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Sasha Lilias

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Everything posted by Sasha Lilias

  1. I have no problems with anything apart from with this. I'd personally keep RP Items separate as that would then mean the creature would only be accessible to those that first buy this RP item - either from the Shop or from another player. A public creature should be accessible by any and all - time, effort and the creature recruitment prices should be all that's needed. Growing berries can be done for free but the RP items very rarely come so. I'd also guess the RP item would be "consumed" when recruiting the creatures? Unless you want it to work as a key of some sorts? If it's consumed, this means there will need to be a constant supply from the MD Shop...and not every can buy things from there. Just a suggestion however. Nice ideas so far.
  2. Apologies no one but comparing in game knowledge to real life is ridiculous. In real life it is exactly the same, only the spoilers are completely different. We are given what we need to survive. No one openly teaches us how to bend the law around us, tells us governmental secrets, tells us knowledge that we aren't supposed to know unless we earn it. Knowledge is a very real form of currency it RL, just as it is in game. ------- What saddens me is the stench of laziness that is circulating around this subject. If you want to know something, earn it. Work for it. If you don't, why should you be rewarded for it? It is purely the laziness and greed of others that forces them to collect and share spoilers - the greed being they want to know more but are unwilling to work for it. What ever happened to that feeling of pride when you actually manage to work something out for yourself? Is this a desolate emotion now? Does no one actually have any self-worth any more? Or is it all simply about the immediate satisfaction? If so I'm pretty sure MD isn't the game for you. I was always led to believe that the game was structured in a way that was actually a form of "filtering" - to filter out those without the correct thinking or drive to achieve. Obviously I was wrong, it's a game where laziness and lack of drive is a good thing...shame. MD has changed in the years, though I can't even think of a reason to say 'for the better' any more. Ask yourself "What was different back then...". Back then MD as thriving, everyone had fun, knowledge was earned through hard work and the rewards were worth it. Here is a quick list of how things have become easier: ​Wishpoints for days - Wishpoints were once very hard to get. You can now get a load just by logging on. Viscosity lowered - Viscosity was put up to help "organise" players and keep them in the areas they should be circulating around. Now it's been lowered again. Why? AP boots all over the place - As if the lowered viscosity wasn't enough, there are now boots that allow you to access everywhere easily. What happened to the achievement of getting into GG or Necro? BOTH were once hard to get into, so held more meaning when you actually managed to. Now people come and go as they wish. Why? Laziness. Spoilers freely given - Most ridiculous and lazy rule I've ever heard to be implemented. Everyone that's stating "it's good" are either people that are a) guilty of doing so in the first place or b) think they have so much to gain for such little work. You can't speak for players that aren't playing yet. Stop pretending you're doing them a favour. Resource items given to everyone and anyone - Controversial opinion but why was it ever made public? There were alliances/guilds made specially for the reason, now anyone can grab something. It would have been better for each land if they were in charge of a certain material - this would force trading, could add coin to land treasuries and not have a detrimental effect on the resources through depletion, creating a steady flow of profit AND resources for everyone. But no...instead of having to work with a market they'd rather gather theirs for free and deplete in the process - as they have no care for anyone but themselves. All these ridiculous changes are going to kill MD, not restore it. Please, make MD even easier than it already is! Until these hierarchy 'cliques' stop nothing will change anyway. Yay for killing MD! :)
  3. The vote balloons (which I'm guessing you're talking about) were available for use by everyone, not just LHO's. So your point is? Or do you mean Grido asking each LHO for their opinion? Which he still does. I don't disagree about LHO's giving opinions on "aspiring" LHO's. I was making a statement about polls in general. Plural, more than just one.
  4. Precisely. The rules currently state that spoilers are punishable. Nowhere does it say "Posting spoilers is ok now because it's become a common happening." At this moment in time, aside from social "norms" or happenings, spoilers are still considered against the rules. It does not matter what "future" rules may mention as we have not time travelled to the future - we are in the here and now. If the foreknowledge of a rule change was there, it's meaningless. The rules were not, and have not, changed. This sort of behaviour though, sidestepping the matter and talking about something else, is done all the time, both here and in real life - politicians, especially, are extremely good at such things. A rule was broken. Be there a rule change right now or tomorrow. It happened before this new rule was firmly set in stone and should, therefore, be punishable. Edit: Spelling
  5. I play for multiple reasons: to have arguments that go around in circles. to wave my money in people's faces. to be hated throughout cyberspace. to show that everyone is inferior to me. to have an excuse to be online and shop for shoes. Isn't this why everyone plays...?
  6. Can everyone get there? No.
  7. No. This would exclude GG's and Angiens.
  8. The problem with polls is that they can quite easily become votes of friendship, rather than if someone does the job correctly or not. Being recruited for LHO shouldn't be a popularity vote, but more if one can do the job at an expected level whilst maintaining a certain level of 'approachability'.
  9. I'm assuming we sign-up here?
  10. I hear people say a lot about people needing the right "requirements" to be LHO yet no one ever seems to be giving any idea as to what these may be? Should an LHO know everything there is to know in the game? Can they specialise in areas? (After all, the LHOs are meant to be a team; teams work together, no?) Or should it be a general knowledge of things in realm? Perhaps these "requirements" will fit into here: http://magicduel.invisionzone.com/topic/16401-lho-improvements-new-md-guide/#entry163243
  11. Happy birthday! Have a lovely day :)
  12. All items below are 3sc, unless stated, and will be sold on a "first come, first serve" basis. Happy hunting! Silent Music Box Candy sculpture Dried leaves (3) Petrified plant (2) Dried flower petal (2) Small Violets Bouquet (2) Egg shell (2) Shoe plant Wax pen Sloop goop (4) Lost person notice Fat sculpture (3) Unaddressed ransom note Glass display box (2) Leaking envelope (2) Snowdrop seed (2) Paper lanterns (2) Flower petals (2) Blades of dried grass (6) Quiet bud Bag of Leaves (2) Glass jar (2) Blue ink Lichen stone (3) Plant fibers (4) Glass sculpture (3) Apothecary box (3) Antique tiara (3) White Flower Wreath (2) Grey pencil (3) Plant Pot Folded Paper Petals (2) Flower petal (2) Fluffy scarf Wooden eyeglass frames Blade of Grass (3) Rotting wood (4) Wooden flower Bundle of Stems Handful of Dirt Samara Charcoal rubbing Fossilised woodlouse Fosilized leaf Sheet of old paper Small rock Acorn Empty Pencil Fungal mass Kelp Shapeless Balloon Roots Disappearing ink
  13. Agreed with IAB. The fact that you so easily placed the wrong number in the wrong spot just goes to show that it shouldn't just be based on ID, but instead a cross-reference of both the name and ID. Removing the name section wouldn't reduce the risk in sending the credits to the wrong player at all.
  14. Personally, I feel that if a whole new creature should be released it should be released publicly, not just for those with those with spenders tickets. Which is why it's nice to think the Spenders Tickets could be used to just 'modify' or 'personalise' an already existing creature. Everyone has different opinions I guess. What works for A won't necessarily work for B, and vice versa Hopefully the rewards will encompass as many opinions as possible. :).
  15. I wasn't denying your opinion, I was asking for clarity on it. Do you dislike all coloured creatures or just the Pimped Grasan style?
  16. And here are the next set of annoucements! Winners of the heat war will be judged as follows: Winning team Best Strategiser Biggest team player “Hottest player” Most Outstanding Player Rewards are not limited to just one per player, so work hard enough and you could win two or three different areas. Saboteurs will discuss whom each award should go to and why, before deciding - so impress us! :)
  17. Do you mean the looks of Pimped Grasans? Or coloured creatures in general? As the word "pimp" just means to make something more impressive for show - so all coloured creatures are Pimped (Just without the added name.) Edit: Also, this purely comes down to personal taste; You may dislike the looks of a "pimped" creature whilst another might really like them. This is why multiple rewards will be available - to try and satisfy as many as possible. :)
  18. As IAB said above, it is based upon their creature family - It's the same grouping as used when limiting a creature type from a ritual. Souldweaver - Tormented soul Totem All aramors - Aramor Totem Unholy Popes, Santas, etc - Creature Totem. It's the easiest way to categorise the totems, rather than having a different type of totem for each individual creature. Edit: I just remembered I made a Wikia page on it, if you need to see all the types. Wikia Page Or Forum Link
  19. Wanting to buy the following: Jokers Imperials Winderwilds Bloodpacts Pimped Grasans Sharptears Toxicodenrites Age is a necessity and I will pay 3sc extra per year.
  20. I quite like the idea of all colourless creatures having a "pimped" version. Current coloureless creatures: Elementals Water Beings Winderwilds Unholy Popes Angiens Toxicodendrites Shades (Probably best not to modify these though?) Mutated Drachorns Questions is: Should you have the creature already or should it be a creature you're given? Alternatively (or as well as), you could provide alternative colour styles to already existing creatures? For example, the Nutcracker as remained the same for years now, it would be quite nice to have a collection of colours available. But that's only in my own opinion.
  21. And here are the next set of annoucements! All teams shall be swapping one player with another team. The team captains will remain the same. The newest member shall be added to your conversation by me - although, I suggest you create a new chat minus your old team member. This person may choose to retain their loyalty, and become your saboteur or they may change their allegiance and help you. It is completely their own choice. They do not need to announce what they decide. ---------------- You may only take five of any spell stone type into the competition - this means you may have 5 movelocks, 5 heat stones, etc. Any extras should be given to a saboteur beforehand who will then return them after the competition has ended. Happy planning people.
  22. Updated main post. New information to be released in four hours.
  23. As far as I may agree that Golemus could do with a more publicly recruit-able creature, I don't quite see how "Hell Hounds" quite fit in with the aesthetics of the land? Considering Necrovian is considered the 'evil' land, and Golemus is supposed to be the yang to the yin, I think GG is one of the least likely places to actually contain such a creature? If the creature was more something like a 'Mechanical Hound', I'd understand more, but hell hound? The Drachorns were around before the citizens of Golemus. If you're planning on having a new creature, why not create one from the general image and "role" of Golemus that has been formed since the arrival of it's citizens- Magic, technology, principles, etc? Then at least you'd have a foot in the doorway. If you're purely wanting to add your Hell Hounds to the game due to personal role...I'd say choose a better land for them to be affiliated with. Purely a suggestion though. Good luck with this challenge either way!
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