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Everything posted by Roland

  1. Welcome.
  2. All is forgotten in the stone halls of the dead. These are the rooms of ruin where the spiders spin and the great circuits fall quiet, one by one.

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    1. Peace


      I am three women…I who was; I who had no right to be but was; I am the woman you have saved. I thank you gunslinger.

  3. Happy Birthday Pample!!!!!
  4. The man in black fled across the desert, and the gunslinger followed.

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  5. Welcolme!!!! Have fun, it is indeed an exciting game, full of great people.
  6. Car broke down, and an electrical short in my house. Great day so far:(

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  7. You have forgotten the face of your father.

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  8. The katet has been broken.

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    1. Burns


      Ka is a wheel, there will be water if god wills it.

  9. Roland


  10. Happy Day my Friend
  11. Roland

    Md Cake Book

    I just love your imagination. Very humorous (sp?). I want cake, and of course more beer.
  12. Your honesty in this world touches my heart. Therefore I will be open with you. I lost my little brother to undiagnosed epilepsy recently. It was the lowest point of my life (talk about being lost). I know you have young ones running around, and must commend you on taking charge of your health. You are facing a long and tedious battle, but after getting to know you...I've no doubt you will rise to the challenge! You have my love and respect "Sage". Please continue to keep us informed. A strong support system will do wonders for you emotional well being. My prayers are with you, Roland Deshain
  13. The difference between the foolish and the wise? The ability to see beyond one's nose:)

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  15. Due to RL, I will be away from MD for a little while (just a couple of weeks I hope). I will truly miss this unique world and will be back as soon as I can.
  16. Roland

    Dark Poetry

    The Tormented Soul The turmoil faced is liken to the eagle kidnapped from the nest. I can hear her cries for me. Lost. Alone. I search, and I see: Ripping and tearing, teeth ravage the little one, as he savors each morsel. The blood cascades down his throat - euphoria hiding the darkness in his soul. The sun does not shine. The stars do not glimmer. It is evil that strangles his heart. Forgotten by many, his vengence is swift and merciless. He has taken you from me, and the innocent will suffer.
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