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Everything posted by VorniC

  1. Hello to everyone and good to be back. I come here with a little problem. in the past few days i got a error when i'm trying to attack MrAlyon and Imperian. is says they are alt of mine. and as well i get the error when i try to worship Syrian. please help me to fix that problem. Thank you in advance.
  2. 1) Then let it like it is. Maybe the time will solve them all. 2) Early bird gets the worm??? then i should do some propaganda to the rest of the hungry birds? if some of this birds are so selfish and take all for them... why the rest of us can get them below reg. rate? right? like No One said: "because we can". Anyway your answer was clear and i know in which direction will go the things. So, i think i got all the answers i need. Thx.
  3. 1) when the land loyalty influence the tools, they are not anymore shared tools, are personal tools and you reach to get them only if you are a very cute, and is based on favoritism, even No One is complaining about some tools that are unreachable... My point here was: can be done an option that you can buy or loan the tools in exchange of coins in public area? or even a deal that you should give let's say 10% from what you have collected to the land from where you got that item. 2) maybe i wasn't so clear... the main reason is that people aren't stopping until they get all resources till the limit. and this is not fair for the rest. Maybe this is not the best option, but is good like how it is right now? 3) you can catch different kind of fish that can be used later as resources for cooking recipes, or other type of recipes.
  4. VorniC

    New ideas

    My idea is that the viscosity should be influenced by visits in that location and not about land loiality. e.g. The Location X have xx vascosity. The vascosity is reduced by yy - where yy is the amount of times you have visited the place. reason: - once you get familiar with the place i dont see why you should have the difficulty to recognize the place and walk so slowly... - the beauty is to reach places you havent seen. not to keep them hiden. and if is a reason that a place must be hidden, then are other ways to keep it safe.
  5. Both responses complete in some way what i meant. Which leads me to another things that i want to say, and can be taken as ideas. 1) I agree with land loyalty req. for to access the land treasury, but i dont agree with land loyalty req. on tools. In not a single game ive played i didnt encountered such restriction. Is normal that their places are in relation with the lands but they should be available for all. It is normal that if you want a certain armor with bonuses specific to that land... to need land loyalty, but for tools... no. e.g. and idea: A land can ask a specific amount of coins (reasonable) for using that item, and the coins will go to land treasury. reason:give the chance that the resources and tools can be used by everyone, not hoarded by a certain amount of players. 2) if a player collect all resources in a place just at the limit, and i come there what can i do? a) i can collect below the regeneration, b)wait until they regenerate, or c) i can say: well done m8, i will wait until you are tired and i can get some for my self. idea: rise the time between each resource is collected... e.g. - first resource collected - cooldown 10min - second resource collected - cooldown 20min - third resource collected - cooldown 40min, and so on... reason: you give the chance to others to collect resources, and the resources have time to regenerate for all of us. 3) I like fishing :P I would like to see some fishing spots, cause we have waters, all that is missing is to put fish in them :D and we don't know, maybe we can catch other things than fish to, like a piece of wood or torn boot or rusty armor :) or anything unpredictable...
  6. This is an explicit answer, to what i have proposed. But are two things that i would like an opinion to. If you can read please from: "Another thing i haven't seen....". and tell me what you think.
  7. I'll start by saying two things: 1) Offtopic - this topic will have long sentences due to my way to exprime in english (I would appreciate it if you had the patience to read all). 2) Ontopic - in every MMORPG I've played, resources plays an important role - to create new things; I wasn't very involved in the collection of resources, but i can say, as a player that had to do with resources in other games, that what is happening now, does not work as it should work (IMO). Why? I will give my reason and on that basis you will make connections by yourself, and tell if you tink the same or have different opinion. Based on the games I've played i can say one thing: in both areas - collecting and processing of resources - must have the necessary experience to do it. And a person who has knowledge for collecting certain resources can have the knowledge to process them, or not necessary. But if so, they are in close connection with each other. And here are some examples of how should work the resources collecting and processing them. About collecting: i harvest herbs - so i have as profession: herbalism. i cut trees - i am woodcutter i collect memory stones, iron, ore etc - my profession is mining or whatever i dig to find bones or other things - i have as profession: archeology So if i harvest herbs, do you think i am good at digging or mining? About processing: using herbs and liquids i can create potions - i have as profession alchemy i put spells into memory stones - so i am an enchanter... So if i am a chef and i like to cook do you tink i am good at making alchemy or blacksmithing? And there are more but if is needed and it is a good ideea, i can add all the professions that a person can have when is doing something. The whole idea is that a person can't do all professions and is restricted to 2-3 professions, like 1 profession as collector, 1 profession as an processor of certain resources and 1 profession, which is more as hobby like fishing, riding, writing, etc. This can be a better thing because people may be limited to certain profession and don't rush to get most resources they can. Another thing i haven't seen it that you don't get fails when you try to collect resources... in my opinion, not every time i should try to pick up a herb i get it correctly or i can use it, or if i dig to find bones i don't find that bones everytime... I tink that is based on experience and to get experience are moments when you fail to get what you want... And when you fail to get something you get points to certain profession... till you become more experienced and get less fails. Also i think heat should be used to be able to collect resources... like the requirements for using spells. e.g. Who can work if he doesn't eat? - he needs energy to do that... I know that the idea is hard to perform, but we have some basis, and in time can be improved, but at least this concept goes in a way, at least for me.
  8. VorniC

    HC Rules

    i have something to say... the HC it starts every 4th month not every second month...
  9. I have a point of view - good or wrong, is what like i see it. As a player, i became since 24.12.2007, and i don't know if in that time there were presents. But i remember that in one of the next years i was there and i have seen gifts near the tree. I was very happy because i wanted to see what i receive, and i was happy that i get gifts not because they give rare stuff or to common... Unfortunately, after that time, i do not know what happened that i haven't been around MD, or i was but i didnt have the mental power to play with a main caracter and i played with so many characters that Mur was forced to block most of them. I really can't remember wich one was the reason of my innactivity, but when i look at my page and i see Activity days: 27% (A total of 531 out of 1997 days) is a really shame for me. Because of the mistakes that i made i paid 2-3 years in a row ... Why? My activity % says it all. And when i see it, i know i will have to wait, still many years before i will be able to open a gift box. I was so bad in all these years? Idk... I hope i have not bored with my story, but i really wish i could open those boxes again, even if behind them will be a great gift or a smaller one. As for envy, intrigue and competition, is there since the human being walked on earth :) and if in what i said before i was offtopic, now i would like to say that if Christmas gifts are based on activity, involvement in MD and other criteria like that .... then they are not gifts, but rewards for what we as individuals have made ​​in the current or past years... and for that i am sure that are other ways to reward the work and dedication. And at the end of this, i ask: in real life we always have to wait Santa to give us presents? maybe we fall asleep and we don't catch him, that doesnt mean we forgot about him :) I hope what i wrote will raise questions, and questions will have solutions. And of course, hope i will be there with all of you, when the time will come to celebrate and share our happiness.
  10. Happy Birthday Shem!!! And may all your wishes to come true!!!
  11. VorniC

    HC Bug

    I didnt get score on HC because of my registration on the Mini BHC. Now the problem is solved, and i want to thank you. You can close the topic.
  12. VorniC

    HC Bug

    Yes sure. I attack persons with heads... i take them but i dont get score for my heads... now i have 40 heads, so i should get 13pts and i am at GoE. Edited: And now is the 4th time when the score was updated and no score for me... and i was at Gazebo of Equilibrium. My first doubt is that i may be in conflict with the registration on the Mini BHC... and my heads dont get counted...
  13. VorniC

    HC Bug

    I participate in the competition of Heads Contest and i get heads when i fight with players, but the score was updated 3 times and i still dont find me on the chalange list... Hope this will be fixed soon. Thank you.
  14. ooooh no... MD have serious problems? my day ended with the worst screen... hope MD will revive for the good moments we all have spent together... what can i say i have no words...
  15. My question is rellevant or not... or maybe the answer is here and i didnt see it... If i made an alt just to see if i can beat the guards... and i beat them... the reward i will get on my main account or on the alt account? Hope it is not a ridiculous question...
  16. First i wanted to draw just this: [url="http://imageshack.us/f/442/mdbirthday1.jpg/"]http://imageshack.us/f/442/mdbirthday1.jpg/[/url] but after i was tinking it is better if i put it in a scenary... so i had to do it in 4 pages A4 and to place them side by side... [url="http://imageshack.us/f/18/mdbirthday.jpg/"]http://imageshack.us/f/18/mdbirthday.jpg/[/url] I didn't have a personal scanner, so this is the quality i got. Hope you like it...
  17. I will sponsor your quest with 3 BMMO Silver Gifts...
  18. the rain is also sold, so please close the topic. thx
  19. I want to sell: [s]1. Rustgold Age 117, Stored Heat 380k, Tokens claw1, claw2.[/s] sold to anonymous [s]2. Rein Drach Age 81, Stored Heat 200k, Tokens claw2, stardust, claw1, antifreeze.[/s] sold I will sell them only if the bids will satisfy me
  20. the same on me.... exactly the same. hope to be up soon because i dont know how much i will have internet connection... and i dont want Liberty to tell that i am a bad auctioner... and i dont respect my trades...
  21. yes me too, why is telling me that the letters are invalid? i cant login....
  22. 3gc and 3sc for imp #3
  23. 3gc for imp #3
  24. 3gc and 8sc for imp 2
  25. 3 GC for the imp nr2, and 1 GC and 5SC for each barren
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