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Everything posted by Redd

  1. [quote name='Muratus del Mur' date='22 December 2009 - 02:06 AM' timestamp='1261418778' post='50742'] I don't see what you could win for creating countless new accounts with 5 credits. [/quote] lol. I can actually see it very clearly... Anyway, I'm not the only one who has this condition, so I hope this topic can, at least, raise public awareness...
  2. When the free creds for new accounts was implemented, I got the message that I am "Not eligible for Promotion" as what was supposed to be, since I already have sunning accounts. But earlier today, I accidentally clicked the register button, and got the 'eligible' message. I created an account, and confirmed that it has the $5 bonus creds. Immediately, I tried registering a new one, and got the 'Not eligible' message again. But after an hour or so, I managed to create another account with the creds bonus... And while writing this topic, I just got the 'eligible' message again... If it helps, the two accounts that I've made have no flags. I'm suspecting that has something to do with it...
  3. fishy
  4. #66 please^^, thanks...
  5. [quote name='Orlando Gardiner' date='16 December 2009 - 11:55 PM' timestamp='1260978929' post='50424'] ...But who would log on each your to get a WP when your not playing it anyway?... [/quote] My point is that, in your idea, a player who plays year-round and someone who just plays on some occasions will have the same reward. Remember that this whole WP scheme is based on the concept of loyalty. So, in your opinion, do they have the same degree of loyalty? I'm guessing not.. I like the idea of giving WPs to quest creators, but the premise of that is good quality of quests. It requires a strict process(mostly ratings), and should be talked about in a separate thread..
  6. [quote name='Chewett' date='11 December 2009 - 02:42 PM' timestamp='1260513763' post='49620'] Thats what mur was suggesting... But he was more suggesting 6 12 18 24 or 12 24 or just every 24 months... [/quote] 6 months for the first WP? That'll defy the purpose of encouraging new players. As Mur said, the first WP is important, and I agree. I think Observer's idea is good. One WP for newbies(between 2 and three months) another for his first year, then the regular interval of receiving WPs for the second year(every 6 months), and so on.. [quote name='Orlando Gardiner' date='16 December 2009 - 06:59 PM' timestamp='1260961187' post='50411'] ps: another point: what about 1 wishpoint a year? and than given at christmas or something? this way only active people deserve it, but you wont have to be online for a whole year.. [/quote] How can you measure loyalty by that scenario? I can just log in for one day each year and receive a WP? Or what if a veteran misses that one day? Better luck next year? I don't think so.. And yes, you need to be online for a whole year to reap the respective reward.
  7. To give Mur 100$ through WU, you need to pay 15$ extra for service charge. So, in total, you'll pay $115. Plus 40 bonus creds, that's 155 creds..
  8. Alright,
  9. A WP for having 50 active days is a good encouragement for beginners^^, However, if alts could also obtain WPs, some of the wishes' value could decrease very much. Especially WISH28, which only needs one WP spent to unlock.
  10. I just created an alt today, and he was given only three principles to choose form at the start of story mode. Is this a new feature, or have I stumbled upon a bug?
  11. Tried it on Fenth's Press today(Day 336). Got everything right. Temp, permanent and heat bonuses... EDIT: I used crits with permanent boosts...
  12. Won't it be more practical if you just wait for reports/complains? Some posts might get misrated, and after all, its an individuals PL, so its his discretion to rate the posts he gets. (Post seems to be offtopic, forgive me.)
  13. @Grido So we can report mp2s who do this, then if it is found out that the account belongs to a winner from a different mp, they'll get punished? But if the mp2 is just bullying, then it is allowed? This problem mainly concerns MP3s because mp2s can slaughter most of them, so won't it be better if they're are not able to gain heads at all? [quote] ...And generally isnt liked to explain the mp level like that. [/quote] I'm sorry, I dont understabd this part... I agree on the idea that players on sanctuaries should not be able to generate heads, but if they still have a certain amount before they entered, they are vulnerable for attacks. With this, I think the amount needed to be attacked on a sanctuary doesn't need to be increased.
  14. [quote name='King Lazarus' date='01 December 2009 - 11:37 PM' timestamp='1259678248' post='48813'] What about Alliance fights? Some MP3's and MP4's are in an alliance, and during the HC, some MP5 players are attacking them, thus gaining their heads. But an alternative way of avoiding an attack from some MP levels is leaving the alliance for a while, losing some percentage of the loyalty points which are required for some things, and bothering the alliance leader after the HC is done for them to be invited again to the alliance. In my opinion during the HC, same MP levels should only attack their own level. Yes it isn't a big deal because there are only a handful of alliance members in MP4, and very very few in MP3, but if you can please take it as a consideration. Just an opinion [/quote] I would also like to add that MP2s are also used to transfer heads between MP levels. Not that I care, these stuff just makes the contest more exciting. After all, *quotes*...remember, the head contest is UNFAIR
  15. Redd


    I also am against the idea of force-pushing the lower MPs. If they don't want to experience other stuff, it's their loss, not your's. I have a MP3, and based on my observations, there is no problem with the 'established' strong ones unless it is HC. They even help youngsters train and help enforce the MDP rules. (The real pain in the arse are the alts who are training their crits and think they're strong enough to neglect SG rules.) The solution I would recommend is to give MP5 a feature that lower levels will look forward to. Lowering the exp cap could also work on MP3, but it may make MP4s the new haven for alts since it also has an exp cap. (Inner Magic is not yet implemented, right? It might solve the problem.)
  16. Why not organize a special HC where only vets can join, awards something like 'diamond heads medal', and will happen only once or twice a year? Or better yet, make it a FFA(Free for all) event, so even the newbies can join the fun. But I think it would be better if a new type of contest is created other than the HC, so everyone will have something to look forward to again. @Tipu Personally, nos 1, 2 and 3 won't hinder you from winning HC. And I think that nobody's expected to win on his first month. Everybody gets older... (Something tells me that the goal of the new HC improvements are actually more for the old players than the new ones and, based on our reaction, that goal could be/is achieved.)
  17. [quote name='Udgard' date='27 November 2009 - 03:50 PM' timestamp='1259304655' post='48557'] @redd: 3k is rather extreme, even with the current situation, having 3k difference is already going to be giving a hard time. IIRC, there is also a kind of negative honor cap right now (5k-ish?), so it won't go as far as 100k negative honor. There is also a max loss more than wins caps right now (around 1k or 1,1k). [/quote] Yeah, I forgot. please forgive me. After 1k something losses, you won't get loss increment. But I also want to add that it would still be hard because such players will get feasted upon by others since they give the highest honor. Oh and anosuinc reached -9k honor.
  18. I would have to agree with Burns. Consider the extremes. Lets assume that in the kingdom, player R has the greatest win-loss difference, of about -3k(3k more losses). Since everyone else is more balanced than him, everytime he attacks for wins, he gains negative honor. By the time he reaches balance, his honor would be extremely low(if he gets -400 honor from a balanced player each fight, I calculate -100k+ honor). The only easy way for him to ba on track is to have 'in' attacks where he would win(and 3k of those). Consider also that in those 3k fights, he would gain nothing. For the balance problems of the MP5s, the best solution I can see is for the new generation to start the adjustments. I also have another idea, ind it would involve the guilds and their members. Since guilds can recruit MP3s and MP4s, whom are more overall more balanced, why not use them to farm honor? (Of course 'use' is rather impolite and disrespectful both to the guilds and the persons) So, MP5 guild members will farm wins, to be balanced, on other MP5s, then farm honor on the MP3/MP4 guild members. If most of the MP5 guild members are balanced, they can then help other MP5s in balancing themselves. The problem I see in this is that, other than it takes time, is thet the oneness of the guilds will be hurt. In the subject of recruiting more lower MPs on guilds, I'm pretty sure there are deserving people among them. I'm sure my idea would work, as long as everyone cooperates. I think cooperation was the root of the problem anyway.
  19. I think that all players affected by the 'link is expided' bug(those who went idle at about 00:00) are listed as online players on the login page. Happened to me too. Forgot to add this on first post.X(
  20. I don't think its a longer idle period, since after 6hours, the "link expired, reload please" should(theoretically) appear when someone attacks you. Edit: It is a longer idle period because you can still view the papers and send messages to the palyer. The only difference is in attacking.
  21. Redd

    Link Expired

    I think this means that the player is supposed to be logged out. I iddled one of my alts about 12hours ago, and now his name still appears and that 'invalid link' message appears when I try to hit him. I'm pretty sure this is a bug that evolved from the new system and not a browser problem. This might also be the answer to Rhaegar's problem...
  22. [quote name='Muratus del Mur' date='20 November 2009 - 04:46 AM' timestamp='1258659978' post='47902'] can you confirm is happening everytime the combat log is empty? [/quote] In my case it happens even if the combat log is not empty. Only in IE, though. Doesn't happen at all in Firefox.
  23. Redd

    Fml Vs. Mlia

    Today I voted for FML because I think that it's a better read. MLIA
  24. I too pertain to love in a relationship. Even I find it hard to believe, but love/relationships can exist(some even more romantic) without lust...

  25. This is what appeared when I tried transfering a crit earlier. It happened many times and on different CTC's. Unknown column 'banedtext' in 'where clause'Unknown column 'banedtext' in 'where clause' Unable to locate creature
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