give him that, but fight club is just as artificial as GGG. What have the rest of you done to keep MD alive, rather than tear it down?
  11. Downvote
    redneck got a reaction from Watcher in Stop Ggg   
    same for combo grinders that use nothing but combo rits to gain stats ive did it soem but ppl like czez,MRA and MRHO do it all the time im in on this one with no one lets destroy the ggg
  12. Downvote
    redneck got a reaction from Amoran Kalamanira Kol in Stop Ggg   
    same for combo grinders that use nothing but combo rits to gain stats ive did it soem but ppl like czez,MRA and MRHO do it all the time im in on this one with no one lets destroy the ggg
  13. Downvote
    redneck got a reaction from Ledah in Stop Ggg   
    same for combo grinders that use nothing but combo rits to gain stats ive did it soem but ppl like czez,MRA and MRHO do it all the time im in on this one with no one lets destroy the ggg
  14. Downvote
    redneck got a reaction from Kyphis the Bard in Stop Ggg   
    same for combo grinders that use nothing but combo rits to gain stats ive did it soem but ppl like czez,MRA and MRHO do it all the time im in on this one with no one lets destroy the ggg
  15. Upvote
    redneck reacted to dst in Stop Ggg   
    Why just the accounts? Why not the entire MD?
    They have ways of dealing with the GGG offenders. So why should I not be permitted to stay where I like?

    I have obeyed the rules of GGG. I have not attacked players in there. I have always announced that I am not set.But today I was accused that "I ALWAYS break rits" in GGG. Why should I keep respecting the rules since you already accused me?

    You say:
    [quote]Now with regards GGG well if people decide to gater and train
    that is there choice not your's you dont like it thuff[/quote]
    Well then I should not be punished for attacking them.I am training also, right?

    [quote]his is a game were one has the freedom to do prety much what they want
    within limits and well so far GGG has not broken that limit from what i can see.[/quote]
    The same thing applies to me. I am free to do pretty much everything. Why am I being punished for attacking players in a scene in the game?

    [quote]if you are going to start this grinding complains lest go a step further
    reset all account how about that [/quote]
    I have complaints regarding RP. Let's remove the chat in MD. What about it?

    I am too tired right now to rant about this. Maybe tomorrow...
  16. Downvote
    redneck got a reaction from phantasm in Stop Ggg   
    same for combo grinders that use nothing but combo rits to gain stats ive did it soem but ppl like czez,MRA and MRHO do it all the time im in on this one with no one lets destroy the ggg
  17. Downvote
    redneck got a reaction from Pipstickz in Stop Ggg   
    same for combo grinders that use nothing but combo rits to gain stats ive did it soem but ppl like czez,MRA and MRHO do it all the time im in on this one with no one lets destroy the ggg
  18. Upvote
    redneck reacted to Yrthilian in Stop Ggg   
    [quote name='No one' date='03 June 2010 - 09:54 PM' timestamp='1275598475' post='60910']

    You all say that some players are overpowered, some creatures do too much damage.
    YES, you allowed some to over (ab)use this GGG to achieve all that.


    Umm... the ones that have huge stats had them befor the GGG
    they used bugs and breaking the rules to get them
    they were not punished for this.

    Now with regards GGG well if people decide to gater and train
    that is there choice not your's you dont like it thuff

    This is a game were one has the freedom to do prety much what they want
    within limits and well so far GGG has not broken that limit from what i can see.

    If you dont like GGG then dont go there it is that simple.
    i dont care if it is closed down or not i dont use it often
    but then if you are going to start this grinding complains lest go a step further
    reset all account how about that
  19. Upvote
    redneck reacted to No one in Stop Ggg   
    GGG kind of gathering is not good for the game. I want it closed.
    There is no more respect in this game. Honor became an aberration.

    Please (mod name here), if you have the link for what GGG should do, attach it to this post.

    What GGG was intended to do and what it does is different and it went for bad.
    To keep the spoilers to minimum, I will just say that it is used for:
    - gaining status points
    - gaining wins
    - getting experience

    You will say that this is the point. NO, this is the point of the entire game. If you do this in an organized fashion, the ones that will be able to stay longer will be able to (ab)use more this possibilities.


    You all say that some players are overpowered, some creatures do too much damage.
    YES, you allowed some to over (ab)use this GGG to achieve all that.

    All of the above gains should be done through hard work.

    All of the players should be attack-able at all available locations with whatever anyone desires.
    That should be the first rule.

    There is a limit to attack a player within no less then 8 minute with a reason: if one does not like to be attacked, to be able to leave or hide or to be able to set a defense.

    This is the most important rule that governed MD for a long time and should be imposed again.

    Also, any use of spells to send someone away because they don't like the attacks is an aberration and should be punished.
    That should be as a second rule.

    As an implication of those rules, any gathering wherever it may be is attack-able.
    Any gathering for "ggg kind of reasons" within closed location should be forbidden. (This cannot be achieved at this time but it should be enforced)

    That way, any player that gets stats to beat you deserves your respect.
    Any player that can beat your defense deserves that honor of acknowledging that is better.

    I hate ggg grinders that gained HUGE amounts of stats for nothing, no effort what so ever.

    Today MRD said that this game is no longer fun
    Today MR Holy One said that it is no longer fun.

    Lets make it fun again.
    Lets make a win be a really good win and not a fake.
  20. Upvote
    redneck got a reaction from No one in Stop Ggg   
    same for combo grinders that use nothing but combo rits to gain stats ive did it soem but ppl like czez,MRA and MRHO do it all the time im in on this one with no one lets destroy the ggg
  21. Downvote
    redneck got a reaction from Tarquinus in Stop Ggg   
    same for combo grinders that use nothing but combo rits to gain stats ive did it soem but ppl like czez,MRA and MRHO do it all the time im in on this one with no one lets destroy the ggg
  22. Downvote
    redneck got a reaction from Kyphis the Bard in Ggg   
    your probly talking about grido technically i think he does own the cabin.....but i dont think he has the right ot tell you what you can and cant say i mean your not hurting nayone your actually helping you yoursef an others ALOT
  23. Downvote
    redneck got a reaction from Hedge Munos in Im Selling My Item   
    wow thats worser than any of my deals ive ever made and ive made some bad ones xD amd plz - neg rep me im trying for lowest in MD
  24. Downvote
    redneck got a reaction from Pipstickz in Im Selling My Item   
    wow thats worser than any of my deals ive ever made and ive made some bad ones xD amd plz - neg rep me im trying for lowest in MD
  25. Upvote
    redneck reacted to cutler121 in New Rules Regarding Md Script And Item Customizations   
    As I said from the beginning, I was happy to make the Astral Plane and if/when Mur didn't want it anymore I would get rid of it. I have gone through and inactivated all of my scripts since they, for the most part, break at least two of the rules above.

    I hope people enjoyed the Astral Plane and the quests it enabled while it was around. My only request is that people don't file Court cases against me to get money back for things I made for them in the AP. Just come and ask me for your money back and I will transfer it to you.


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