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Everything posted by nadrolski

  1. has anyone suggested having a record/list of the previous Head Contests/Boss Head Contests winners here in our forum? if none, i propose to our beloved moderators if they can create a thread (like somewhere in NML's Quest Results, or in other suitable section) where everyone can see who were the tournament champions (all 3 mp levels, 1st, 2nd, 3rd & 4th placers). not for bragging purposes, but for adding a little color at the pages in the history of MD. just a suggestion. neg reps are welcome as well. thank you.
  2. For whom the bell tolls..

    1. The Great Pashweetie

      The Great Pashweetie

      For whom it deems worthy...

  3. in-game & forum name: nadrolski Loyal citizen of Marind Bell (and ex-KoB)
  4. I'd rather die for MB than have a life with you.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. nadrolski


      for Marind Bell*

      (but i can recruit minions for the Metal Bunny Fans Club, though.)

    3. Amoran Kalamanira Kol

      Amoran Kalamanira Kol

      I'd rather kill you than have you post this again. Except, I wouldn't kill you, I'd just torture you with screaming bunnies.

    4. nadrolski


      Please don't cast the Duffy Duck spell on me!

  5. Happy Birthday!
  6. Good day to you, TGP! what's up? how are you doing, my friend?
  7. Just because you're winning, don't mean you're the lucky one..

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. nadrolski


      it's normal for us, my friend. atleast we have lots of die-hard fans/critics following us, everywhere..

    3. The Great Pashweetie
    4. nadrolski
  8. Happy Birthday sir AqlBeast, one of my first training mentors [i]E n j o y Y o u r D a y ![/i]
  9. As always, you are always right, and I am always left.

  10. Broken, beat & scarred

    1. Pipstickz


      Where were your armpits?!

    2. nadrolski
  11. welcome to MD since you are new, i have a tip for you: whenever you are lost or don't know what to do next, just click the magic scroll located at the top left of your screen Edit: and there is also a yellow rectangular glowing box at the right side of your screen, click on it to send message/s to our friendly Live Help Operators, they can answer you regarding basic concerns of the game
  12. can this be a new chapter of the AL?
  13. For whom the bell tolls~

  14. is the Scout with [claw1] still alive?
  15. Why only dishonoring me? Where's my proper Due Process?

    1. Show previous comments  15 more
    2. nadrolski


      i think i don't need to make a topic here in the forum, because it's not part of the ban notice instructions, isn't it? all i see is a one-sided panel of superiors laughing at me. and before you all point your fingers at me again, see where the other fingers are point at.

    3. Chewett


      Oh im a matre boh who... Nad, people who have abused such alts have been pernamently banned previously. Would you prefere that punishment without giving your story?

    4. Chewett


      AND! someone just pointed me out your ban message here


      did you not read the email that was there?

  16. You should have read your email first for my explanations before dishonoring me in public.

  17. Show me that 29 alts and prove that I didn't send my explanations on email.

  18. For whom the bell tolls~

  19. if the person who attacked you is already familiar with the SG rules but ignores it and keeps on attacking you.. [b]retaliate with an attack too[/b]. no one will help you but yourself.
  20. Mabuhay, boss amlamea! woot~

    1. Harion


      oi taga san ka?

    2. nadrolski


      Balintawak, Quezon City

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