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Everything posted by Miq

  1. Miq

    Cap on heat loss

    I can do it very easily myself, and it's boring. So that is all. (i don't agree with Ary's suggestion) Btw, reaching a point where you can lose 3M in one go is hard work, going beyond that you just get lazy
  2. Miq

    Cap on heat loss

    There is a limit on how much stats can you gain on one battle and the amount of stats you get is related to amount of heat gained. So he suggest to limit the max heat gained at the heat needed to get max limit of stats and limit the heat loss at 2x that amount.
  3. Miq

    Cap on heat loss

    Ave, Altho i'm making my own life harder i think there should be a cap on how much profile heat a player can lose in one battle. Simple reason being the fact that this forces the high VE players to still have some effort and sense of consequences. i'd venture 3M being the limit
  4. well fixed now yes.
  5. Seems down atm, By all external symptoms i'd venture that the server is grossly overloaded.
  6. https://i.imgur.com/iHge6RJ.jpg
  7. DAY TWO Syrian still can't believe that MD is back. Or is it... The game continuous.
  8. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=04854XqcfCY
  9. You need a sysadmin mur :)
  10. Honestly we can have torch running just for the fun of it and get some fresh opinions. HC probably no unless we have ten or so valid participants per MP
  11. Age limit is better than mp limit, since some might just almost accidentally end up mp4 in a week. Around 100days is good for i'd think.
  12. As a retrospect i must admit that i should have limited freezes. number of freezes allowed should depend on the allowed creature list (i dislike allowing most non recruitable ones). Also when i did the CT i was also considering reversing the allowed thing. Allow all creatures in the beginning and keep taking them out in quater-, semi-, finals As to dropping badge, i guess nullifing ally effects can easily be added to the BHC system :)
  13. In all honesty, i'm not inclined to think that if an LHO manuali moves a message for himself to process he then will not reply it. You can't really protect against maliciousness.
  14. Was it maybe in some hidden LHO forum?
  15. I see it like this: LHO messagebox has two tabs general and personal New issue will fall into the general box and any LHO can move it to his/her personal tab. At that point no other LHO can see it. Messages can not be replied from the general tab (aka they must be moved before). Miq
  16. The live help problem has gone silent so i'll bump this. Below i have made personal opinion and summary of what i read from the log about others opinion. If i have made a false claim then say so and i'll fix it. Problem: Live help button just takes any online LHO, active or not, and sends problem to that LHO's personal PM's possible solutions from the chat Sasha pasted: 1) Chatsystem (like dem facebooks) people like Chewett says it's against principles of MD I think that altho would be nice will still need additional system to deal with cases that are long or when no LHO is online 2) Shared mail/pm box people undecided Chewett has made some demos for Grido. Undefined problems, I like this (goes with nr 4.) 3) "On Duty" switch people undecided Chewett thinks people will forget to toggle it thus changing nothing I agree with Chew 4) Ticketing system People undecided Chewett thinks that 3-party ticketing systems would be a pain to integrate I think it's same thing as nr 2 5) Flag player as "need help" LHO sees it and can jump to that player People seem to like it Chewett likes it I see a problem that by the time an LHO reacts the player has gone idle and then how do you even get to know what was the question? I see two viable ideas atm. Shared inbox and the jumping system. Anyone has any more ideas?
  17. Miq

    WTS 10th Aramor

    Blackshade wins the aramors, This can be closed
  18. Miq

    WTS 10th Aramor

    Seems that Menhir has won the Aramaor
  19. Miq

    WTS 10th Aramor

    I'm always open to other offers besides coins. As to the ending i've updated the first post.
  20. As the subject says. 10th anni aramor for sale. Also selling four fresh pimps. Reserve on the aramor is 2gc or equivalent I consider them sold when no bid is made for 24h (ofc meaning atleast some bid has to be made first :))
  21. I can add that Witch (ID 254195) can't see any of those npc's
  22. Miq

    WTS Various

    Everyone noted in the first thread contact me ingame if i don't find you before. Thread can be closed.
  23. Miq

    WTS Various

    updated. btw 0 is valid offer.
  24. Miq

    WTS Various

    Monday if i don't end it earlier.
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