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Everything posted by nadrolski

  1. [b]Greetings and Happy Birthday, King Yrthilian![/b]
  2. Thank you for opening and reading your email, dear MD Staff.

  3. Can't get the attention of the MD Staff from the Mood Panel in-game, I'll try my luck here: @Any MD Staff, will I ever be released from jail? I already spent 2 months of detention :|

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. nadrolski


      actually, i sent an email dated NOV 9 inquiring on my date of release, but i didn't get any reply from them. ok, i will send another one today, and i hope they won't ignore it again.

    3. february


      oohh yah, 2 months lapse already..

    4. Shadowseeker


      I think you're out now?

  4. [b]Happy Birthday to you, sir Totenkopf![/b] [i]High Five![/i] WoOot WoOot~
  5. Envy is the art of counting the other fellow's blessings instead of your own.

  6. Welcome to the MagicDuel Forum, the "annex" warzone of the MD realm. If you need any help or answers to questions you have in mind about our game, feel free to speak and ask our fellow mates here [i]High Five![/i]
  7. yeah i found that too yesterday, thanks mate! my bad, i already started using the banner but most of my ads shows my referral page. will send an email to the address above this week. ty
  8. Welcome to the MagicDuel Forum! Hope our community here can help you on your journey, else you can contact the in-game Live Help Operators by clicking the orange rectangle located at the right part of the MD interface for any questions, or you can ask your fellow players you see around. Have a nice and not-so-brutal MD experience! High Five!
  9. So pardon me while I burn and rise above the flame.

  10. Hey Aysun, may you have a great birthday party today! [b]HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU!![/b] Greetings from your former HC team mate
  11. [b]Happy Birthday, [i]kabayan[/i] Dojie Krus![/b] Enjoy your day, and [i]apir pare[/i]!
  12. Happy birthday to you, [i]high five[/i]!
  13. taken this morning 6:30am [i](Manila time, GMT +8:00)[/i] before i took a bath. and 30 minutes later, i took em off, except for my goatie
  14. thanks a lot for sharing, King Yrthilian
  15. i saw a person sporting an MD banner on his signature here in the forum. may i know what is the url of that banner? and also urls of other campaign materials that are available to use. since i have extra time to do so, and promised myself not to mind and waste my time on those neg-rep'ing bollocks, i volunteer to use those stuffs for MD promotions on other sites to gain exposure, and to recruit potential players.
  16. I can't imagine, our pathetic critics would still love giving you neg rep even at marketplace posts!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Pipstickz


      To be fair, that topic has been open for what, like 8 months? How many actual offers have you gotten in that time?

    3. Ravenstrider


      Wait till they start giving neg on Happy Birthday topics. =))

    4. nadrolski


      Pipstickz it's none of your business. In short, MIND YOUR OWN BUSINESS.

  17. What don't kill you, make you more strong.

  18. Elite Evil Villain of the Year i proudly nominate my fellow filipino citizen, [b]february[/b] Edit: i am also nominating him to at the [b]Fighter of the Year[/b] and [b]Rookie of the Year[/b] categories thanks!
  19. Broken, beat and scarred..

  20. Belated Happy Birthday to you
  21. welcome to MagicDuel Adventures, Syruny! you have come to the right place, enjoy your playings!
  22. Rise, fall, down, rise again. What don't kill you make you more strong.

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