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Everything posted by Miq

  1. So nothing?
  2. Ave, Yes removing inactive role keepers is a good idea for many of the roles.
  3. Depletion is not abuse of the tools (maybe of the resources but that is not Tool Guards issue)
  4. Bunny Empire.
  5. East is yet to become a kingdom, even more a empire.
  6. Miq

    Kill request

    5 gc for death of Blackshade rider.
  7. The heatveins go trough inner GG scenes. Is it your intention that everyone can enter there?
  8. Can who? i can deplete pretty much everything,,, So "can" who?
  9. Miq

    Plushie contest

    Please find me at Ash Arch
  10. Miq

    Plushie contest

    if no new bids are entered Aethon and Ledah have won by 18:00 UTC
  11. I have no plan to argue that it was not the one that you had from the auction.
  12. From the first two posts (i have not and will not read the rest), i say that Aethon was in freedom to take what i wants and needs as long as he keeps a list. As a personal side-note. Aethon sold me a Horseman 26/04/16 20:05. I knew he had a horseman from the auction but the sudden sale was, sudden.
  13. Miq

    Plushie contest

    ledah and Aethon (for being first) in the lead atm.
  14. Miq

    Plushie contest

    Also you can bid what ever you want i'll let the TK decide what they need more
  15. Miq

    Plushie contest

    I'll give it few days to make sure that everyone involved has had a chance to read.
  16. Altho i have not yet received the creatures this is what i'm gonna do. One creature goes to dst because she gave me 50 or more plushies for no demands. The other two go on auction between players who gave me even a single plushie under any deal. Proceeds go to the TK and if a winner has any agreement with me into the future the he accepts that that agreement is nullified. I also forfeit on MD beyond what i owe. Those who know they are eligible to bid, please do so.
  17. The one we need more than item combiners.
  18. I'll apply for labby ( 1_-4x-1_2 ) also. It's not that many who can. But if there is anyone else then good.
  19. Also very simple would be Creature base. as in cake base, soup base etc
  20. Creature Concentrate Or Concentrate of a creature sound better
  21. Creature essence
  22. Creature framework (if you don't want to call it blueprint)
  23. There are infinite options tbh. First one that pops in mind is a XXX mask. (masked illusion effect) Tools like a toy tool that breaks after one usage Teddy, if you sleep with it you are happy (while idle regen timer @ 1-3 minutes )
  24. One problem with Gold standart coin in MD is that cold is neither rare nor has it any "value" in MD. You can't do anything with gold except use it as a coin. So value of the coin comes from the stuff that you can do something with, tools, creatures, items. avatars. So the gold money in MD works nothing different from the paper money of RL. So all you can do now is be an proper government and print or destroy money from circulation. Thus inflating or deflating the system. And this changes nothing about 1gc being 15sc
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