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  1. Upvote
    Windy reacted to Assira the Black in The Mystery Of The Kissing Bandit   
    You could have someone else intervene to stop or save the Master from becoming found out from the sisterhood. A person that seems to know what the elementals are doing and wishes for the on going conflict between the Bandit and the sisterhood. 
  2. Upvote
    Windy got a reaction from Fang Archbane in The "Lost Island" possible names.   
    I was thinking Monster Island.  Where our Monsters are born and raised before they are tied to us.
  3. Upvote
    Windy got a reaction from Assira the Black in The Mystery Of The Kissing Bandit   
    Sorry for being gone so long.  Thanks for all the wonderful feed back.  Assira: Someone intervenes to protect the Master is an interesting concept!  I'll keep it in mind! That's so sneaky and underhanded it just might work! I mean if Moffatt can mess with his characters and get away with it....>>
  4. Upvote
    Windy got a reaction from Lintara in The Mystery Of The Kissing Bandit   
    Sorry for being gone so long.  Thanks for all the wonderful feed back.  Assira: Someone intervenes to protect the Master is an interesting concept!  I'll keep it in mind! That's so sneaky and underhanded it just might work! I mean if Moffatt can mess with his characters and get away with it....>>
  5. Upvote
    Windy got a reaction from DARK DEMON in The Mystery Of The Kissing Bandit   
    Chapter 2   Sometimes, it just doesn't pay to get out of bed... He waited, patiently.  He knew her habits.  He'd been watching her for some quite time, as he had all the others. “Let it begin!” he hissed to himself and stepped out onto the path in front of the approaching Sister. “Well hello stranger!” Sister Raine said with a delighted smile. “I haven't seen you in ages!” “Oh, believe me.” He said, with a grin, as He pulled the Memory Stone out of his satchel. “You still haven't.”   Sister Raine stared at the stone and froze in her tracks with the word, “Oh?” stuck in her throat. Quickly, he put the stone back in his satchel and then grabbed her in his arms, twisted her over one bony leg and smooched her soundly. “Wow.”, he thought as he brought the Sister back to her feet. “She sure is soft!” Releasing her, he pulled a white rose out of his satchel and placed it in her hand, gently closing her fingers around the stem.  He tidied up her hair and then sniffed it. “Strawberries?”  He turned on his heel and headed back to his lab. It wasn't long before Sister Raine snapped out of her daze. She wondered what she had been doing. Wasn't she just talking to someone? Then she felt her lips.  “Oh my!” She thought.  “I've been smooched!”  She felt a sharp sting on her lips and yanked her hand back to find a white rose in it. But how did it get there? Who put it there? Who kissed her and why? Raine picked up her skirts and ran toward The Wind & Rain pub. ~~~~~~~ Slamming the pub door open, Sister Raine ran over to me, breathing heavily. “ Windy!” she gasped, slipping and sliding on the floor that MOP, which was animated by magick, had just cleaned. I grabbed her before she fell and guided her to a chair. “Sit down, Sister Raine, before you fall down.”  “Now take a deep breath. That's it. In and out, in and out.  Now, tell me.  What's got you so upset?” Sister Raine took several breaths and then furrowed her eyebrows in consternation. “I was walking through Sanctuary's View. I remember seeing a man whom I haven't seen in awhile and then...there I am, thoroughly smooched!” Smacking a hand to my chest, I gasped dramatically. “Oh My Goddess! The Cad! The Scoundrel! How dare a man kiss you?” I teased, laughing.  “Windy! This is no joke!” She shrieked. Oh dear.  This was serious. Sister Raine looked up at me with her dazzling blue eyes. “Why would a man kiss me, make me forget the experience, and then take off? It makes no sense!” She shook her head in bewilderment. “I don't see what's so strange. This is Magicduel after all.” I replied.  Raine continued her story as if I hadn't spoken. “It seems like I saw the man's face, but now I don't recall who it was! It's like I woke up from a dream!” She  pulled out a single white rose that she had been clutching.  “Oh...and I found this!”   I snatched the rose from her, not believing my eyes. “ Is this one of my prized roses?” I exclaimed. “Oohhh! It had better not be!” I spun on my heel and ran. Sister Raine jumped out of her seat,chasing after me as I stormed through the  kitchen like a enraged bull.  I slammed out the back door and ran down the path past my Foxgloves and Lamb's Ears, to the back of the garden where all my rose bushes were kept. I skidded to a halt and slowly dropped to my knees next to several white rose bushes, my hands stretched out in shock. One of the bushes had several rose buds clipped off.  I blew up like a volcano and jumped to my feet.  Storm clouds rushed in from nowhere as I began to vent. “I'll kill him!” I screamed, making a slicing motion across my neck. “No! I'll cut off his hands and then kill him! No, no, no! Better yet! I'll cut off his balls, shove them down his throat, cut off his hands and then kill him!”  I shook my fist into the air and cursed a blue streak as the storm clouds turned black, thundering ominously.  I am an elemental, among other things, and a very powerful one.  When I lose my temper, the weather acts accordingly.  This is not a good thing and I'm not proud of it. My temper is known far and wide. The residents of Magicduel run for shelter when I go off. Sister Raine instantly pounced and grabbed me with her arms in a tight bear hug, and dragged me kicking and screaming back inside the pub before I could do any real damage.  Thankfully, the other five Sisters were waiting at a table, distracting me from my red haze of rage.  Sisters' Sagewoman, Lintara, Princess Katt (not royalty), Mia, and Handy Pockets looked at me in trepidation and then glanced up at the ceiling to see if any thunder clouds had made it inside. I broke free of Sister Raine's bear hug and shouted. “Sisters! Something dastardly and evil is afoot!”   “Define dastardly and evil.” asked Sister Lintara, a lovely 5 foot 4 inch tall Red Fox.  Her tail swished back and forth.   Since I was still insane with rage, I started with the attack. “Someone has attacked Sister Raine!” The Sisters gasped.  As one, they exploded into a fury of questions.  Raine raised her hands to quiet them. “Sisters! Please!” She said loudly. “It seems that Sister Raine has been attacked on her way here, this morning.” I continued.  The Sisters murmured to each other.  Attacks was unheard of. “It's true!” Raine exclaimed. “I met a man whom I thought I was familiar with, by the tree at Sanctuary's View, then everything went dark! I came to and found myself thoroughly smooched!” She pointed to her thoroughly smooched mouth. “On the lips!”  The Sisters stared at Raine in shock for a second, maybe three to catch their breaths, and then fell into fits of laughter. Sister Mia, a beautiful red haired phoenix hybrid elemental, managed to speak in between her gafaws. “Really, Raine? You say some guy smooched you? On the lips?” More laughter filled the room. Sister Sagewoman, a Shaman and my oldest and very best friend, managed to swallow her laughter. “Great Goddess! We can't have men smooching us willy-nilly! What will the neighbors think? Let's set Guards every 20 paces!” She said shaking a fist. “We'll find the Bastard! Better yet! Snares and Booby Traps!”  The table full of laughing women got worse as they shrieked and pounded the table, tears streaming down their faces. We waited, arms crossed, feet tapping impatiently.  Once women get going, there is nothing else to do until the laughter loses it's momentum. Sister Handy Pockets managed to come up for air and looked confused. “Excuse me? Hello? But why has this made you so violently enraged, Windy?” We ran here for cover when we saw the storm clouds!” I showed them the white rose that Raine had found in her hand. I held it tightly, enjoying the sting from the sharp thorns. The Sister shrank back and quieted. They knew someone's head was going to roll. Suddenly, Innocence, Magicduel's roving reporter, was in the room. How she comes and goes without anyone seeing her is a mystery. “Hello Sisters.” She greeted with a smile. “I smelled a story all the way from Willow's Walk! Plus, the storm clouds were an indication too!” She elbowed me and winked. “What's the sitch?”   I groaned and slapped a hand over my face.  That's all I needed.  The Sisterhood on the front page of The Golden Globe Gazette. Innocence leaned back against the bar counter, pulled out a notepad, yanked a quill from her hair and poised it above a page. “Alright then! Who, What, Where, and better yet...Why?” She urged. “Nothing!” I shouted, trying to get rid of her as I waved my hands in the air. “I'm sure this is nothing! Just one of our many admirers having some fun!” I bit my lip, but it was too late.  The damage was done. “Ooh! Do tell!” Innocence cooed. “This sounds juicy! Come on, spill!” The entire Sisterhood jumped up from their seats and all started talking at once. Innocence waved her quill in the air, silencing everyone.  “Why don't just one of you tell the story?”   Sister Raine blushed with embarrassment, clearing her throat . “Well. I was walking through Sanctuary's View, admiring the scenery as I always do.  I remember talking to a man whom I hadn't seen in awhile, then everything went blank.” “And then what happened?” Innocence encouraged. Raine pretended to find a speck on her sleeve to collect herself and then looked at her. “I came to my senses to find that I had been thoroughly smooched!” To give her credit, Innocence didn't laugh like a hyena, snicker, snort, crack a smile, or lose her reporter demeanor, although one of her eyelids twitched, as she studied Raine's face. “How interesting. You say a strange but yet familiar man froze you where you stood and then kissed you? What did he look like?” Her hand was poised over her notepad. “That's the odd part!” Raine exclaimed. “I don't remember! It's like my memory is blocked or something! I swear I knew his voice!” Innocence scribbled into her notepad furiously, her tongue sticking out of the corner of her mouth.  “And then what happened?” Innocence urged. “Well, it's the damnedest thing! The bandit left me with this rose!” Raine grabbed my wrist and yanked my hand up as I still up had the rose in a death grip. Innocence looked at it and then scribbled some more, muttering. “Well that explains Windy's temper tantrum and the storm clouds.” I got uncomfortable then.  I knew how her mind worked.  “Now Inno, this isn't a big news story! It's nothing! Really!” “Oh yes it is, Windy! This is news! Front page news!” Innocence crowed as she shoved her quill back into her hair. “I can see it now!” She said as she made an arch in the air with a hand, enunciating each word. “The Sisterhood Attacked by Kissing Bandit!” She was gone in a blink of an eye before I could protest further.  We all stood there stunned. “Well!” I huffed, crossing my arms across my chest. “Won't tomorrow's paper be an interesting read?”
  6. Upvote
    Windy got a reaction from DARK DEMON in The Mystery Of The Kissing Bandit   
    Chapter 4 Just when it was safe to go into the water... He was in his lab, quite pleased with himself.  The Memory Stone had done it's magic.  There was only one problem, after it was used, it had to be recharged. Sighing, he cleaned off the stone with a rag.  He pulled the urn down from the shelf and noticed he was low. “Hmm...another trip to The House of Liquid Dust for me!” He thought, and poured the remainder of the viscous substance over the stone. The young fire sprites in the brazer, hid behind their coals.  They knew what was coming next. The older and bolder sprite, however, watched from his perch on the rim. “Master? Did the Memory Stone work well?” It asked as it swung a leg back and forth against the side of the brazer where it had perched. “What?” the bandit said, distractedly.  “Of course it worked!” “Was it worth the cost?”  “What cost, fireball?” “Master! I'm surprised at you! Liquid Dust is unstable at best!” “I'm no fool! My formula is perfect! Stop bothering me!”  “I'm sure you know what you're doing, Master. May I suggest you use my blood, this time? Instead of these ankle biters?” A cunning look gleamed in its eyes. The Master stomped over to the brazer. “Are you volunteering?” he snapped. “Why yes, Master.  I am the strongest and I'm the oldest! My blood is more powerful!” The Master snatched the sprite from where it sat. “Yes! Excellent idea!”  The sprite relaxed in the Master's hand, drumming its fingers on a knuckle. “Perhaps, you will permit me to cut a vein with my fangs, Master?” “Why? What's wrong with a pin?” he asked perplexed. By then the other fire sprites in the brazer had crawled out from their hiding places and peaked out from the rim, their eyes wide open in shock. “Ooh! The eldest is bad! Very bad!” said the first. “Does that mean naughty, or bad as in spoiled food?” asked a second. The first bonked the second on it's head. “Of course it's naughty! Were you dropped on your head after you hatched?” “What's so naughty about what the eldest is doing?” asked a third. “Everyone knows that a sprite NEVER volunteers for anything!” said the first. “Oh that's right! It's against our nature!” said the second proudly. “Ooh! I see!” said the third.  That changes things for The Master's spell!” They snickered and watched the eldest bite its wrist and let three drops of blood drip down on the stone.  “There now, Master!” it said as it licked its wound to heal it. “That will make the stone very strong!” The Master dropped the sprite back into the brazer with the others. “So! I'm off to see how this works!” He carefully put the stone back into his satchel and dashed out of the Laboratory. The younger sprites blinked their beady eyes at the eldest, and grinned. They were in awe of what it had done. “Ooh! You are so naughty! I want to be like you when I grow up!” said the first. The eldest preened. “Why did you volunteer for the Master? Our kind never volunteers!” asked the second. The others nodded their heads in agreement. “It seemed like the thing to do.” the eldest boasted as he leaned against the side of the brazer. “I was bored.” “Even if we're bored, we still never volunteer!” snapped the third. The first whimpered at the eldest, feeling uneasy. “What are you up to? We all know the rules!” “I'm not going to tell you.” the eldest said and clonked their heads together. “You'll just have to wait and see.” ~~~~~ Huffing and puffing from the trip up all the Underway Stairs, he leaned against the front wall of Willow's Shop, waiting for his next victim. He was muttering to himself. “Damn sprites! This had better work or else!”  He thought about what he'd heard earlier, as he'd watched them from the shadows in the pub. His smug grin dropped from his face as a worried thought took shape. These women were his friends! He hoped they would forgive him later after he proved his point. He vaguely remembered why he started this campaign. His grin crept back to his face as Sagewoman and Lintara came into view.  They were chattering away about “Critter Speak”. He was going to “kill two Majestic birds with one Memory Stone”.  How deliciously convenient. “So it's, 'squeak, squeak, squeaker, squeakity'?” Lintara asked, uncertain. “Close, Lintara. You have to remember, squirrels have only one thing on their little minds, Sagewoman said, tapping a finger on her temple.  “Nuts.”  “What did I say wrong?” “You used the wrong syntax. It's, squeak, squeak, squeaker, squeakum.” “This is so difficult! Cat language I can understand, but squirrels?” Lintara puffed out her furry cheeks and blew air out of her mouth in frustration. Sagewoman patted her shoulder. “Don't worry, you'll get it.  It just takes practice.” The bandit pushed off the wall he was leaning on and stepped forward blocking their path. “Hello, Sisters.”  He greeted pleasantly. I have something interesting to show you.” “Ooh! I like surprises!” Lintara cooed. “Well, hello yourself. What is it?” replied Sagewoman. “It does not matter, you won't remember seeing it.” he said, and with a dramatic flourish, pulled out the Memory Stone. Both women stared. “Isn't that a Mem...?” It was the last thing they saw before everything went blank. “Hmm.  That took a little longer. I thought that damn sprite said this would make it stronger? This won't do.” He muttered, as he put the Memory Stone back in his satchel. Quickly, he went up to Sagewoman, pulled her down a little and smooched her. “Hmm...I didn't realize how tall you are, my dear. He smacked his lips. “Is that cherry chap-stick you're wearing?”  He straightened her up, fluffed out her hair, and put a white rose in her hand. “There, all nice and tidy like.” He turned to Lintara and picked her up in his arms because she was short and smooched her.  He rubbed his cheek against her hair. “Hmm...I didn't realize fox hair is so soft.” He put her back onto her feet and put a white rose in her hand. “There, that should cover it.” He inspected his handy work.  “The looks on their faces will be priceless!” He crowed as he rubbed his hands together with glee. “Let's see that's three Sister's down and three more to go!” He counted on his fingers to make sure he had it right. “Yes! Three more to go and then, it will be Her turn!” He ran off before the Memory Stone wore off. Sagewoman came to her senses and blinked. “What the hell just happened?” She looked down at her hand and growled. “Damn it! I can't believe this!” She raged. She felt her lips,. Oh yea.  Kissed thoroughly. Lintara came to her senses as well and shook her head. “Oh! What were we doing?” She felt her tender lips and then looked down at the rose in her hand. “Oh no! We've been smooched, just like Raine!” Claws spouted from her fingertips, and her tail twitched angrily. Lintara growled deep in her chest. Her tufted ears twitched and her tawny colored fur bristled.  “Oooh! Just wait till I get a hold of him!” Lintara spat. “He violated my personal space!” “I'm feeling you  I'm ready to clobber someone good! Of all the nerve! This guy has balls! He won't when I'm through with him!” Sagewoman vowed, smacking a fist into her other hand.  Lintara, stepped up to Sagewoman and begin to snuffle at her neck and hair. “Do you smell that?” she asked, snuffling her all over. Sagewoman squealed and pushed her away. “Stop that! That tickles! Do I smell what?” Lintara breathed in deeply the scent.  “I recognize this smell! Darn it! I can smell our attacker!” Sagewoman gaped at her. “Well tell me who it is, so I can rip him a new one and other fun stuff!” Lintara looked away, embarrassed. “I can't.” She mumbled. Sagewoman grabbed her by the arm. “What do you mean, CAN'T?” Lintara looked miserably at her. “I can't remember what or who that scent is!” Sagewoman let her go, stomping a foot as she crossed her arms. “Well, that won't do.” She said in a huff, blowing out her cheeks. Lintara stared at the rose in her paw.  “We need to get these to Windy.  This is getting serious.” The woman hurried off as two squirrels watched them from a high tree branch.  “Squeek, Squeek?” “Squeek, Chirp, Chirp!”
  7. Upvote
    Windy got a reaction from DARK DEMON in The Mystery Of The Kissing Bandit   
    Thank you for the input and kind words.

    Chapter 3
    Excitement first thing in the morning without coffee is not a good thing...
    The next morning, Princess Kat, Lintara, and Sagewoman, rushed into the pub waving The Golden Globe Gazette, Magicduel's only Newspaper, into the air.
    “WINDY! You are not going to believe this!” Sagewoman shouted as she shook the paper in the air. Snatching the paper from her hands I gasped in horror when I saw the front page headline. The three women looked shaken and were talking excitedly. I had to shush them and turn my back, so I could read the paper in peace. It was bad. Very bad.
    By Innocence | The Golden Globe Gazette
    Stop The Presses! Magicduel has a Kissing Bandit on the loose and he's stalking The Sisterhood! Sister Raine reported that she was walking through Sanctuary's View when she met a seemingly familiar man, then suddenly everything went blank.
    Raine thought she knew him, but for some reason, couldn't recall his face or recognize his voice. She then mentioned that when she was able to think and see clearly again, she found her self thoroughly smooched on the lips, holding a single white rose in one of her hands.
    So readers, my questions are this! What is The Kissing Bandit's motive? How did he blank out her memory? Is he moving in on The Sisterhood's smooching antics? Which Sister is next? What will happen to him when Windy get's a hold of him for cutting her roses? I'd love to be a fly on the wall when that happens!
    Everyone in the realm knows that our beloved Windy, owner of The Wind & Rain Pub and also Mistress of The Sisterhood, cultivates white roses in her garden. Again, I ask you, dear readers. Which Sister is next?
    “Oh No, no, no!!” I exclaimed, totally appalled. “This will make The Sisterhood a laughing stock!” I smacked the paper. It didn't change anything, although it did make me feel a bit better.
    Necromancer Mortis, a very strong Sorcerer/Necromancer, came clomping down the stairs from the upstairs rooms I rent out, sniffing the air for coffee. I had not made any. He was a pale man with long white hair, wearing a dark hooded robe, trimmed with a sliver of blue.
    “What's all this noise about?” he asked as Princess Katt, his young lover, stopped him on the last step. She shoved her copy of the Gazette into his hands.
    Mortis shook the paper a bit and began to read the headline. It was not long before he thew back his head and roared with laughter. Katt smacked his chest. “It's not funny!” She huffed defensively, stomping her foot.
    “Are you serious?” Mortis pointed at the paper with a finger. “The Sisterhood is getting their comeuppance and you expect me to be shocked?” Katt smacked his chest again in protest. He grabbed her hand and kissed it.
    “Oohh!” she exclaimed, yanking her hand back. “This is serious! A man has accosted one of us! We don't sneak around when we do our smooching!” Katt crossed her arms over her chest and glowered.
    Mortis sobered and then smiled at her. He dragged his fingers through his hair and then reached down to kiss her on the nose, apologizing. “I'm sorry, my love. I'm sure this will die down soon.” He crushed the paper in his fist with an odd look in his eyes. “Trust me. You'll see.” Princess Katt was not mollified. Would he stand idly by if it had been her?
    “I am a strong woman, known far and wide as second only to Windy in the art of self defense!” Sagewoman snapped. “Let this Kissing Bandit just try to plant one on me! He'll be sorry!” Lintara nodded in agreement, twitching her tail angrily.
    “Is that a fact?” Mortis asked incredulously, turning to look at her . “Just how do you propose to do that? Especially if he puts a Whammy on you?” Sagewoman gaped at him with her mouth open and then shut it clenching her teeth.
    “Now really, Mortis. That sounded awfully like a challenge.” I crossed my arms over my chest. “It's almost like you approve of this so called Kissing Bandit!”
    Mortis put a comforting arm around Katt and led her away from the stairs.
    “Not at all, Windy my dear.” He said smugly. “But you must admit, you and the Sisters should have seen this coming. Don't you think?”
    When I founded The Sisterhood initially, it never crossed my mind that men would retaliate. I mean, why would they? But it had occurred to me later that men would seek us out just for our smooches. I wasn't going to admit it to Mortis, though. I do have my pride.
    I shook my finger at Mortis as he headed to the door. “Be that as it may, Morty! To smooch us back is one thing. To make us forget it, is another!”
    “There, there, now, Windy. I meant no offense to The Sisterhood. I was just having a bit of fun with you.” He kissed Katt, smacked her on the arse, and walked out the door, whistling.
    “Ooh! Of all the nerve!” she squealed and promptly stuck her tongue out at Morty's retreating back. She was only nineteen, and was still prone to childish antics.
    Sagewoman got up from her seat, tossed her long black hair over her shoulder, clasped her hands behind her back, and began to pace the room, her long legs making short work of the space. “I don't like this, Windy. Not one damn bit!”
    “Well, none of us do, Sagie.” I said, still watching the door where Mortis had gone. “I'm not sure there's much we can do until he strikes again.”
    I didn't know what else to tell her, so I shooed them all out. I went into the smoking area adjoining the common room. BROOM, my animated sweeper, was working on the fireplace, entertaining the fire sprites as they rode on his bristles,waiting for new fuel to burn.
    I stood there, deep in thought. How was I going to protect The Sisterhood from becoming a laughing stock of the realm? Why was this man accosting the Sisters? There was no spell or conjuring I could do. I hate being out maneuvered.
    The sprites jumped off Broom, climbing up the side of the fireplace before perching on the mantle, to watch Windy.
    “Oh, poor, poor Mistress Windy.” said a female sprite, blinking her big black eyes. “Somebody did a naughty thing!”
    “Define, naughty.” said another female as it plopped down next to her.
    “You know how protective she is about her Sisters. She worries all the time.” the first said, shaking her head.
    A third sprite plopped down on the other side of the first sprite. “Maybe we should talk to Big Brother? He knows everything!”
    “Brilliant! Just as soon as Windy-poo starts up a fire for us! You totally rock, Sis!” The first jumped down from the mantle and waited impatiently as Windy spoke some words and the new logs ignited into a nice blaze.
    Quickly, the sprites dove into the crackling fire. The first sprite created a fire ball and gazed deeply into it with her beady black eyes, as her sisters sat and watched with eager anticipation.
    “Breaker, Breaker! Big Brother! Do you copy?”
    “What do you want, Brat?”
    “Well, I love you too, Snothead!” answered the female.
    “Again, what do you want, you ballerina reject?” He snapped.
    “Something naughty is going on. Know anything about it, all wise and knowing?” she sneered. The female could hear her brothers snickering in the back ground.
    “Well now, that would be tattling.” Big Brother hedged.
    “So? It's what we do best! Now spill or else!” She screeched.
    “Oh really? What could you possibly do, little toad?”
    “I don't know! I'll come up with something! You wart on a Lizard's bum! Now, tell me who's attacking and kissing all the poor Sisters!”
    “As if I'd tell you!”
    “Windy's been good to us! Tell me!”
    “Well...I'm not gonna tell you. But...I will say, that this will not end well with He-Who-I-Will-Not-Name.” He sniffed, looking quite pleased with himself.
    The younger males pushed their faces into the view of the fire ball, making faces and generally making a nuisance of themselves, except for one. He sniffled and held his arm up gingerly. “The Master was mean to me!” he whimpered.
    “What?” shrieked the female.
    The oldest shoved the tattle tale behind him. “Shut it, Heel Biter!” He glared into the fire ball. “I'll take care of it. This conversation is over!” The fire ball winked out.
    The female sprites stared at the oldest, quite confused. “ I hate it when he keeps things a secret!”, She snapped, punching the fire ball into embers.
  8. Upvote
    Windy got a reaction from Assira the Black in The Mystery Of The Kissing Bandit   
    Chapter 1
    Today, an odd wind blew into Magicduel, one that I had not created. Trouble is brewing...
    Deep down in the bowls of Magicduel, he sat brooding in his laboratory, plotting his wicked deeds and down right nasty schemes. If he wasn't puttering about with his Alchemy doo-dads, he was experimenting with herbs, spices, and other noxious, toxic, and gooey things.
    The arched door to his secret hideout was old, as old as the tunnels beneath Marind Dale Park. There were two intricately carved bolts, inset with oblong shapes, that seem to lock the door shut from inside the tunnel. In between the bolts was an inset carving of a circle with swirls that abutted against a split center piece. The bolts cannot be moved, nor can the door opened by human hands. No one could open The Fateless Doors, but he.
    He was brooding, muttering, sputtering, and running his hands through his long thin hair in frustration. “The Sisterhood! The Sisterhood! How they vex me so!” he ranted as he paced the floor, irritating the fire sprites in their brazer whenever he passed them by.
    One of the fire sprites propped his elbows on the rim of the brazer and plopped his chin on his fiery fists. Normally it wasn't concerned about the comings and goings of the mad man. But there is only so much a sprite can take before curiosity gets the best of it.
    “I say, Master? What is it about this Sisterhood, that you are going on about?” It asked curiously. “Have they harmed you, somehow?”
    The man stopped in his tracks, startled by the sprite. “What? Did you say something?” He asked, vexed to have his rant interrupted.
    The sprite leaned on one of his fists and walked the fingers of his other hand back and forth across the rim of the brazer. By then his brothers and sisters were curious too, each jockeying for position behind it.
    “It seems to me, Master, that you are in one of your moods, which we find quite entertaining, but today, you seem madder than usual.” It blinked it's beady eyes at him.
    “Well, if you must know, Sprite.” the man spat, as he continued to pace the room. “It's The Sisterhood that disturbs me! All this going about smooching every man they see in the realm!” He rubbed his fingers in a circular motion against his temples. “Think! Think!”
    The other sprites shrank back in fear and ducked behind the first. They knew that no good came from ideas. Ideas demanded thought and thoughts were not good things.
    The younger sprites chattered in fear amongst themselves. “The Master is quite mad!” One said.
    “He's always mad!” exclaimed another.
    “Is that mad as in angry or mad as insane?” asked another.
    “Don't be daft, idiot!” said the last and bonked his sister on the head. “He's totally insane!”
    “Hush you little ankle biters!” admonished the oldest and shooed them away behind the red hot coals. He turned back to face his Master. “I don't understand, what is wrong with smooching? I don't see the problem here.”
    “Don't you see? Can't your tiny brain comprehend? The Master shrieked. “I like kisses as much as the next guy! But turning in an application to make it a Guild and being accepted? Outrageous!”
    “Oooh!” chimed the little sprites as they peeked out behind their coals. “A guild!”
    “Oi! What's a guild, anyway?” asked one.
    “It's an association of persons with kindred pursuits, interests, and aims.” said another smugly.
    “Oi! How did you know that?” asked the first.
    “Oh, I read it somewhere.”
    The first blinked it's beady eyes. “You can read?”
    “So, it's like a club!” one of them answered.
    “But isn't this Sisterhood, a club?” asked another.
    “Bah!” The Master shouted, waving his hand in dismissal. “I tell you, what really irks me!” he continued, shaking his finger in their faces. “It's that bloody pub owner Windy! She started this whole “woman's club'!” He curled up his fingers in the air and scrunched them like punctuation marks. “Club my eye!” He barked.
    He stopped in his tracks and stopped venting. A sly smirk spread across his pale face. A thought was forming and the sprites could smell it, even the oldest. With a yelp all of them dove behind their coals in fear and dimmed their flames.
    He laughed and clapped his hands together and rubbed them briskly. He danced a little jig. A thought had formed and he giggled with glee. “I know just the thing to do!” He rushed over to an old cabinet and pulled out a dull yellow obelisk. It was two feet long and had striations carved in it's facade, and looked deceptively fragile.
    “Oh Yes! This will do nicely!” The Master crowed. “Strange. I've never used a Memory Stone in this way before.” He shrugged and scurried toward his workbench. On a shelf above the workbench, he pulled down an ominous dark stoppered urn. He worried his bottom lip with this teeth as he poured the viscous contents over the memory stone, and an tincture of Liquid Dust. Perfect. He needed just one more touch to make it set.
    He went over to the brazier and contemplated the fire sprites who had cautiously emerged from behind their coals. They blinked their beady eyes, not contemplating the danger until he reached in and grabbed one of them.
    “Master! What are you doing?” It shrieked, struggling within the tight fist.
    “Have no fear, little sprite. This won't hurt a bit.” The Master said calmly as he returned to the workbench.
    The frightened sprite shook in fear as he realized The Master's intent. It was to be sacrificed, it thought. The Memory Stone was going to be its head stone. “No, Master! Don't do this!” It shrieked in fear.
    “Oh for Goddess's Sake! Hold still!” The Master picked up a sharp needle and grabbed one of the sprite's little arms.” It's just a little prick, it won't hurt a bit! I even sanitized it!”
    The sprite screamed as the needle pierced it's fiery skin, then watched in horror as a drop of it's fiery blood, dripped down onto the viscous Liquid Dust.
    “There now. That wasn't so bad, was it?” The Master asked watched the drop of blood spread across the surface of the stone, sealing the Liquid Dust like a shell of an egg. It glowed an ominous red. The sprite fainted.
    He looked down at the sprite in disgust and dropped it into the arms of it's brethren. “Bah! It wasn't even a big needle!” The Master threw on his cloak, carefully packed up the glowing Memory Stone into his satchel, and left the laboratory, the sprites fanning their fainted sibling; slamming the door behind him.
  9. Upvote
    Windy got a reaction from DARK DEMON in The Mystery Of The Kissing Bandit   
    Chapter 1
    Today, an odd wind blew into Magicduel, one that I had not created. Trouble is brewing...
    Deep down in the bowls of Magicduel, he sat brooding in his laboratory, plotting his wicked deeds and down right nasty schemes. If he wasn't puttering about with his Alchemy doo-dads, he was experimenting with herbs, spices, and other noxious, toxic, and gooey things.
    The arched door to his secret hideout was old, as old as the tunnels beneath Marind Dale Park. There were two intricately carved bolts, inset with oblong shapes, that seem to lock the door shut from inside the tunnel. In between the bolts was an inset carving of a circle with swirls that abutted against a split center piece. The bolts cannot be moved, nor can the door opened by human hands. No one could open The Fateless Doors, but he.
    He was brooding, muttering, sputtering, and running his hands through his long thin hair in frustration. “The Sisterhood! The Sisterhood! How they vex me so!” he ranted as he paced the floor, irritating the fire sprites in their brazer whenever he passed them by.
    One of the fire sprites propped his elbows on the rim of the brazer and plopped his chin on his fiery fists. Normally it wasn't concerned about the comings and goings of the mad man. But there is only so much a sprite can take before curiosity gets the best of it.
    “I say, Master? What is it about this Sisterhood, that you are going on about?” It asked curiously. “Have they harmed you, somehow?”
    The man stopped in his tracks, startled by the sprite. “What? Did you say something?” He asked, vexed to have his rant interrupted.
    The sprite leaned on one of his fists and walked the fingers of his other hand back and forth across the rim of the brazer. By then his brothers and sisters were curious too, each jockeying for position behind it.
    “It seems to me, Master, that you are in one of your moods, which we find quite entertaining, but today, you seem madder than usual.” It blinked it's beady eyes at him.
    “Well, if you must know, Sprite.” the man spat, as he continued to pace the room. “It's The Sisterhood that disturbs me! All this going about smooching every man they see in the realm!” He rubbed his fingers in a circular motion against his temples. “Think! Think!”
    The other sprites shrank back in fear and ducked behind the first. They knew that no good came from ideas. Ideas demanded thought and thoughts were not good things.
    The younger sprites chattered in fear amongst themselves. “The Master is quite mad!” One said.
    “He's always mad!” exclaimed another.
    “Is that mad as in angry or mad as insane?” asked another.
    “Don't be daft, idiot!” said the last and bonked his sister on the head. “He's totally insane!”
    “Hush you little ankle biters!” admonished the oldest and shooed them away behind the red hot coals. He turned back to face his Master. “I don't understand, what is wrong with smooching? I don't see the problem here.”
    “Don't you see? Can't your tiny brain comprehend? The Master shrieked. “I like kisses as much as the next guy! But turning in an application to make it a Guild and being accepted? Outrageous!”
    “Oooh!” chimed the little sprites as they peeked out behind their coals. “A guild!”
    “Oi! What's a guild, anyway?” asked one.
    “It's an association of persons with kindred pursuits, interests, and aims.” said another smugly.
    “Oi! How did you know that?” asked the first.
    “Oh, I read it somewhere.”
    The first blinked it's beady eyes. “You can read?”
    “So, it's like a club!” one of them answered.
    “But isn't this Sisterhood, a club?” asked another.
    “Bah!” The Master shouted, waving his hand in dismissal. “I tell you, what really irks me!” he continued, shaking his finger in their faces. “It's that bloody pub owner Windy! She started this whole “woman's club'!” He curled up his fingers in the air and scrunched them like punctuation marks. “Club my eye!” He barked.
    He stopped in his tracks and stopped venting. A sly smirk spread across his pale face. A thought was forming and the sprites could smell it, even the oldest. With a yelp all of them dove behind their coals in fear and dimmed their flames.
    He laughed and clapped his hands together and rubbed them briskly. He danced a little jig. A thought had formed and he giggled with glee. “I know just the thing to do!” He rushed over to an old cabinet and pulled out a dull yellow obelisk. It was two feet long and had striations carved in it's facade, and looked deceptively fragile.
    “Oh Yes! This will do nicely!” The Master crowed. “Strange. I've never used a Memory Stone in this way before.” He shrugged and scurried toward his workbench. On a shelf above the workbench, he pulled down an ominous dark stoppered urn. He worried his bottom lip with this teeth as he poured the viscous contents over the memory stone, and an tincture of Liquid Dust. Perfect. He needed just one more touch to make it set.
    He went over to the brazier and contemplated the fire sprites who had cautiously emerged from behind their coals. They blinked their beady eyes, not contemplating the danger until he reached in and grabbed one of them.
    “Master! What are you doing?” It shrieked, struggling within the tight fist.
    “Have no fear, little sprite. This won't hurt a bit.” The Master said calmly as he returned to the workbench.
    The frightened sprite shook in fear as he realized The Master's intent. It was to be sacrificed, it thought. The Memory Stone was going to be its head stone. “No, Master! Don't do this!” It shrieked in fear.
    “Oh for Goddess's Sake! Hold still!” The Master picked up a sharp needle and grabbed one of the sprite's little arms.” It's just a little prick, it won't hurt a bit! I even sanitized it!”
    The sprite screamed as the needle pierced it's fiery skin, then watched in horror as a drop of it's fiery blood, dripped down onto the viscous Liquid Dust.
    “There now. That wasn't so bad, was it?” The Master asked watched the drop of blood spread across the surface of the stone, sealing the Liquid Dust like a shell of an egg. It glowed an ominous red. The sprite fainted.
    He looked down at the sprite in disgust and dropped it into the arms of it's brethren. “Bah! It wasn't even a big needle!” The Master threw on his cloak, carefully packed up the glowing Memory Stone into his satchel, and left the laboratory, the sprites fanning their fainted sibling; slamming the door behind him.
  10. Upvote
    Windy got a reaction from Lintara in The Mystery Of The Kissing Bandit   
    Chapter 2   Sometimes, it just doesn't pay to get out of bed... He waited, patiently.  He knew her habits.  He'd been watching her for some quite time, as he had all the others. “Let it begin!” he hissed to himself and stepped out onto the path in front of the approaching Sister. “Well hello stranger!” Sister Raine said with a delighted smile. “I haven't seen you in ages!” “Oh, believe me.” He said, with a grin, as He pulled the Memory Stone out of his satchel. “You still haven't.”   Sister Raine stared at the stone and froze in her tracks with the word, “Oh?” stuck in her throat. Quickly, he put the stone back in his satchel and then grabbed her in his arms, twisted her over one bony leg and smooched her soundly. “Wow.”, he thought as he brought the Sister back to her feet. “She sure is soft!” Releasing her, he pulled a white rose out of his satchel and placed it in her hand, gently closing her fingers around the stem.  He tidied up her hair and then sniffed it. “Strawberries?”  He turned on his heel and headed back to his lab. It wasn't long before Sister Raine snapped out of her daze. She wondered what she had been doing. Wasn't she just talking to someone? Then she felt her lips.  “Oh my!” She thought.  “I've been smooched!”  She felt a sharp sting on her lips and yanked her hand back to find a white rose in it. But how did it get there? Who put it there? Who kissed her and why? Raine picked up her skirts and ran toward The Wind & Rain pub. ~~~~~~~ Slamming the pub door open, Sister Raine ran over to me, breathing heavily. “ Windy!” she gasped, slipping and sliding on the floor that MOP, which was animated by magick, had just cleaned. I grabbed her before she fell and guided her to a chair. “Sit down, Sister Raine, before you fall down.”  “Now take a deep breath. That's it. In and out, in and out.  Now, tell me.  What's got you so upset?” Sister Raine took several breaths and then furrowed her eyebrows in consternation. “I was walking through Sanctuary's View. I remember seeing a man whom I haven't seen in awhile and then...there I am, thoroughly smooched!” Smacking a hand to my chest, I gasped dramatically. “Oh My Goddess! The Cad! The Scoundrel! How dare a man kiss you?” I teased, laughing.  “Windy! This is no joke!” She shrieked. Oh dear.  This was serious. Sister Raine looked up at me with her dazzling blue eyes. “Why would a man kiss me, make me forget the experience, and then take off? It makes no sense!” She shook her head in bewilderment. “I don't see what's so strange. This is Magicduel after all.” I replied.  Raine continued her story as if I hadn't spoken. “It seems like I saw the man's face, but now I don't recall who it was! It's like I woke up from a dream!” She  pulled out a single white rose that she had been clutching.  “Oh...and I found this!”   I snatched the rose from her, not believing my eyes. “ Is this one of my prized roses?” I exclaimed. “Oohhh! It had better not be!” I spun on my heel and ran. Sister Raine jumped out of her seat,chasing after me as I stormed through the  kitchen like a enraged bull.  I slammed out the back door and ran down the path past my Foxgloves and Lamb's Ears, to the back of the garden where all my rose bushes were kept. I skidded to a halt and slowly dropped to my knees next to several white rose bushes, my hands stretched out in shock. One of the bushes had several rose buds clipped off.  I blew up like a volcano and jumped to my feet.  Storm clouds rushed in from nowhere as I began to vent. “I'll kill him!” I screamed, making a slicing motion across my neck. “No! I'll cut off his hands and then kill him! No, no, no! Better yet! I'll cut off his balls, shove them down his throat, cut off his hands and then kill him!”  I shook my fist into the air and cursed a blue streak as the storm clouds turned black, thundering ominously.  I am an elemental, among other things, and a very powerful one.  When I lose my temper, the weather acts accordingly.  This is not a good thing and I'm not proud of it. My temper is known far and wide. The residents of Magicduel run for shelter when I go off. Sister Raine instantly pounced and grabbed me with her arms in a tight bear hug, and dragged me kicking and screaming back inside the pub before I could do any real damage.  Thankfully, the other five Sisters were waiting at a table, distracting me from my red haze of rage.  Sisters' Sagewoman, Lintara, Princess Katt (not royalty), Mia, and Handy Pockets looked at me in trepidation and then glanced up at the ceiling to see if any thunder clouds had made it inside. I broke free of Sister Raine's bear hug and shouted. “Sisters! Something dastardly and evil is afoot!”   “Define dastardly and evil.” asked Sister Lintara, a lovely 5 foot 4 inch tall Red Fox.  Her tail swished back and forth.   Since I was still insane with rage, I started with the attack. “Someone has attacked Sister Raine!” The Sisters gasped.  As one, they exploded into a fury of questions.  Raine raised her hands to quiet them. “Sisters! Please!” She said loudly. “It seems that Sister Raine has been attacked on her way here, this morning.” I continued.  The Sisters murmured to each other.  Attacks was unheard of. “It's true!” Raine exclaimed. “I met a man whom I thought I was familiar with, by the tree at Sanctuary's View, then everything went dark! I came to and found myself thoroughly smooched!” She pointed to her thoroughly smooched mouth. “On the lips!”  The Sisters stared at Raine in shock for a second, maybe three to catch their breaths, and then fell into fits of laughter. Sister Mia, a beautiful red haired phoenix hybrid elemental, managed to speak in between her gafaws. “Really, Raine? You say some guy smooched you? On the lips?” More laughter filled the room. Sister Sagewoman, a Shaman and my oldest and very best friend, managed to swallow her laughter. “Great Goddess! We can't have men smooching us willy-nilly! What will the neighbors think? Let's set Guards every 20 paces!” She said shaking a fist. “We'll find the Bastard! Better yet! Snares and Booby Traps!”  The table full of laughing women got worse as they shrieked and pounded the table, tears streaming down their faces. We waited, arms crossed, feet tapping impatiently.  Once women get going, there is nothing else to do until the laughter loses it's momentum. Sister Handy Pockets managed to come up for air and looked confused. “Excuse me? Hello? But why has this made you so violently enraged, Windy?” We ran here for cover when we saw the storm clouds!” I showed them the white rose that Raine had found in her hand. I held it tightly, enjoying the sting from the sharp thorns. The Sister shrank back and quieted. They knew someone's head was going to roll. Suddenly, Innocence, Magicduel's roving reporter, was in the room. How she comes and goes without anyone seeing her is a mystery. “Hello Sisters.” She greeted with a smile. “I smelled a story all the way from Willow's Walk! Plus, the storm clouds were an indication too!” She elbowed me and winked. “What's the sitch?”   I groaned and slapped a hand over my face.  That's all I needed.  The Sisterhood on the front page of The Golden Globe Gazette. Innocence leaned back against the bar counter, pulled out a notepad, yanked a quill from her hair and poised it above a page. “Alright then! Who, What, Where, and better yet...Why?” She urged. “Nothing!” I shouted, trying to get rid of her as I waved my hands in the air. “I'm sure this is nothing! Just one of our many admirers having some fun!” I bit my lip, but it was too late.  The damage was done. “Ooh! Do tell!” Innocence cooed. “This sounds juicy! Come on, spill!” The entire Sisterhood jumped up from their seats and all started talking at once. Innocence waved her quill in the air, silencing everyone.  “Why don't just one of you tell the story?”   Sister Raine blushed with embarrassment, clearing her throat . “Well. I was walking through Sanctuary's View, admiring the scenery as I always do.  I remember talking to a man whom I hadn't seen in awhile, then everything went blank.” “And then what happened?” Innocence encouraged. Raine pretended to find a speck on her sleeve to collect herself and then looked at her. “I came to my senses to find that I had been thoroughly smooched!” To give her credit, Innocence didn't laugh like a hyena, snicker, snort, crack a smile, or lose her reporter demeanor, although one of her eyelids twitched, as she studied Raine's face. “How interesting. You say a strange but yet familiar man froze you where you stood and then kissed you? What did he look like?” Her hand was poised over her notepad. “That's the odd part!” Raine exclaimed. “I don't remember! It's like my memory is blocked or something! I swear I knew his voice!” Innocence scribbled into her notepad furiously, her tongue sticking out of the corner of her mouth.  “And then what happened?” Innocence urged. “Well, it's the damnedest thing! The bandit left me with this rose!” Raine grabbed my wrist and yanked my hand up as I still up had the rose in a death grip. Innocence looked at it and then scribbled some more, muttering. “Well that explains Windy's temper tantrum and the storm clouds.” I got uncomfortable then.  I knew how her mind worked.  “Now Inno, this isn't a big news story! It's nothing! Really!” “Oh yes it is, Windy! This is news! Front page news!” Innocence crowed as she shoved her quill back into her hair. “I can see it now!” She said as she made an arch in the air with a hand, enunciating each word. “The Sisterhood Attacked by Kissing Bandit!” She was gone in a blink of an eye before I could protest further.  We all stood there stunned. “Well!” I huffed, crossing my arms across my chest. “Won't tomorrow's paper be an interesting read?”
  11. Upvote
    Windy got a reaction from Fang Archbane in The Mystery Of The Kissing Bandit   
    Chapter 1
    Today, an odd wind blew into Magicduel, one that I had not created. Trouble is brewing...
    Deep down in the bowls of Magicduel, he sat brooding in his laboratory, plotting his wicked deeds and down right nasty schemes. If he wasn't puttering about with his Alchemy doo-dads, he was experimenting with herbs, spices, and other noxious, toxic, and gooey things.
    The arched door to his secret hideout was old, as old as the tunnels beneath Marind Dale Park. There were two intricately carved bolts, inset with oblong shapes, that seem to lock the door shut from inside the tunnel. In between the bolts was an inset carving of a circle with swirls that abutted against a split center piece. The bolts cannot be moved, nor can the door opened by human hands. No one could open The Fateless Doors, but he.
    He was brooding, muttering, sputtering, and running his hands through his long thin hair in frustration. “The Sisterhood! The Sisterhood! How they vex me so!” he ranted as he paced the floor, irritating the fire sprites in their brazer whenever he passed them by.
    One of the fire sprites propped his elbows on the rim of the brazer and plopped his chin on his fiery fists. Normally it wasn't concerned about the comings and goings of the mad man. But there is only so much a sprite can take before curiosity gets the best of it.
    “I say, Master? What is it about this Sisterhood, that you are going on about?” It asked curiously. “Have they harmed you, somehow?”
    The man stopped in his tracks, startled by the sprite. “What? Did you say something?” He asked, vexed to have his rant interrupted.
    The sprite leaned on one of his fists and walked the fingers of his other hand back and forth across the rim of the brazer. By then his brothers and sisters were curious too, each jockeying for position behind it.
    “It seems to me, Master, that you are in one of your moods, which we find quite entertaining, but today, you seem madder than usual.” It blinked it's beady eyes at him.
    “Well, if you must know, Sprite.” the man spat, as he continued to pace the room. “It's The Sisterhood that disturbs me! All this going about smooching every man they see in the realm!” He rubbed his fingers in a circular motion against his temples. “Think! Think!”
    The other sprites shrank back in fear and ducked behind the first. They knew that no good came from ideas. Ideas demanded thought and thoughts were not good things.
    The younger sprites chattered in fear amongst themselves. “The Master is quite mad!” One said.
    “He's always mad!” exclaimed another.
    “Is that mad as in angry or mad as insane?” asked another.
    “Don't be daft, idiot!” said the last and bonked his sister on the head. “He's totally insane!”
    “Hush you little ankle biters!” admonished the oldest and shooed them away behind the red hot coals. He turned back to face his Master. “I don't understand, what is wrong with smooching? I don't see the problem here.”
    “Don't you see? Can't your tiny brain comprehend? The Master shrieked. “I like kisses as much as the next guy! But turning in an application to make it a Guild and being accepted? Outrageous!”
    “Oooh!” chimed the little sprites as they peeked out behind their coals. “A guild!”
    “Oi! What's a guild, anyway?” asked one.
    “It's an association of persons with kindred pursuits, interests, and aims.” said another smugly.
    “Oi! How did you know that?” asked the first.
    “Oh, I read it somewhere.”
    The first blinked it's beady eyes. “You can read?”
    “So, it's like a club!” one of them answered.
    “But isn't this Sisterhood, a club?” asked another.
    “Bah!” The Master shouted, waving his hand in dismissal. “I tell you, what really irks me!” he continued, shaking his finger in their faces. “It's that bloody pub owner Windy! She started this whole “woman's club'!” He curled up his fingers in the air and scrunched them like punctuation marks. “Club my eye!” He barked.
    He stopped in his tracks and stopped venting. A sly smirk spread across his pale face. A thought was forming and the sprites could smell it, even the oldest. With a yelp all of them dove behind their coals in fear and dimmed their flames.
    He laughed and clapped his hands together and rubbed them briskly. He danced a little jig. A thought had formed and he giggled with glee. “I know just the thing to do!” He rushed over to an old cabinet and pulled out a dull yellow obelisk. It was two feet long and had striations carved in it's facade, and looked deceptively fragile.
    “Oh Yes! This will do nicely!” The Master crowed. “Strange. I've never used a Memory Stone in this way before.” He shrugged and scurried toward his workbench. On a shelf above the workbench, he pulled down an ominous dark stoppered urn. He worried his bottom lip with this teeth as he poured the viscous contents over the memory stone, and an tincture of Liquid Dust. Perfect. He needed just one more touch to make it set.
    He went over to the brazier and contemplated the fire sprites who had cautiously emerged from behind their coals. They blinked their beady eyes, not contemplating the danger until he reached in and grabbed one of them.
    “Master! What are you doing?” It shrieked, struggling within the tight fist.
    “Have no fear, little sprite. This won't hurt a bit.” The Master said calmly as he returned to the workbench.
    The frightened sprite shook in fear as he realized The Master's intent. It was to be sacrificed, it thought. The Memory Stone was going to be its head stone. “No, Master! Don't do this!” It shrieked in fear.
    “Oh for Goddess's Sake! Hold still!” The Master picked up a sharp needle and grabbed one of the sprite's little arms.” It's just a little prick, it won't hurt a bit! I even sanitized it!”
    The sprite screamed as the needle pierced it's fiery skin, then watched in horror as a drop of it's fiery blood, dripped down onto the viscous Liquid Dust.
    “There now. That wasn't so bad, was it?” The Master asked watched the drop of blood spread across the surface of the stone, sealing the Liquid Dust like a shell of an egg. It glowed an ominous red. The sprite fainted.
    He looked down at the sprite in disgust and dropped it into the arms of it's brethren. “Bah! It wasn't even a big needle!” The Master threw on his cloak, carefully packed up the glowing Memory Stone into his satchel, and left the laboratory, the sprites fanning their fainted sibling; slamming the door behind him.
  12. Upvote
    Windy reacted to Fang Archbane in The Mystery Of The Kissing Bandit   
    Ooh, I love it so far, and save for some nitpicky grammar corrections I could make, it's Perfect <3

    I can't wait to read more ( ^-^)
  13. Upvote
    Windy got a reaction from Eagle Eye in The Mystery Of The Kissing Bandit   
    Chapter 1
    Today, an odd wind blew into Magicduel, one that I had not created. Trouble is brewing...
    Deep down in the bowls of Magicduel, he sat brooding in his laboratory, plotting his wicked deeds and down right nasty schemes. If he wasn't puttering about with his Alchemy doo-dads, he was experimenting with herbs, spices, and other noxious, toxic, and gooey things.
    The arched door to his secret hideout was old, as old as the tunnels beneath Marind Dale Park. There were two intricately carved bolts, inset with oblong shapes, that seem to lock the door shut from inside the tunnel. In between the bolts was an inset carving of a circle with swirls that abutted against a split center piece. The bolts cannot be moved, nor can the door opened by human hands. No one could open The Fateless Doors, but he.
    He was brooding, muttering, sputtering, and running his hands through his long thin hair in frustration. “The Sisterhood! The Sisterhood! How they vex me so!” he ranted as he paced the floor, irritating the fire sprites in their brazer whenever he passed them by.
    One of the fire sprites propped his elbows on the rim of the brazer and plopped his chin on his fiery fists. Normally it wasn't concerned about the comings and goings of the mad man. But there is only so much a sprite can take before curiosity gets the best of it.
    “I say, Master? What is it about this Sisterhood, that you are going on about?” It asked curiously. “Have they harmed you, somehow?”
    The man stopped in his tracks, startled by the sprite. “What? Did you say something?” He asked, vexed to have his rant interrupted.
    The sprite leaned on one of his fists and walked the fingers of his other hand back and forth across the rim of the brazer. By then his brothers and sisters were curious too, each jockeying for position behind it.
    “It seems to me, Master, that you are in one of your moods, which we find quite entertaining, but today, you seem madder than usual.” It blinked it's beady eyes at him.
    “Well, if you must know, Sprite.” the man spat, as he continued to pace the room. “It's The Sisterhood that disturbs me! All this going about smooching every man they see in the realm!” He rubbed his fingers in a circular motion against his temples. “Think! Think!”
    The other sprites shrank back in fear and ducked behind the first. They knew that no good came from ideas. Ideas demanded thought and thoughts were not good things.
    The younger sprites chattered in fear amongst themselves. “The Master is quite mad!” One said.
    “He's always mad!” exclaimed another.
    “Is that mad as in angry or mad as insane?” asked another.
    “Don't be daft, idiot!” said the last and bonked his sister on the head. “He's totally insane!”
    “Hush you little ankle biters!” admonished the oldest and shooed them away behind the red hot coals. He turned back to face his Master. “I don't understand, what is wrong with smooching? I don't see the problem here.”
    “Don't you see? Can't your tiny brain comprehend? The Master shrieked. “I like kisses as much as the next guy! But turning in an application to make it a Guild and being accepted? Outrageous!”
    “Oooh!” chimed the little sprites as they peeked out behind their coals. “A guild!”
    “Oi! What's a guild, anyway?” asked one.
    “It's an association of persons with kindred pursuits, interests, and aims.” said another smugly.
    “Oi! How did you know that?” asked the first.
    “Oh, I read it somewhere.”
    The first blinked it's beady eyes. “You can read?”
    “So, it's like a club!” one of them answered.
    “But isn't this Sisterhood, a club?” asked another.
    “Bah!” The Master shouted, waving his hand in dismissal. “I tell you, what really irks me!” he continued, shaking his finger in their faces. “It's that bloody pub owner Windy! She started this whole “woman's club'!” He curled up his fingers in the air and scrunched them like punctuation marks. “Club my eye!” He barked.
    He stopped in his tracks and stopped venting. A sly smirk spread across his pale face. A thought was forming and the sprites could smell it, even the oldest. With a yelp all of them dove behind their coals in fear and dimmed their flames.
    He laughed and clapped his hands together and rubbed them briskly. He danced a little jig. A thought had formed and he giggled with glee. “I know just the thing to do!” He rushed over to an old cabinet and pulled out a dull yellow obelisk. It was two feet long and had striations carved in it's facade, and looked deceptively fragile.
    “Oh Yes! This will do nicely!” The Master crowed. “Strange. I've never used a Memory Stone in this way before.” He shrugged and scurried toward his workbench. On a shelf above the workbench, he pulled down an ominous dark stoppered urn. He worried his bottom lip with this teeth as he poured the viscous contents over the memory stone, and an tincture of Liquid Dust. Perfect. He needed just one more touch to make it set.
    He went over to the brazier and contemplated the fire sprites who had cautiously emerged from behind their coals. They blinked their beady eyes, not contemplating the danger until he reached in and grabbed one of them.
    “Master! What are you doing?” It shrieked, struggling within the tight fist.
    “Have no fear, little sprite. This won't hurt a bit.” The Master said calmly as he returned to the workbench.
    The frightened sprite shook in fear as he realized The Master's intent. It was to be sacrificed, it thought. The Memory Stone was going to be its head stone. “No, Master! Don't do this!” It shrieked in fear.
    “Oh for Goddess's Sake! Hold still!” The Master picked up a sharp needle and grabbed one of the sprite's little arms.” It's just a little prick, it won't hurt a bit! I even sanitized it!”
    The sprite screamed as the needle pierced it's fiery skin, then watched in horror as a drop of it's fiery blood, dripped down onto the viscous Liquid Dust.
    “There now. That wasn't so bad, was it?” The Master asked watched the drop of blood spread across the surface of the stone, sealing the Liquid Dust like a shell of an egg. It glowed an ominous red. The sprite fainted.
    He looked down at the sprite in disgust and dropped it into the arms of it's brethren. “Bah! It wasn't even a big needle!” The Master threw on his cloak, carefully packed up the glowing Memory Stone into his satchel, and left the laboratory, the sprites fanning their fainted sibling; slamming the door behind him.
  14. Upvote
    Windy got a reaction from Maebius in The Mystery Of The Kissing Bandit   
    Chapter 1
    Today, an odd wind blew into Magicduel, one that I had not created. Trouble is brewing...
    Deep down in the bowls of Magicduel, he sat brooding in his laboratory, plotting his wicked deeds and down right nasty schemes. If he wasn't puttering about with his Alchemy doo-dads, he was experimenting with herbs, spices, and other noxious, toxic, and gooey things.
    The arched door to his secret hideout was old, as old as the tunnels beneath Marind Dale Park. There were two intricately carved bolts, inset with oblong shapes, that seem to lock the door shut from inside the tunnel. In between the bolts was an inset carving of a circle with swirls that abutted against a split center piece. The bolts cannot be moved, nor can the door opened by human hands. No one could open The Fateless Doors, but he.
    He was brooding, muttering, sputtering, and running his hands through his long thin hair in frustration. “The Sisterhood! The Sisterhood! How they vex me so!” he ranted as he paced the floor, irritating the fire sprites in their brazer whenever he passed them by.
    One of the fire sprites propped his elbows on the rim of the brazer and plopped his chin on his fiery fists. Normally it wasn't concerned about the comings and goings of the mad man. But there is only so much a sprite can take before curiosity gets the best of it.
    “I say, Master? What is it about this Sisterhood, that you are going on about?” It asked curiously. “Have they harmed you, somehow?”
    The man stopped in his tracks, startled by the sprite. “What? Did you say something?” He asked, vexed to have his rant interrupted.
    The sprite leaned on one of his fists and walked the fingers of his other hand back and forth across the rim of the brazer. By then his brothers and sisters were curious too, each jockeying for position behind it.
    “It seems to me, Master, that you are in one of your moods, which we find quite entertaining, but today, you seem madder than usual.” It blinked it's beady eyes at him.
    “Well, if you must know, Sprite.” the man spat, as he continued to pace the room. “It's The Sisterhood that disturbs me! All this going about smooching every man they see in the realm!” He rubbed his fingers in a circular motion against his temples. “Think! Think!”
    The other sprites shrank back in fear and ducked behind the first. They knew that no good came from ideas. Ideas demanded thought and thoughts were not good things.
    The younger sprites chattered in fear amongst themselves. “The Master is quite mad!” One said.
    “He's always mad!” exclaimed another.
    “Is that mad as in angry or mad as insane?” asked another.
    “Don't be daft, idiot!” said the last and bonked his sister on the head. “He's totally insane!”
    “Hush you little ankle biters!” admonished the oldest and shooed them away behind the red hot coals. He turned back to face his Master. “I don't understand, what is wrong with smooching? I don't see the problem here.”
    “Don't you see? Can't your tiny brain comprehend? The Master shrieked. “I like kisses as much as the next guy! But turning in an application to make it a Guild and being accepted? Outrageous!”
    “Oooh!” chimed the little sprites as they peeked out behind their coals. “A guild!”
    “Oi! What's a guild, anyway?” asked one.
    “It's an association of persons with kindred pursuits, interests, and aims.” said another smugly.
    “Oi! How did you know that?” asked the first.
    “Oh, I read it somewhere.”
    The first blinked it's beady eyes. “You can read?”
    “So, it's like a club!” one of them answered.
    “But isn't this Sisterhood, a club?” asked another.
    “Bah!” The Master shouted, waving his hand in dismissal. “I tell you, what really irks me!” he continued, shaking his finger in their faces. “It's that bloody pub owner Windy! She started this whole “woman's club'!” He curled up his fingers in the air and scrunched them like punctuation marks. “Club my eye!” He barked.
    He stopped in his tracks and stopped venting. A sly smirk spread across his pale face. A thought was forming and the sprites could smell it, even the oldest. With a yelp all of them dove behind their coals in fear and dimmed their flames.
    He laughed and clapped his hands together and rubbed them briskly. He danced a little jig. A thought had formed and he giggled with glee. “I know just the thing to do!” He rushed over to an old cabinet and pulled out a dull yellow obelisk. It was two feet long and had striations carved in it's facade, and looked deceptively fragile.
    “Oh Yes! This will do nicely!” The Master crowed. “Strange. I've never used a Memory Stone in this way before.” He shrugged and scurried toward his workbench. On a shelf above the workbench, he pulled down an ominous dark stoppered urn. He worried his bottom lip with this teeth as he poured the viscous contents over the memory stone, and an tincture of Liquid Dust. Perfect. He needed just one more touch to make it set.
    He went over to the brazier and contemplated the fire sprites who had cautiously emerged from behind their coals. They blinked their beady eyes, not contemplating the danger until he reached in and grabbed one of them.
    “Master! What are you doing?” It shrieked, struggling within the tight fist.
    “Have no fear, little sprite. This won't hurt a bit.” The Master said calmly as he returned to the workbench.
    The frightened sprite shook in fear as he realized The Master's intent. It was to be sacrificed, it thought. The Memory Stone was going to be its head stone. “No, Master! Don't do this!” It shrieked in fear.
    “Oh for Goddess's Sake! Hold still!” The Master picked up a sharp needle and grabbed one of the sprite's little arms.” It's just a little prick, it won't hurt a bit! I even sanitized it!”
    The sprite screamed as the needle pierced it's fiery skin, then watched in horror as a drop of it's fiery blood, dripped down onto the viscous Liquid Dust.
    “There now. That wasn't so bad, was it?” The Master asked watched the drop of blood spread across the surface of the stone, sealing the Liquid Dust like a shell of an egg. It glowed an ominous red. The sprite fainted.
    He looked down at the sprite in disgust and dropped it into the arms of it's brethren. “Bah! It wasn't even a big needle!” The Master threw on his cloak, carefully packed up the glowing Memory Stone into his satchel, and left the laboratory, the sprites fanning their fainted sibling; slamming the door behind him.
  15. Upvote
    Windy got a reaction from Blackwoodforest in The Mystery Of The Kissing Bandit   
    Chapter 1
    Today, an odd wind blew into Magicduel, one that I had not created. Trouble is brewing...
    Deep down in the bowls of Magicduel, he sat brooding in his laboratory, plotting his wicked deeds and down right nasty schemes. If he wasn't puttering about with his Alchemy doo-dads, he was experimenting with herbs, spices, and other noxious, toxic, and gooey things.
    The arched door to his secret hideout was old, as old as the tunnels beneath Marind Dale Park. There were two intricately carved bolts, inset with oblong shapes, that seem to lock the door shut from inside the tunnel. In between the bolts was an inset carving of a circle with swirls that abutted against a split center piece. The bolts cannot be moved, nor can the door opened by human hands. No one could open The Fateless Doors, but he.
    He was brooding, muttering, sputtering, and running his hands through his long thin hair in frustration. “The Sisterhood! The Sisterhood! How they vex me so!” he ranted as he paced the floor, irritating the fire sprites in their brazer whenever he passed them by.
    One of the fire sprites propped his elbows on the rim of the brazer and plopped his chin on his fiery fists. Normally it wasn't concerned about the comings and goings of the mad man. But there is only so much a sprite can take before curiosity gets the best of it.
    “I say, Master? What is it about this Sisterhood, that you are going on about?” It asked curiously. “Have they harmed you, somehow?”
    The man stopped in his tracks, startled by the sprite. “What? Did you say something?” He asked, vexed to have his rant interrupted.
    The sprite leaned on one of his fists and walked the fingers of his other hand back and forth across the rim of the brazer. By then his brothers and sisters were curious too, each jockeying for position behind it.
    “It seems to me, Master, that you are in one of your moods, which we find quite entertaining, but today, you seem madder than usual.” It blinked it's beady eyes at him.
    “Well, if you must know, Sprite.” the man spat, as he continued to pace the room. “It's The Sisterhood that disturbs me! All this going about smooching every man they see in the realm!” He rubbed his fingers in a circular motion against his temples. “Think! Think!”
    The other sprites shrank back in fear and ducked behind the first. They knew that no good came from ideas. Ideas demanded thought and thoughts were not good things.
    The younger sprites chattered in fear amongst themselves. “The Master is quite mad!” One said.
    “He's always mad!” exclaimed another.
    “Is that mad as in angry or mad as insane?” asked another.
    “Don't be daft, idiot!” said the last and bonked his sister on the head. “He's totally insane!”
    “Hush you little ankle biters!” admonished the oldest and shooed them away behind the red hot coals. He turned back to face his Master. “I don't understand, what is wrong with smooching? I don't see the problem here.”
    “Don't you see? Can't your tiny brain comprehend? The Master shrieked. “I like kisses as much as the next guy! But turning in an application to make it a Guild and being accepted? Outrageous!”
    “Oooh!” chimed the little sprites as they peeked out behind their coals. “A guild!”
    “Oi! What's a guild, anyway?” asked one.
    “It's an association of persons with kindred pursuits, interests, and aims.” said another smugly.
    “Oi! How did you know that?” asked the first.
    “Oh, I read it somewhere.”
    The first blinked it's beady eyes. “You can read?”
    “So, it's like a club!” one of them answered.
    “But isn't this Sisterhood, a club?” asked another.
    “Bah!” The Master shouted, waving his hand in dismissal. “I tell you, what really irks me!” he continued, shaking his finger in their faces. “It's that bloody pub owner Windy! She started this whole “woman's club'!” He curled up his fingers in the air and scrunched them like punctuation marks. “Club my eye!” He barked.
    He stopped in his tracks and stopped venting. A sly smirk spread across his pale face. A thought was forming and the sprites could smell it, even the oldest. With a yelp all of them dove behind their coals in fear and dimmed their flames.
    He laughed and clapped his hands together and rubbed them briskly. He danced a little jig. A thought had formed and he giggled with glee. “I know just the thing to do!” He rushed over to an old cabinet and pulled out a dull yellow obelisk. It was two feet long and had striations carved in it's facade, and looked deceptively fragile.
    “Oh Yes! This will do nicely!” The Master crowed. “Strange. I've never used a Memory Stone in this way before.” He shrugged and scurried toward his workbench. On a shelf above the workbench, he pulled down an ominous dark stoppered urn. He worried his bottom lip with this teeth as he poured the viscous contents over the memory stone, and an tincture of Liquid Dust. Perfect. He needed just one more touch to make it set.
    He went over to the brazier and contemplated the fire sprites who had cautiously emerged from behind their coals. They blinked their beady eyes, not contemplating the danger until he reached in and grabbed one of them.
    “Master! What are you doing?” It shrieked, struggling within the tight fist.
    “Have no fear, little sprite. This won't hurt a bit.” The Master said calmly as he returned to the workbench.
    The frightened sprite shook in fear as he realized The Master's intent. It was to be sacrificed, it thought. The Memory Stone was going to be its head stone. “No, Master! Don't do this!” It shrieked in fear.
    “Oh for Goddess's Sake! Hold still!” The Master picked up a sharp needle and grabbed one of the sprite's little arms.” It's just a little prick, it won't hurt a bit! I even sanitized it!”
    The sprite screamed as the needle pierced it's fiery skin, then watched in horror as a drop of it's fiery blood, dripped down onto the viscous Liquid Dust.
    “There now. That wasn't so bad, was it?” The Master asked watched the drop of blood spread across the surface of the stone, sealing the Liquid Dust like a shell of an egg. It glowed an ominous red. The sprite fainted.
    He looked down at the sprite in disgust and dropped it into the arms of it's brethren. “Bah! It wasn't even a big needle!” The Master threw on his cloak, carefully packed up the glowing Memory Stone into his satchel, and left the laboratory, the sprites fanning their fainted sibling; slamming the door behind him.
  16. Upvote
    Windy got a reaction from Lintara in The Mystery Of The Kissing Bandit   
    Chapter 1
    Today, an odd wind blew into Magicduel, one that I had not created. Trouble is brewing...
    Deep down in the bowls of Magicduel, he sat brooding in his laboratory, plotting his wicked deeds and down right nasty schemes. If he wasn't puttering about with his Alchemy doo-dads, he was experimenting with herbs, spices, and other noxious, toxic, and gooey things.
    The arched door to his secret hideout was old, as old as the tunnels beneath Marind Dale Park. There were two intricately carved bolts, inset with oblong shapes, that seem to lock the door shut from inside the tunnel. In between the bolts was an inset carving of a circle with swirls that abutted against a split center piece. The bolts cannot be moved, nor can the door opened by human hands. No one could open The Fateless Doors, but he.
    He was brooding, muttering, sputtering, and running his hands through his long thin hair in frustration. “The Sisterhood! The Sisterhood! How they vex me so!” he ranted as he paced the floor, irritating the fire sprites in their brazer whenever he passed them by.
    One of the fire sprites propped his elbows on the rim of the brazer and plopped his chin on his fiery fists. Normally it wasn't concerned about the comings and goings of the mad man. But there is only so much a sprite can take before curiosity gets the best of it.
    “I say, Master? What is it about this Sisterhood, that you are going on about?” It asked curiously. “Have they harmed you, somehow?”
    The man stopped in his tracks, startled by the sprite. “What? Did you say something?” He asked, vexed to have his rant interrupted.
    The sprite leaned on one of his fists and walked the fingers of his other hand back and forth across the rim of the brazer. By then his brothers and sisters were curious too, each jockeying for position behind it.
    “It seems to me, Master, that you are in one of your moods, which we find quite entertaining, but today, you seem madder than usual.” It blinked it's beady eyes at him.
    “Well, if you must know, Sprite.” the man spat, as he continued to pace the room. “It's The Sisterhood that disturbs me! All this going about smooching every man they see in the realm!” He rubbed his fingers in a circular motion against his temples. “Think! Think!”
    The other sprites shrank back in fear and ducked behind the first. They knew that no good came from ideas. Ideas demanded thought and thoughts were not good things.
    The younger sprites chattered in fear amongst themselves. “The Master is quite mad!” One said.
    “He's always mad!” exclaimed another.
    “Is that mad as in angry or mad as insane?” asked another.
    “Don't be daft, idiot!” said the last and bonked his sister on the head. “He's totally insane!”
    “Hush you little ankle biters!” admonished the oldest and shooed them away behind the red hot coals. He turned back to face his Master. “I don't understand, what is wrong with smooching? I don't see the problem here.”
    “Don't you see? Can't your tiny brain comprehend? The Master shrieked. “I like kisses as much as the next guy! But turning in an application to make it a Guild and being accepted? Outrageous!”
    “Oooh!” chimed the little sprites as they peeked out behind their coals. “A guild!”
    “Oi! What's a guild, anyway?” asked one.
    “It's an association of persons with kindred pursuits, interests, and aims.” said another smugly.
    “Oi! How did you know that?” asked the first.
    “Oh, I read it somewhere.”
    The first blinked it's beady eyes. “You can read?”
    “So, it's like a club!” one of them answered.
    “But isn't this Sisterhood, a club?” asked another.
    “Bah!” The Master shouted, waving his hand in dismissal. “I tell you, what really irks me!” he continued, shaking his finger in their faces. “It's that bloody pub owner Windy! She started this whole “woman's club'!” He curled up his fingers in the air and scrunched them like punctuation marks. “Club my eye!” He barked.
    He stopped in his tracks and stopped venting. A sly smirk spread across his pale face. A thought was forming and the sprites could smell it, even the oldest. With a yelp all of them dove behind their coals in fear and dimmed their flames.
    He laughed and clapped his hands together and rubbed them briskly. He danced a little jig. A thought had formed and he giggled with glee. “I know just the thing to do!” He rushed over to an old cabinet and pulled out a dull yellow obelisk. It was two feet long and had striations carved in it's facade, and looked deceptively fragile.
    “Oh Yes! This will do nicely!” The Master crowed. “Strange. I've never used a Memory Stone in this way before.” He shrugged and scurried toward his workbench. On a shelf above the workbench, he pulled down an ominous dark stoppered urn. He worried his bottom lip with this teeth as he poured the viscous contents over the memory stone, and an tincture of Liquid Dust. Perfect. He needed just one more touch to make it set.
    He went over to the brazier and contemplated the fire sprites who had cautiously emerged from behind their coals. They blinked their beady eyes, not contemplating the danger until he reached in and grabbed one of them.
    “Master! What are you doing?” It shrieked, struggling within the tight fist.
    “Have no fear, little sprite. This won't hurt a bit.” The Master said calmly as he returned to the workbench.
    The frightened sprite shook in fear as he realized The Master's intent. It was to be sacrificed, it thought. The Memory Stone was going to be its head stone. “No, Master! Don't do this!” It shrieked in fear.
    “Oh for Goddess's Sake! Hold still!” The Master picked up a sharp needle and grabbed one of the sprite's little arms.” It's just a little prick, it won't hurt a bit! I even sanitized it!”
    The sprite screamed as the needle pierced it's fiery skin, then watched in horror as a drop of it's fiery blood, dripped down onto the viscous Liquid Dust.
    “There now. That wasn't so bad, was it?” The Master asked watched the drop of blood spread across the surface of the stone, sealing the Liquid Dust like a shell of an egg. It glowed an ominous red. The sprite fainted.
    He looked down at the sprite in disgust and dropped it into the arms of it's brethren. “Bah! It wasn't even a big needle!” The Master threw on his cloak, carefully packed up the glowing Memory Stone into his satchel, and left the laboratory, the sprites fanning their fainted sibling; slamming the door behind him.
  17. Downvote
    Windy got a reaction from dst in Banning Of Player Blood Prince   
    Blood Prince was a habitual violator and should have been dealt with a long time ago. Anyone who continues to break the rules deserves the same.

    I think everyone forgets that Mur sanctioned the dojo's to begin with. I believe that if he thought the ban was extreme, he would not have given the dojo staff the ability to do so.

    As far as playing the villian....violating the dojo rules has nothing to do with that role play. Dojos are not intended to extend the role playing process. It is intended for people to learn combat stategies with their creatures.

    But I do believe that banning the player from the game is extreme, nonetheless. He should have been sent to the Prison that Mur and his staff worked so hard to create and then labled a criminal as Fenrir was.
  18. Upvote
    Windy got a reaction from Tom Pouce in Conspiracy Theories   
    I may have puffed Nightshade, but never inhaled! Y_Y

    Mur is really a massive computer which is sentient and has logically deduced that all players are mere subjective and illogical creatures and therefore created this world to protect us from ourselves!
  19. Upvote
    Windy got a reaction from DARK DEMON in Community Garden Mid-Winter Festival 2013   
    [sub]How about a Lymeric contest? [/sub]
  20. Downvote
    Windy got a reaction from Tarquinus in Community Garden Mid-Winter Festival 2013   
    [sub]How about a Lymeric contest? [/sub]
  21. Upvote
    Windy got a reaction from Ackshan Bemunah in Wedding Invitation   
    Now, boys. All will be well and there will be plenty of food and drink to keep everyone satisfied and well behaved...Or Else.
  22. Upvote
    Windy got a reaction from Dragual in Focus Group for The Chronicles of Windy   
    After much discussion with a friend of mine, who conveniently is a published author, I am going to make The Chronicles of Windy a short story instead. I hope to hear from you on this idea. Thanks!
  23. Upvote
    Windy got a reaction from Phantom Orchid in Prayers To The Goddess Of The Moon [Priesthood]   
    Oh Glorious Moon
    Your glow fills me
    Body and Soul
    Replenished and complete

    Without your heavenly gaze
    I would perish and cease
    I revere you above all others
    None come before you

    I bathe in your Light
    Your Light consumes me
    Your Light empowers me
    Your Light rejuvenates me

    Yea that I walk in the valley of darkness
    I walk with no fear for you art with me
    I trip not on hidden things for you guide me
    Blinded not by the darkness, I'm shown the way

    Thank you Luna for your gift
    Thank You Luna for your light
    I am a child of the Eclipse
    Your will is mine.
  24. Upvote
    Windy got a reaction from Udgard in Wikia Content Manager   
    What wikia?Oo
  25. Downvote
    Windy got a reaction from Eon in Wikia Content Manager   
    What wikia?Oo
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