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Everything posted by nadrolski

  1. (Edited 06-30-10) [i](Previous message removed)[/i]
  2. [i](Edited on 12-15-10 8:17am +08:00 GMT)[/i] I'm still looking for some [i]basic[/i] creatures that are 'pimped'/tokened with at least the following [i]basic[/i] bling-blings: [color="#8B0000"]•[/color] Three (3) units [b]Angien Egg[/b] w/ [b][stardust][/b] and [b][antifreeze][/b] [color="#8B0000"]•[/color] Three (3) units [b]Barren Soul[/b] w/ [b][stardust][/b] [color="#8B0000"]•[/color] Two (2) units [b]Egg[/b] w/ [b][claw2][/b] and [b][blackdiamonds][/b] [color="#8B0000"]•[/color] One (1) unit [b]Elemental Egg[/b] w/ [b][stardust][/b] [color="#8B0000"]•[/color] Two (2) units [b]Grasan I[/b] w/ [b][claw2][/b] and [b][blackdiamonds][/b] [color="#8B0000"]•[/color] One (1) unit [b]Imperial Aramor[/b] w/ [b][stardust][/b] [color="#8B0000"]•[/color] Three (3) units [b]Scout[/b] w/ [b][claw1][/b], [b][claw2][/b] and [b][blackdiamonds][/b] [color="#8B0000"]•[/color] One (1) unit [b]Water Being I[/b] w/ [b][stardust][/b] [color="#8B0000"]•[/color] One (1) unit [b]Young Knator[/b] w/ [b][claw2][/b] and [b][blackdiamonds][/b] Age doesn't really matter to me, so the price will be cheaper Leave any messages here, in-game or at my yahoo! messenger [i](id: [b]nadrolski[/b])[/i] if you have any. [i]Thanks![/i]
  3. Post [b]#213[/b] will get an [b]Unholy Priest[/b] [i](age 226 @ day 82)[/i] with the following bling-blings: [blooddrop1] [claw1] [emeraldglare] [firedrop] [blackdiamonds] - a person can only post a maximum of 6 (six) posts; 7th post = automatic disqualification. - posts can be anything related to MD only (to avoid spam). that's all, thanks and high five!
  4. Posts [b]#6[/b] and [b]#13[/b] will get a (1) Unholy Priest w/ [blooddrop3], [antifreeze] and a (2) Unholy Priest w/ [stardust], [blackdiamonds], respectively. that's all, thank you and high five!
  5. requesting our beloved moderator/s to kindly close this thread, thank you. [i](will just raffle these crits).[/i]
  6. Belated happy birthday, sir
  7. i know an L.H.O. trainee who uses alts (especially during contests and had a couple of his pets medals). i'll quit this game if he gets that * on his name.
  8. Mar 20 '10, 10:32pm (gmt +8:00), even the main page can't load. btw, i'm using pldt mydsl (isp).
  9. At this moment, Mar 19 2010 08:39pm (gmt +8:00), having problem with the login page.
  10. • Unholy Priest w/ [stardust] & [black diamonds] Age 106 (Day 76) • Unholy Priest w/ [blooddrop3] & [antifreeze] Age 96 (Day 76)
  11. requesting our beloved moderator(s) to close this thread, thank you. (nobody loves me huhuhu)
  12. [color="#FF0000"][font="Comic Sans MS"]~ [u]b[/u] [b]u[/b] m p [b]e[/b] [u]d[/u] ~[/font][/color]
  13. ^ ^ exactly! a normal Aramor is what i'm looking for, and for added spice, with all the tokens existing PIMPED to him. everyone has his/her own collection of creatures, some collect uber rare creatures, but i am addicted to aramors, and to be different, i will pay tribute to my (and everyone else's) very first creature by having him pimped, and for me, that's a RARE TREASURE Blackwoodforest might think i am crazy, yes i am hehe. what can i do? i love Aramors.
  14. i am looking for an Aramor which is pimped with all the tokens post any offer here (in Silver Coins) and of course, i will choose the lowest offer
  15. [i](Edited: 08-13-10)[/i] 4. Always think positive, never give up, and have a lot of patience.
  16. Gave Macnia a Silver Coin, saw him logged in at the GGG and i remembered his st***dity that caused me lots of experience losses i still hate you though LOL Edit: @ Amoran i would say something good if someone would also do good things, just like the GOLDEN RULE. and thank you
  17. Good luck and may the force be with you.
  18. i just refreshed my page, and got into this "DNA" page, like the test for newbies it has a number 3 and it asks me to choose a color, but after i choose one, i can't get out of that page anymore i tried refreshing again (F5), and i also tried logging out then logging in again. help please thanks
  19. any updates? has someone got the correct coordinates?
  20. requesting our beloved moderator (or Chewett) to close this thread. we all see it pointless and senseless. thanks
  21. i do, because i always help those who need creature exp (you know what i mean) and having a high ve will do. and will i get banned if i am dreaming of getting a high VE?
  22. @ Chewett ehem ehem.. actually, i'm really to use those eggs and get them to level 2 (only) for sacrificing purposes. i am at mp4, and just 3,278 exp 'til i reach my cap and i can't plant too many seeds and sac them.. and i'm not that ready and not that prepared to advance to mp5 with a personal VE just equal to any mp5's CREATURE VIT. it's just the only way i can do in order for me to gain VE, and i hope there will be no malice on my plan. or if you are that generous enough, you can give me a WP, and yeah, i won't buy those eggs anymore. that's all i have to say now, thank you nadrolski Edit: i have a total of 22 creature slots, and i even sacrificed creatures (and will sacrifice all remaining crits i have if needed, except a special creature i am taking care of) just to stay away from cap. and i'll get straight to the point: i'm not desiring to be the best player in the game with those angiens. my intention is just to shape my character so i won't just be an ordinary ant when i go to mp5, but an ant with muscles (that's why i am also always at the GGG).
  23. @topic i'm looking/buying for 12-pcs. (in total) fresh ANGIEN EGGS, please pm me here or post any message in this thread for offers. i will consider buying (in Silver Coins) on the cheapest offer/s that i may receive. thank you and high five!
  24. oh well, i rather be a fool then no, just kidding requesting our respected moderator to close this thread and happy valentines to all
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