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Everything posted by Miq

  1. Uncle Ned The Roast Turkey :)
  2. Miq

    Influence slider

    As i sometimes get some random ideas then here is one: separate slider for stats and VE influence in combat.
  3. Miq


    he wants all the avys on that shop icon (he already has the rest)
  4. Porcelain Chessmen
  5. So finally back home. my address as previously is found at: https://noillir.eu/address.php PM me yours. I'll do my best to get them sent next week.
  6. Renomination for rookie of the year can be disallowed(in any case or if won last year).
  7. Most improved player i mostly agree with, just not sure if we need more categories. Rookie/Noob of the year should stay but i thing the eligibility should be moved, ~4 months before the last Awards up until the current one. Making the timeslot span the awards.
  8. I'm if it happens after 6th of december.
  9. same here. http://magicduel.com/players/*miq* http://magicduel.com/players/miq
  10. Chew is the script that runs them blocked from outside access? if not we could try and trigger it with browser.
  11. The scoring is broken. tried two capitals same error. I scored 2 points for the excel [removed screenshot]
  12. bump
  13. I'll add a more precise scoring map. if You see a problem point it out. participants images, story = scores of judges summed up and divided by the amount of judges My version images, story = scores of judges summed up and divided by the amount of judges (modified by complexity score and score difference of the versions (less complex must have less difference)) How hard was it to make (complexity) = scores of judges summed up and divided by the amount of judges + scores of me and my wife and then divided by 3 Taste of my version = scores of judges summed up and divided by the amount of judges (modified by complexity (more complex must be more tasty :P)) Final = Scores of images and taste summed up and divided by 3 Die breaker = 1) who has more higher scores 2) rematch :P
  14. http://magicduel.invisionzone.com/topic/11199-torches-observations/ http://magicduel.invisionzone.com/topic/14891-torch-competition-proposals/ http://magicduel.invisionzone.com/topic/14705-revamp-the-realm-bring-back-the-torch/ http://magicduel.invisionzone.com/topic/8282-torch-competion-sitegizmo/ http://magicduel.invisionzone.com/topic/8022-no-more-torch-competition-for-allianceless-mp3s-and-mp4s/ http://magicduel.invisionzone.com/topic/8661-torch-scores/ http://magicduel.invisionzone.com/topic/9107-torch-competions-must-stop/
  15. It has been so long since last TC, people have forgotten (i myself never even undrestood the point of it at all). Just start it as it was. It takes no food :P
  16. What i the goal here? Is it to create a new contest from scratch? Or is it to improve the old TC? If it's first then no point to call it TC. If latter then why don't we just run a TC as it was so everyone gets first hand experience. Then maybe dig up some old forum posts about it for ideas?
  17. Such this countermeasures can also be abused. Think of jailturism, Dreams are fun place sometimes. Trick someone to deplete something and then have them banned ...
  18. I think you mean sunny weather :P
  19. I think i have at some place succested it but item reset could be done at a random time on every Tuesday (or what ever day maybe weekends are better). So you have 24 h were it can happen at any time. Same with the resourse recovery. Let it be random between 05-10:00 or something like that. As to the entire depletion issue, i like it as it is.
  20. Sorry made a punch of changes so please reread the scoring
  21. I cant check so i can't deny it. I'd prefer if it's just you.
  22. Behold a wonder-us way to win a WP. A fight to the death of for the best cake in MD All cakes will be devoured what do you have to do: First make a cake and include your player-name on it (or on paper next to it but that's less points) Then write down the recipe and if you want add pictures of process or what ever. Post all that here. I'll recreate all your cakes by myself for taste test :) Judging everything is judged 1-10 and then summed up. 1) Your image of the cake. how good it looks, is the name on or off it, originality (looking for co-judges) 2) image of my made version (looking for co-judges) 3) How hard was it to make, will not add to your score directly but will modify the end score by the difference with the taste. So if complexity is 7 and taste is 8 you gain one point if complexity is 8 and taste is 7 you lose one point. Will also modify score of my version's image (modulation between your image, my image, complexity). (me, wife, judges.) 4) taste (my wife, my coworkers) Rewards First place: WP Places 2-5: 1GC Rewards are subject to change if TK or whoever wishes to donate something. Duration Atleast 10 entries and 1 week from last entry Miq
  23. For either of the 5,6,7,8th version.
  24. Miq 178623
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