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Mighty Pirate

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Everything posted by Mighty Pirate

  1. 7_floatingbook_1 The floating book
  2. Currently, Fusioneers do not gain *fusioning stats when using heat solidifier tool. I was told that this is not intended. So, its probably a bug .
  3. [quote name='Mighty Pirate' timestamp='1318066829' post='93540'] I got "Work in progress" when I unlocked a second level clue. [/quote] [quote name='Rendril' timestamp='1318333469' post='93862'] That would be because work was in progress. [/quote] Thank you. I was actually happy to read "Work in progress". It could have been worse: "[color=#b22222]!!!under construction!!![/color]"
  4. I got "Work in progress" when I unlocked a second level clue.
  5. Wish51 worked without errors. I get the same message for the achievements.
  6. The following message appears increasingly in MD world. (I was used to see it on Mur only, but saw it on other players as well.) [color=#0000ff][b]Enemy (xxx) ritual was forgotten[/b][/color] [color=#0000ff]It contained creatures summoned forth from an illusion. You may retry the battle any time.[/color] As far as I understand these defense ritual makes the holder unattackable as long as he has enough of these defense rituals set. This is highly abusable since it enables you to win any heads competition just by staying online. Please do something against this.
  7. 1_1x-3_1: Timeless Dust
  8. Hi, I'm trying to avoid all exaggerated words. The question discussed here is: Are two different punishments by Grido justified (one minor punishment/warning, one strong punishment)? The first delict is an abuse of an LHO spell. The second delict is selling a spoiler / bug. There is no written MD criminal code I am aware of but I feel is that the second delict is clearly a stronger one. I accept that both cases have to be seen in their specific context, but that's up to Gridos or the counsils judgement. I just can't see any obvious misjudgement here.
  9. [quote name='nadrolski' timestamp='1316517884' post='92309'] do you really want more people in public ready for duels? or you just want more weak mp5s to come out from dens so you can easily train your critters and stats? [/quote] the first.
  10. All, please note, this purpose of this topic is NOT to discuss Eons skill damage ability. I'd like to see a discussion about how we can get more people to public places ready for duels. Skill damage is part of the discussion but please don't reduce the discussion to skill damage.
  11. [quote name='lone wolf pup' timestamp='1316349375' post='92177'] Idle with no creatures. Also, someone with 100k attack would get 800 attack for idleing for 8 hours. [/quote] no creatures are no problem - if your goal is to get more stats no creatures are not a good idea anyways. And the 100k attack: Compare him to someone with 99k attack - the difference does not matter at all. (And on second thought 0.1 % of 100 k is just 100 So he would just get 100 attack for 8 hours)
  12. Currently all players at MP5 who idle in a public location risk to lose skills by getting skill damage. What about the opposite: Why not giving a reward for being in a public place? A possible solution would be to give a small stats increase, say 0.1% for 8 hours. I hope this would reinforce more in game fighting and also less people hiding in remote places. Still, this is not an idea ready to be implemented, more a debate, thats why I post it here. I'm curious to hear your opinions.
  13. [quote name='Maebius' timestamp='1315480807' post='91710'] Also, I've gotten some feedback about one step involving Necrovion citizens helping. With so few of them around, I am considering 'skipping' their necessity, but still not convinced that this step is "impossible". It's meant to help folks interact a bit, after all, and may require patience. However, if the majority decides that requiring Necrovion Citizenry to help at the Gazebo is just too darn difficult, this step can be changed. Please let me know your thoughts. [i](I made up the overall "help from citizens" before the recent shifts in Necrovion politics, but kept it in the quest since there were still a few citizens wandering the realm, and I still felt it important to the underlying theme to have people interact slightly with someone from the different Lands if possible. .)[/i] [/quote] Perhaps I can say something as I finished the quest: I don't think that this particular part is the hardest part of the quest. There are several tasks which are at least as hard as the Necrovion task. So I vote for: Keep it. (The remaining Necro people are usually very helpful, so I don't see a real problem here.)
  14. Update: We also offer a rent-a-jar service for 1sc / day. (You will get an empty jar and you can use it for one day.)
  15. dst, can you please include the link to the original quest, thank you. A remark: Innocence did not only read and reward my story. I also received a detailed review (what was good, what could have been better). [color=#008000]The Morphing Eagle[/color] [color=#008000]…[/color] [color=#008000]The eagle cries in pain but there is no escape. With trained grips the hunter puts a mask on the head of the eagle. He ties the eagle’s claws and pulls the arrow out of the feathering. He cleans the wound making sure the eagle won’t die. He does this silently with routine, however once he finished all strain falls from him. Under a giant oak tree the hunter sits down and starts crying. It has been such a long time. Finally he will get it![/color] [color=#008000]After an hour of recovery he knows exactly where to go. He heads to the library in the old land. Once he arrived there he opens an old book. He remembers that he read this book 15 years ago. 15 years! He hears his heart beat and takes some deep breathes to calm down. He finds the passage he was searching for. The book tells about an ancient ritual used to morph creatures. He pats the eagle that remained silent under its mask. Just one single ingredient is missing...[/color] [color=#008000]Soon the hunter leaves the library and goes to an old city. However, he is not looking for human company. He waits until deep night and enters a secret underground passage. He follows the black path until he can smell the sea. The hunter is on a small cliff path now. Wind soughs and he hears the ocean waves crashing against the cliff. Down there he finds the missing ingredient the book told about. Carefully he collects some of the herbs that manage to survive in these hostile mountains. The hunter follows the path until he finds the old abandoned mill he is looking for. This is the right place for his ritual. The hunter enters the mill taking the eagle and the herb with him. Inside he follows the procedure the book told him. The hunter places the herbs on a cold fireplace. Now he takes the mask off the eagle. The eagle stares into the fireplace and tries to orientate. He notices a silver brightness coming from the left side followed by a short deep pain when the hunter cuts off the eagle’s head with his keen edge knife.[/color] [color=#008000]The fresh blood drops fall down on the herbs. The hunter places the dead corpse of the eagle on the herbs and starts a prayer. Soon he feels a strong influence. He is able to see much more clearly. The ritual actually works! This is what the hunter hoped for! Soon he would be the most powerful hunter and assassin. Soon he feels even more power. Looking to his arms he observes some feathers growing. More and more feathers come. He feels a strong craving for the air and leaves the house. He opens his arms which became wings. For a short time the hunter is surprised when his legs leave the ground and he notices that he is able to fly.[/color] [color=#008000]The hunter enjoys flying. He feels that flying was something he missed for a long time. Higher and higher up he flies. He gives out a piercing shriek. He notices a mouse when he passes a cabin. Seconds later he catches the mouse with his sharp claws. He carries the catch to his nest and enjoys the sea breeze...[/color]
  16. The Fusioneers are now recruiting. Please see the requirements below and note that no exceptions will be made. Individuals wishing to join must meet each one with final approval coming from the King. Due to the sensitive nature of this guild, acceptance into it will not be without difficulty or effort. 1. You must be a citizen of Golemus with a minimum of 100 active days. 2. No previous association with any other land (apart from No Mans Land). 3. A short essay explaining why you wish to join the guild. This must be submitted to both Mighty Pirate and Kiley. 4. Interviews with be conducted by both Mighty Pirate and Kiley. 5. Tasks may or may not be assigned and are left to the discretion of interviewing guild members. 6. Final approval of applicant's that make it through the screening process will be sent to the King for his review.
  17. [quote name='Prince Marvolo' timestamp='1310632328' post='87893'] Tell me what you need, and I'll get my pencils to work! [/quote] We have three tools and the Heat stone itself: Heat jar tool [Type A] A glass jar able to store heat. Its miraculous property could be explained by its special proportions and the highly reflective interiour. It glows slightly in the dark when it is charged. Large Heat Jar tool [Type B] A glass jar able to store heat. Its miraculous property could be explained by its special proportions and the highly reflective interiour. It glows slightly in the dark when it is charged. Heat Solidifier tool This device uses heat from a Heat jar and shifts it one complexity level so it can be stored into a Memory stone. The Memory stone will become a Heat stone, granting the user the ability to cast heat and convert back the stored heat into usable heat at any time for a limited number of uses only. Heat stone enchanted, consumable Heat was shifted down one complexity level and was imprinted into the structure of this item. Because a big percentage of its structure now depends on the imprinted energy pattern, when that thought gets extracted, the item will shatter into dust. Thank you very much
  18. The Fusioneer tools need some nice art work! If you like to help us with some nice pictures for our tools, post here.
  19. If you want to join us please sign-up here.
  20. The fusioneer guild offers the following services: - Store heat in memory stone: 3 sc Requirements: 1 memory stone + you have to collect at least 12000 heat in jars. - Convert memory stone: 5 sc Requirements: 1 memory stone - Buy heat stone: 1 gc Requirements: none These are list prices, other trades for services or ressources are possible. Contact Kiley or Mighty Pirate
  21. Its about time to announce winners The first winner is: Lone Wolf! He managed to defeat the guards on day 10. The second winners are: Fyrd Argentus, Great Guba and AmberRune! All finished the quest on day 11. (Very close race Yrth is generous, I am generous, so all four will get a wish point. Nimrodel got a Joker as bug find reward. Fyrd got a Goblin as bug find reward. Quest solution: Task 1 you had to fing small landscape pieces, all taken from No Mans Land. Task 2 starts at Clash of Ages with passcode 'Broken Pattern'. I will not give a solution here, try it out for yourself. I might give out some creatures for the first solvers. (The idea is taken from a very old riddle book of the 19th century.) Task three was insult fighting. To win it, you had to choose a good strategy. For those who don't know what insult fighting is - the idea is taken from a very old computer game, you can try a modernized php version if you google for 'insult swordfighting'. See you all in the next quest, Mighty Pirate
  22. I'm one of those 'lazy allied MP5' how Rhaegar calls them. It is hard for me to keep my honour up as I can actually only attack other allied players. But it is possible for me, though it is quite hard work. (Comparable perhaps to the old means of loosing XP, that was hard work too.) There is one point where I completely agree to Firs: The fighting system should always prefer balance in the WIN/LOSS ratio. It should be possible to get an imbalanced ratio for a strong player but it shouldn't pay off. I'm not sure how to implement this, perhaps with just an increased honour bonus for alliance fights. But perhaps also a more general change of the fighting system is needed.
  23. An update after day 5: We have several players who made it to the third task. (No, I will not tell you how many.) I will give out wishpoints for the first two hunters who manage to beat the guards. A hint for the hunt: More training - more chances to win. Less training - more chances to be fast. You have to win fast Have fun Mighty Pirate
  24. check post 1 for updates.
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