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Everything posted by nadrolski

  1. [b]Happy Birthday![/b] [i](hi-5!)[/i]
  2. [b]Happy birthday to you, Sunfire![/b] [i](hi-5!)[/i]
  3. [b]Happy Birthday MagicDuel! Happy Birthday aaront222! WoOt~[/b]
  4. Long live Queen Handy Pockets! Long live Marind Bell!

  5. nadrolski, 531 AD Pick me because I was born with tons of patience on my armpits
  6. [color="#C0C0C0"]3 SC for the Joker[/color]
  7. [b]Happy Birthday, [i]kabayan[/i] boss Redd![/b] Enjoy your day, and hope you play again
  8. [b]Happy Birthday to you, Indyra![/b] [i]High five![/i]
  9. To live and die for Marind Bell.

    1. Tipu


      u r not alone dude hehe

  10. [b]Happy Birthday![/b] [i]Hi-5![/i]
  11. @Boss [i](handsome)[/i] Shem: my Knator had [color="#C0C0C0"]1,086 wins[/color] as far as i remember, and the altar said it will give me +50 attack if i sac it. none of the bonuses stated there was given to me until this time i logged in, and i really feel disappointed.. Help please, thanks!
  12. i upgraded it from its 2nd level (when the announcement about critters' exp thing came out) up to Elite Knator only (when the announcement about mp limit on upgrading creatures came out too). they are usable in my mp level.
  13. 18:40:00 server time, went to the Fenths Press and sac'd an Elite Knator with 200k+ heat, expecting it will lower my Stored Heat below cap, with +50 attack stat and some principle bonuses, [b]but the only i received was Heat, and the crit is gone.[/b] i haven't made a screen shot of my Knator prior to my altar offering because i thought it is functioning well. attached is a screen shot of my progress for the day. [img]http://img534.imageshack.us/img534/5396/fenthspress033011.jpg[/img] thank you [i](low five)[/i]
  14. What don't kill you make you more strong..

  15. [b]Happy Birthday to you, lovely Nimrodel![/b] Hope you have the best day of the year today [i]Hi-5~[/i]
  16. For whom the bell tolls~

  17. please close thread, problem solved. many thanks to those who helped
  18. it's been 6 hours since i started attempting to access our game site, but still no luck. it only displays: [i]This webpage is not available The webpage at http://magicduel.com/authentication.php?ln=&redir=/layout.php&rs=cof might be temporarily down or it may have moved permanently to a new web address. Error 324 (net::ERR_EMPTY_RESPONSE): Unknown error.[/i] the only problem i think of is maybe my ip address is having hard time connecting to the (md) server. my current ip address is *toot*, for reference. hoping for assistance on this matter thank you, bosses. Edit: able to login at a different pc (with different internet connection), will try to do your advice as soon as i sit my *toot* on the other pc, thanks boss Chewett.
  19. Can't log-in into the game :/

  20. [b]Happy Birthday Karak![/b] [i]hi-5![/i]
  21. What don't kill you make you more strong.

    1. Tipu


      u can't destroy what u can't understand. Its the eternal flame that can't be extinguished, the source of which can't be explained. muhahaha

    2. The Great Pashweetie

      The Great Pashweetie


  22. [b]Happy Birthday to you, Boss![/b] [i]and thanks for bringing MagicDuel into our lives [/i]
  23. [b]Belated Happy Birthday to you, Mya![/b] [i]WoOt! Hi-5![/i]
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