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Sasha Lilias

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Everything posted by Sasha Lilias

  1. Below are the entries from the word war. Both public and judge opinions will be looked at when deciding the winners: Mirus[spoiler] I came across a land, which this year turns 10. Different from the rest, to that we can attest. A girl with an odd temper, a cabin made of paper, Odd it seems, yet fun it brings! My first possession an armor, but not one I can wear, My life force is precious, though it I must share. Mysteries upon mysteries, where shall I start, Such a big world, what shall be my part? 10 years to mark, here a poem about the start, Happy Birthday MD, even greater shall you be![/spoiler] Zleiphneir [spoiler]Ode to Entrophy In the soil, dank and cold Whilst footsteps echoed young and old Above a most preposterous scene Of birth and death and silent scream Lay waiting there a small but fragile Ever gentle raptured smile Wrapped around a silent babe Coffined up with name of Cabe As the sun shone gleaming hot So the senses reeled, shot Fought the trap designed to break Never failing, worlds at stake Til tendrils suckled sweet from soil Drenched in wetness after toil Grew, and lands above were riven Care from sun and kindness given “Oh beautiful thing” they cooed and called Whilst armies elsewhere softly brawled They smiled down upon the thing For food and healing it could bring If held with wisdom and with guile This Cabe could build the safest mile For any living thing to walk To keep them living, want for nought Yet horned things did aid that sun Inside he sails, filled with rum A skull and crossbones at the helm To govern over all the realm “Oh! How you joyfully reside! Within your world of sunshine hide! I find your solace such a cheer! My Cabe is just as loud to hear!” Upon a bench by Marind’s way Woefully, the scribe did stay She scribbled all the whispers said Not once did solace feed her head Whilst villagers, they took their fill And fostered growth upon their will The little plant grew strong and tall A stunning sight to see for all “Murmur can’t you hear me now? Denounce that THING for heaven’s plough! I beg you please, just this one favour! So ever more you’ll be our saviour!” The scribe she pleaded, begged, and cried She stole, she borrowed, killed, and lied She tempted all this land’s resources Attempting to re-seal these forces The Murmur hummed his merry tune “Irrelevant! And much too soon!” He had no time for scribes and pleas Nor prayers said on bended knees He had far greater things to think The horned ones boat could never sink And anyway, it’s by design So keep your needles, drink your wine You know, this land, it is divine! A single seed is not a crime! Denounce your quill and flee to lands Where there are gods with lesser plans. Within the soil, still and dank A festered root did rise in rank And gather armies strong and true Intent to steal all of you Each touch did gently, kindly flicker Each caress, a woven wicker Each carnaged pitted fondant mould Did inch along and take a hold Until the fruit upon the land Did turn consumers in to sand It took their hearts and all they were As compost for the cross-boned lair The plague it spread across the folk Stronger still with each word spoke It hid inside the air itself Laid itself upon the delph Fed they were, that much is true But fed of greenish paled hue It kept them living just enough To keep the moulded roots so tough That fettered fruit became the thing To offer up unto the king! Inside the sun a laugh rang out The Murmur sent a single scout Reported back, with saddened look. “Don’t fret yourself, that’s by the book! Now watch the sands, now see the sign The glory of my grand design!” The sands of death did feed the soil And silence killed the birds and broil A windswept plane of only one A giant that plant had become Yet on the bench still on she sat And at the plant she surely spat She saw no goodness in this plot Yet in the distance came land’s lot A seeping ebbing tide arose That army fighting back supposed This emptiness that had become Could be a war that was undone So riding back on cloven hoof Of living things they were aloof For blood and brawn had been their food Hope and fear their only mood The plant survived through hate of scribe The spittle that kept it alive For none were there but her, all dead The sands had fed it, wet and red But time had stolen all that source And without babes it ran its course So now it grasped at what it killed A revolution, what it willed The army took up residence Changed the land beyond compare It grew its own delighted feasts As if the plant was never there So what pray tell could be this tale How did the scribe, of all, prevail? No god would give a hand to lend No devil made the scribe it’s friend The girl she lives forever more Every story kept by score For even in the darkest night Now knows the balance, dark and light. [/spoiler] Aeoshattr[spoiler] Lazy old days The wind rustles through dry festive glasses As the lonely fair maiden waits and sighs. Once more, she longingly raises her eyes The Sun setting she sees as time passes. The light drains away like thick molasses And the shady Silence creeps in disguise: "Fair maiden, why do you look to the skies?" But as the light fades, a crowd amasses. "Let there be music and wine and more cake!" The maiden joyfully dances around Until she feels her dress fly up her thigh. "Drink until you forget every last ache And your feet have danced all over the ground!" For ten treasured gold years have since gone by.[/spoiler] Apophys[spoiler] Category: Haiku Title: Birthday An old cycle fades Celebration through the lands Time cycles anew[/spoiler] Princ Rhaegar[spoiler] hey hey! here's a poem, an ode to proper hygiene wench as a concept: There's no fine wench, covered in grassan's stench, but gallons of booze, help with the armpit ooze! So drown it in your belly, or else endure the smelly! Water of Marind Bell, gives a shine to every shell! If you can't get the booze, and must endure the ooze, Give her a sponge, to get ride of the grunge! [/spoiler] TheRichMerchant[spoiler] Here is a limerick: If you remember, it was here where we met, my cask of beer. I kissed you deeply I finished it quickly and I still had energy left for one last cheer. [/spoiler] Voting is over and we have our winners! Entry names have been replaced with player names.
  2. I also retire. Seems this was forgotten.
  3. Happy birthday you annoying little nutjob. ;)
  4. Congratulations! You won the task. So, Happy 10th MD Birthday!
  5. Her beauty so true, generous, as do we know, from her the gold flows.
  6. Invite Miq to a dinner party. Little does he know that the main course is his beloved trout, which you stole from under his nose as he slept! You wine and dine, the chat flowing. Miq finishes every morsle of food and sits back with his belly full and bloated. "MY! That was delicious!" He says before asking "What was the fish? It was simply divine!" To which you answer with an evil grin "Trout..." "Trout?" he asks. Suddenly a look of realisation comes across his face "No?!!" He shouts, jumping up looking for his trout. Finding no trace of his beloved trout he breaks down in tears and falls to his knees "How could you?!" "It was quite simple really." You say "The hardest part was gutting it though, I must admit..." Again you grin as he begins to gag and his sobs become louder. You get up and head to the kitchen, holding two bowls. "What....what is that?" he asks, still in tears."Dessert" you say, as you place a bowl of freshly cut watermelon before him... The end
  7. So first of all a big congratulations to all participants. It took time, effort and perseverance to succeed in this quest and I think you all did amazing! For those wondering, the participants managed to raise a staggering 4.5 Million heat in less than 24 hours! Here are the results: Winning Team - Darklings The Darklings managed to raise a whopping 520k for their heat source! They were way out in the lead from the very beginning! All thanks to the preparation, planning and team work! Congratulations to them! "Hottest" Player - Asthir Showing that it doesn't matter what MP level you are or what briskness levels you have (so much) Asthir raised a huge 937k in heat, putting him above all others - but only just! Congratulations Asthir! Most outstanding player - Mirus After quite some time watching them and thinking about this, I have decided that Mirus shall be the winner of this category. Although they did not give the most heat or have the most amazing strategy, they showed perseverance where many would have given up. Not only did they show perseverance but they also worked as a good member of a team - they were willing for their team to use them as the "bait" so that the others could get on and do what was needed. He literally offered to sacrifice himself for them! During all of this time, being teleported to and from places, not being able to even move due to AP costs, etc, they kept happy, laughed, had fun and smiled! Not one complaint or bad word! For these reasons: Congratulations Mirus! Other winners will be announced as decided.
  8. Why? I've been awake since 00:00ST sorting out the little kinks the best I can without access to the actual script? Only just recently gone offline for a nap so I don't collapse. What else do you need done? Note to all: No silencing!
  9. Please make sure you alter between sabotage and supply so that you keep 100% efficiency. Not doing this will result in your efficiency to be lowered by 5% each time! So remember: Supply, Sabotage, Supply, Sabotage, etc.
  10. Due to some requests the Word War I will continue until day 5 of the MD Birthday. All entries should be in by 00:00ST of 17th.
  11. Due to some requests the Art War will continue until day 5 of the MD Birthday. All entries should be in by 00:00ST of 17th.
  12. So...bidding is still going on? Or has it stopped? I'm confused as it's well over the end time? :S
  13. And so here, on the eve of the Heat war, I shall tell you all final details. Leaving you with one full day to prepare! Terminology "Supply Zone" - A team's designated clickable to supply their own heat source. "Heat Zone" - An area where heat may be used to supply or sabotage. "Saboteur" - A moderating body; Will sabotage players, in ways they see fit/to the best of their abilities, "fairly". The Teams Nightrunners (1) Leader: Aeoshattr Change - 130 Mirus - 33 Aeoshattr - 284 Lintara - 275 Lashtal -1991 Apophys - 530 Team briskness: 3,243 Team Monkey Briskness (3) Leader: I am bored Eagle Eye - 3033 I am Bored - -1992 Sunfire - 1511 Rophs - 56 Junior - 528 MRAlyon - 15772 Team briskness: 18,908 Team 3 (2) Leader: Asthir Clock Master - 3374 Asthir - 26 Miq - 1282 Pipstickz - 588 Nadrolski - 3868 TheRichMerchant - 221 Team briskness: 9,359 Heat Zones There will be three "heat zones" for the heat war: Trial of Agony - Necrovion Borderview Tower - Lands of the East Lore Manor Interior - Loreroot Each team will swap heat zones at the end of each round, this is so that each team will have it's Supply Zone at least once in each Heat Zone. Example - Team A - Round 1: Trial of Agony, Round 2: Lore Manor and Round 3: Borderview Tower. Team B - Round 1: Lore Manor, Round 2: Borderview Tower and Round 3: Trial of Agony. Team C - Round 1: Borderview Tower, Round 2: Trial of Agony and Round 3: Lore Manor. Teams will only be able to view/supply/sabotage heat amounts at their and the opposition's corresponding supply zones. Example - Team A - Round 1: Trial of Agony --> Team A will see "Supply" and only their own heat amount. Team B - Round 1: Lore Manor --> Team A will see "Sabotage" and only Team B's heat amount. Team C - Round 1: Borderview --> Team A will see "Sabotage and only Team C's heat amount. Saboteurs The current saboteurs are: *Sasha Lilias* Dst JadenDew Assira the Black MaGoHi Darkraptor Each saboteur will have a selection of spells to use on participants as they see fit. Spells will vary between each saboteur, each round. If you feel you are being targeted unfairly or harassed, please send me a message so I may look into the details. Saboteurs are not to be targeted by speech/spell impeding spells or effects such as - Silence, frog, stitching or Silvertongue. Doing so will result in a team penalty. All other spells are allowed. Final rules Abusing your, or a fellow team member's, alts to gain heat will result in disqualification. Outside help should be kept to a minimum - this means trading items such as heat stones, tea, or other "helpful" items is allowed between teams and team mates but not between participants and non-participants. Participants are only allowed 5 spell stones of each spell, per player. - Any extras should be given to a Saboteur or friend to hold safe. Participants are allowed to "replenish stocks" during break -This means participants are allowed to trade with non-participants again for this period. Those that are caught cheating will be penalised or disqualified. Those that help to catch out cheats will be rewarded. Rewards Winning team - gets 3 gold each + 1 teleporting spellstone. Most outstanding player - 1 x 10th Anni Aramor + 1 WP Best team player - 1 x Morph + 2 x Guardian Army Stone Best strategiser - 1 x 10th Anni Imp + 1 x Send to Gazebo of Equilibrium Stone "Hottest" Player - 1 x Tainted Angien + 2 Heat Stones Remember: Saboteurs will discuss whom each award should go to and why, before deciding - so impress us! Don't forget to send us logs of your planning/discussions if you wish for these to be taken into concideration when judging. ~~~~~ All players and saboteurs will be gathered at the Fountain of the Lost Path at 00:00ST Good luck people! ~Sasha Lilias
  14. Angiens aren't particularly "rare", hence why I don't think he included it?
  15. I believe myself and Mirus are a team. :)
  16. Two Santa's - One Nutcracker - 15sc = 11 GC (Based upon 4gc per Santa)
  17. Santas are usually worth 4gc (at least). Which would mean 4gc + (2x2gc) + 1gc = 9gc
  18. One Santa, Two Nutcrackers and 15c.
  19. Rewards Winning team - gets 3 gold each + 1 teleporting spellstone. Most outstanding player - 1 x 10th Anni Aramor + 1 WP Best team player - 1 x Morph + 2 x Guardian Army Stone Best strategiser - 1 x Anni Imp + 1 x Send to Gazebo of Equilibrium Stones "Hottest" Player - 1 x Tainted Angien + 2 Heat Stones Remember: Saboteurs will discuss whom each award should go to and why, before deciding - so impress us! Don't forget to send us logs of your planning/discussions if you wish for these to be taken into concideration when judging.
  20. Surely this then levels the playing field? If you talking about giving out "too much" of one thing? If 5 people ask for 1 Morph, it'll have the same impact on the market as 1 person asking for 5 and the others not. "TBC" gives very little (if any) motivation for people to participate...
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