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Mighty Pirate

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Everything posted by Mighty Pirate

  1. A "Next creature" button would be nice. It would save half of the clicking if you want to look at all your creatures in detail.
  2. This is a pre-announcement that next week (probably on Tuesday, 23rd) a new quest will start. It will be related to pirate life. Its a quest full of small riddles. Of course, there will be rewards including wish points. Open to all Mind Powers. Access to Golemus and Loreroot will be needed. More details will be announced.[img]http://www.smileydesign.net/smileys/cost20.gif[/img] Mighty Pirate
  3. quite a late reply on the subject: What about WPs for completing "Achievements and Trophys" rather than just for Active days? (sorry if this was posted before, I confess that I did not read all 100+ posts.) I can imagine a combination: You get a new WP after a certain number of days and one more complete achievement or trophy.
  4. it crashed just when I tried my first script! O_O

  5. sorry if this was already posted. In the attached battle log look for ' creature DIES!' I defeated 7 enemy creatures But I lost, obviously I dealt with some kind of zombies ... [attachment=2069:Battlelog.txt]
  6. strange battle, I don't understand it. [attachment=2025:Clipboard01.jpg] my creatures had enough vitality. However they all appeared with 0 vitality in the battle. See log. Load XXX creatures Load Mighty Pirate creatures ... Influences for XXX: creatureboost, creatureboost, vampiricaura, creatureboost, antifreeze, creatureboost ###### Influences for Mighty Pirate: vampiricaura, vampiricaura, antifreeze, creatureboost, creatureboost, creatureboost ###### COMBO: Adding 43287 combo vitality bonus for this ritual Applying 0% of XXX's energetic influence Applying 10% of Mighty Pirate's energetic influence XXX's vampiricaura drains XXX's Chaos Archer cant find any enemy creatures to target, skipping turn ... XXX WINS! ...
  7. Two months ago, I got some equipment from Demon and Enigma sets. Today, I was told that this is due to a bug. If it is one, please fix it. I will not spoil any information on how I got it. Mighty Pirate
  8. I agree, Novato. As for the current announcement: It was about time, and I strongly support it. Eliminating the possibility to get VE for free was very good. Although, it struck me hard ([b]many[/b] eggs with 57-58 days each). But, in general, I believe in something like strategies. Some play around just doing whatever comes to their mind, others spend time thinking about a good creature training strategy. I would prefer announcements on future changes which do not give enough details to enable endless discussions but give enough time to change training strategies. Mighty Pirate
  9. Quest is over. The chest is open and full of wonderful things. I received 3 correct solutions in total. So, it turned out to be just as hard as I wanted it to be. first Winner: [b]dst[/b]- incredible solution second winner: [b]BFH LIGHTHING[/b] - used role playing for key creation just the way I wanted it. third winner: [b]Phantom Orchid[/b] wins honor and public admiration, I only got two Wish Points Winner of MP3 special award: Pazur [b]Banned from all my future quests because of cheating: Grundy Golem [/b] Thanks for the fun, Mighty Pirate For those, who are interested, here are the magic keys created by dst (bottom to top) and BFH LIGHTING (top to bottom):
  10. me too, please.
  11. Update Day 4: Finally, we have more than one winner. Wishpoint winners will be announced on Monday. There is still enough time to start with the quest ... Have fun Mighty Pirate
  12. Update after day 3: no news. Some players made it to the final stage but so far only one successful key created ... Have fun Mighty Pirate
  13. Update after day 2: I received several fight keys. One fits! (One Wish Point gone). The winner will be revealed after quest close (next Monday). MP3 winners are Yoshi and Pazur Special price for MP3 (a Tormented Soul) goes to Pazur. Some of you made it to the final task. If you find out how to create a magic fight key, let me know by PM. You will get detailed hints about how to create the correct magic fight key once you figured this out. Last hint: - Use your free hints! Just PM me if you need hints! Have fun Mighty Pirate
  14. An update after day 1: Until now, I did not receive a working key for the chest. I received 3 answers with all locations correct. I received some more answers with many/most locations correct. Some more hints: - There is one location which almost everybody gets wrong first time. Don't let your memory fool you - Don't forget to look at compass descriptions. - The text for riddle 10 is MD-original, its not a code. I assume its Italian. As for the key: - Remember, its a magic fight key. - Remember, you have to send me a screen shot, not text or code. - Remember, good fighters have an advantage. - Remember, good role players have an advantage. - Hints are free, once a day. Have fun Mighty Pirate
  15. Hello, perhaps some day I will feel like adding more to this section - but not today.

    Have a nice MD day! :)

  16. see post 1 for the latest update. Thanks.
  17. Treasure hunt started!

  18. [quote name='dst' date='26 April 2010 - 02:22 PM' timestamp='1272288143' post='58637'] How important is the timing? Cause for me 7 pm server time is the worst time ever . And if timing is important...can you postpone it to 8 pm? [/quote] The treasure has been hidden for centuries, it will not run away Timing is not very important - I expect the quest to run at least 2 days, 6 hours and 10 minutes before I receive a solution (just a guess
  19. [quote name='Pipstickz' date='21 April 2010 - 12:11 AM' timestamp='1271805080' post='58321'] Is there a specific time it'll start? Or at least an estimate? [/quote] I guess it will start at 19:00 server time.
  20. [size="5"]The Lost Treasure of Mad Mans Island[/size] Last year I signed up on an accursed pirate ship. During a bloody mutiny I saved my life by jumping into the ocean and swimming to an island. Fortunately, no other pirate noticed me. I had to stay there for a full month until I was rescued by a merchant vessel. The island appeared to be an old pirate hideout. I found an old treasure chest. However I am unable to open it since it is locked and I don't have the key. All I found was an inscription saying that the key is 'a magic fight'-key and has to be created from 10 parts. I also found a scroll next to the chest. It seems to describe 10 MagicDual locations, perhaps it has some connection to the key? 1. According to an old paper document, this is a place with a usefull device. 2. The place where the Talking Worm can be found in the Astral Plane. 3. 3_-3x-4_1 4. 'Every moment spent serving you gives him the power he needs to defy the Gods.' 5. An Alley with a bench. 6. The place where someone walks although he's dead. 7. The room with the dozen shelf rows. 8. 'association of friendly signposts of MD'. 9. The place of Full Glow. 10. Nel caso tu non abbia realmete sentito ... If you can help me to get the right key, the reward will be great. I suggest that you first solve the riddles. From the answers you should create the key. I don't know exactly how to do it but perhaps you have an idea? Once you created the key send me a screenshot with the proof. Including your Active Day counter if you want to apply for the special price, see below. Find me at the place where you should 'remember that nothing is random'. [size="4"]Some Remarks:[/size] - Requirements: MP4, MP5, MP6 - MP3 can try the riddles. I'll give away something for the first MP3 to solve the 10 riddles. - Good knowledge of MD world will give an advantage - Good riddlers will have an advantage - Good fighters will have an advantage - Good role players will have an advantage - No Alts at all - no exception! - Please feel invited to tell me your opinion. This is my first quest, I like to hear whether you liked it or not. [size="4"]Hints:[/size] - Yes, I will give hints - Hints cost nothing. Hints will only be given by PM. I will answer quest related PMs once a day. So hints just cost time. - You can send me the 10 locations, I will tell you which are correct. The same for the key: You can send the key, I will tell you how well it fits the chest. - You don't have to find all locations, you can 'guess' the missing parts of the key. But, you could guess wrong - You can try to send me different keys as often as you want. (I might change this rule later if I get too many PMs). Yrthilian will kindly sponsor two Wish Points for the winners. First winner will be the one who solves the quest first Second winner will be the quest solver with the lowest number of active days. This is meant as a motivation for new players to start solving quests Quest is open for one week or until I get 10 correct solutions. Special thanks again to *Burns* for testing! Have Fun, Mighty Pirate
  21. 1] Should the fishing system be a permanent part of MD? If so, would additional games add more to MD or just distract from what MD is all about? Yes, please keep it - at least until the first players appear which play only in the Astral Plane and do not care about the rest of MD. I love small games and I play them for fun and amusement. I like the idea of contests. One month seems to be too long, I guess a week is better. I would suggest even just 3 days but recurring for some time. 2] How was the progression of upgrading the poles/lures with regards to catching fish and earning pennies? (Was there anywhere which seemed to take particularly long or was very easy?) The progression was good. I liked the idea that you have to check for every new lure where it works best. I sold (by accident) my best lures twice because they were connected to a pole which I sold - that was a bit frustrating. 3] Do you have any suggestions for how to improve the fishing system? I have the impression that bait could play a larger role. 4] Should there be more items / fish / extras included? If so what should be added and what would it do? What about a "master of fishing medal" also visible outside Astral Plane? 5] Overall what was your impression of this quest? Of course I liked it, and I look forward to new quests. What a liked most is the nice idea how to make Minesweeper more challenging.
  22. yes, I'm also very curious
  23. I got a strange thing two times: [attachment=1528:Labyrinth.jpg]
  24. Nice labyrinth, it drives me crazy! Mighty Pirate
  25. row 4 column 41
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