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Sasha Lilias

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Everything posted by Sasha Lilias

  1. Mine's somewhere lost in this jumble...but I'll say again. So my original account was Mcvitie. The name was chosen because, at the time I created the account, my old cat was lying next to me and, believe or not, he was called "McVitie" - this was due to his intense love of the chocolate that covered many a biscuit - so I stole it and used it for my character. It didn't come to much surprise though when certain English characters (Gargant, Zleiphneir, Grido, etc) took to calling me "biscuits" (which wasn't great when you're trying to RP being the biggest b**** around and they're shouting pet names!) Like I said though, it wasn't a surprise as "McVitie's Biscuits" are a very popular brand in the UK. Sasha Lilias was actually my sister's account that I then took over when she stopped playing - well, we swapped accounts first but that's a different story. Sasha is her real name whilst "Lilias" is a variation of a name that means "Lily", which was her favourite flower. Some of the other characters I have played are: Assiralc Fate Lone Child Master Hitoshi Lunar Priestess Mystic Warrior Ristash Elementum Era And a few other..."secret" ones... :P
  2. The following items are all 3sc and are sold of a "first come, first serve" basis. Coins only. Flowers Preserved white iris flower Dried flower petal White Flower Wreath Small Violets Bouquet Natural Blades of dried grass Blade of Grass Bundle of Stems Roots Mint leaf Lichen stone Dried leaves Rotting wood Crystaline structure Plant fibers Sloop goop Bubbly Amber Masks Bauta venetian mask Clown mask Books Burned book Exquisite Bookmark Writing Disappearing ink Grey pencil Wax pen Piece of charcoal Paper Crumpled scroll Paper lanterns Sheet of old paper Unfinished Treasure Map Lost person notice Sculptures Glass sculpture Fat sculpture Stone sculpture Wearable Antique tiara Fluffy scarf Storage Apothecary box Glass jar Empty glass vial Other Shapeless Balloon Canine teeth Wooden flower B-string Rock’n’roll pigeon Up for bidding: bidding ends 24hrs after previous bid. Sasha's Bottled Emotions - 20sc Shadowseeker Sasha's Autograph - 1sc Rophs Sasha's Blood - 15sc Shadowseeker
  3. Bah! It's better safe than sorry! Also, do this. But include one step in between "log off" and "take a nap"...scream about how bloody p***** of you are and throw the laptop. Then take a well deserved nap (all that screaming takes it out of you.)
  4. 4sc Ink Bottle
  5. I question it because it's illogical and I was hoping there was something more substantial behind it than "It means an extra creature slot!". Obviously there isn't.
  6. Because I don't. The point you're trying to make that they "clog" things up is ridiculous. Who are you to decide who they "clog" things up for? It's not insulting at all? Not even sure how you took that as an insult? You can quite easily sit there each day clicking the free credits links, so please don't be ignorant about this. With the new free credits amount it takes less than a week to get the required amount to convert. You could get 0.31 a day or 2.17 a week. So let's do the maths - 52*2.17=113 in one year (and one day- just to be picky) So, considering that creature slots are on the first page, you could easily get 20 slots a year, with extra left over! YIPEEE! With $113 and obviously caring so much about creature slots, you could get 60 creature slots with three shop resets. AGAIN having credits to spare, just by clicking some sites each day! So, with that said...what were you complaining about again? Here, you're contradicting your second statement (x) with your first (y). Saying you aren't part of the group that "comes with that issue"...yet you still think you'll be part of the crowd that might possibly earn or buy one from another player? Erm...? Am I missing a different issue? Or are you still saying you won't have room for a useless creature that just clogs up your spaces? If so: Read above this quote - explains how you can get more spaces for free! :)
  7. Umm...so your argument is? The creatures are going to players that have spent that money and will most likely have bought a load of creature slots? No one is forcing a creature on you, like you make it sound? You also only talk about voting? Why? I think only about $10 of mine came from voting tbh... But either way, seeing as you need $400 to get any tickets...I'm pretty sure you would have enough to buy a few extra creature slots. No? Now, as for your preaching on the 'sins of collecting', if you understood anything then you would understand that are those collectors that keep the economy going. They pay you for the creature they want, you then get coins (and get rid of a "rubbish creature" like Anni Imps) and then you can spend those coins to buy yourself a nice little OP creature to wipe everything out in one hit with no skill needed. It's a win/win. You're effectively "clearing up" the "useless collectables" by giving them to people who are going to keep them for themselves. Though again...how does what another person collect bother or have an effect on you? We aren't forcing you to have a load of creatures you don't want, we're actually taking them from you and giving you more room for the ones you do! Now, to say you can't be a collector AND a fighter? Well I'm pretty sure Chew would disagree, he collects...and have you tried fighting him? Good luck. :)) Have you not thought that people may like the art works? Quite a lot of collectors have one creature for each level of that creature. So three aramors, three pimps, etc. I mean....who are you to say what is and isn't worth collecting when everyone has different tastes? Just because it's useless to you, doesn't mean the same to others. I honestly don't get what you're scared about though? Unfinished work? Server speed? What? If people want to collect something, then that's up to them - not you. Honestly... P.s Even more reason for it to be a "collectable" creature (not so much one to be used in fighting):
  8. Removed due to incorrect guess! :D
  9. Just for fun (and the load of new players since this was last posted in) I am bumping this! How did you get your name?! :D
  10. I don't think "wealthy" should be included as it's quite a pretentious title. It's quite condescending to those that are unable to afford such luxuries - or perhaps I'm over thinking this? If such an achievement was created, I think something along the lines of below would be appropriate: 'Contributor' "Supported the running costs of MD through buying or earning of over $400." However, I think the fact that you can get a 'Subscriber' medal (for paying $5-$50 a month), a 'Supporter' tag (by spending over $200 in total) and a spenders medal (by spending $1000+) gives plenty of 'achievements' for spending money already.
  11. As MP6's aren't allowed, I'm afraid not. If, however, the item was given for the duration...that's a different matter. Outside help shouldn't be given. If you wish to help then sign up.
  12. Isn't this literally my tag? Tag- Ghost of Fortune Description- A Ghost said to have died with inconceivable wealth. Prove your worth and she may just impart some of that wealth upon you. Tickets could count as a way of "proving your worth". Considering I was one of the only people to actually push for this to be implemented and then completed, js. (*Waits for the hate*) Either way, a new tag could be: Tag - Ticket Collector Description - For some reason this person has a strange obsession with collecting tickets showing receipts of MD Shop purchases. Apparently they exchange amazing prizes for these types of tickets! ------------------------- Also, perhaps a "personal request" could be given in for submission. If accepted then the tickets would be subtracted from the player. If they didn't have the valued tickets, or the request wasn't doable, the request could be denied?
  13. That's fine. There will be plenty of other obstacles for you to over come than just AP ;)
  14. This can be closed now :) People can still send me offers, though I may not accept.
  15. I am looking to buy the following for credits: GG Reindrach Tainted Angien I pay nicely.
  16. Both loyalties? Yes you can, so long as they're not being created for you by an outside source. :)
  17. As I discussed with you, I personally feel that a creature could be a good idea. Though there will be many that will shout about unfairness to a creature available to those with the money. To prevent these creatures from being over powered though, I feel that they should be required to "eat" a ticket to advance to the next level. This would be on top of the normal requirements, though I'd suggest removing the MP level requirement and replace with the ST (Spenders Ticket) requirement. These creatures could also have a "MTC" so that they do not return to stage 1 when traded, as very few people will have the ST's required. As a different idea, conversion to a WP seems fair to me. You currently have WP--> Credit so why not swap that around and allow those that have the right amount of tickets convert them into a WP? Seems logical. You could do all sorts of things with them, though I suggest that some ideas be more expensive than others: Reward - Number of ST's 30% Perma VE Increase - 1 WP Conversion - 2 GG Mutation - 3 Undeniable answer - 3 Super Rare Creature - 4 Custom made item (no parts required) - 5 Custom made item (usable function, parts required) - 6 Custom made item (usable function) - 7 New Role Tag - 7 These are just brief ideas. There's plenty of room for all sorts of interesting ideas.
  18. Disappearing ink Old parchment Grey pencil Please :)
  19. So I'm no artist (even in the slightest when it comes to drawing...) but I think it gives out it's meaning. Emotions and feelings all stack upon one another, creating walls and barriers people can hide behind. These emotions and feelings, and how they are "stacked" differ from person to person. This picture currently represents my feelings due to "RL" issues, the foundations obviously not being so great but the different layers keep the support and structure of the person. The cracks are also intentional, as they represent the feelings we can express or don't even know we feel, leaving the wall less stable and more vulnerable to being penetrated. Maybe I'm thinking too deep about this competition...but here's my wall. A wall of emotions and feelings that we hide behind. http://storenow.net/my/?f=fc7a6bb6c68369ed4ae8fccecc0ce5c5
  20. When your dream, after falling asleep, consists of: Dst stalking you in the middle of the woods in a wooden cabin, convinced you're a man dressed as a woman and convinces the rest of the realm. When you suddenly appear on a bus with Zleiphneir sat next to you...in the form of a goat. When youtube videos suddenly act as a live webcam to see Grido. I'm not even sure how the above even managed to link in...but yeah...it's safe to say my dreams are getting weirder and weirder... :huh:
  21. Um, Kingship>Dukedom. If they chose to follow the duke over the king and cause a rebellion, then that would mean they would rather that person appointed king. If that is the case then there is no point of a dukedom in the first place. Also may if I can point out: It would be down to the king to decide if this "dukedom" were to carry on or not. If a rebellion started, the king would still have every power until dethroned. My point is, to have a duke there must be a hierarchy, from which a higher citizen has granted the title. A "leader of the people" isn't a duke, therefore I question the name. I have no idea where you got your idea that I said "they wouldn't follow them if there was a king"? Please don't put words into my mouth. I would say it's more like a consul than anything?
  22. To state as a preface, I have no strong opinions for or against this idea. I do, however, have a few questions, if you'd be so kind as to answer them? Dukedom would mean that you would be ruled over by a specific territory and it's royalty, the Lands Of the East in this case. However, as there is no royalty to a) bestow this title or b) to rank higher in the hierarchy, how do you propose to be a "duke" when you'll be taking the role of a king? What powers would you expect a duke to have? Would it be equal to that of a king? Or will it be more of a "social" role? By that I mean, no real powers but you would act as a 'voice for the people'. My problems here are: Giving dukedom would be granting someone power. By giving power you need to make sure that person knows how to use it. Who will ensure that? Unless they've shown knowledge and skill with power before? To be a successful leader (and usually to be even considered for leadership) you need to have some sort of community influence in the first place. Finally, in my opinion, a leader needs understanding, wisdom, loyalty, knowledge of their dominion, influence and power. How they use that power though, is down to them. Are there many names that stand out to you as a worthy duke? I think this could be an interesting idea, but I'm just interesting in hearing every side to it (not to try and sound like a party pooper!). I wish you the best luck in this though and kudos for even stepping forward with an idea!
  23. Chewett did say during the discussion at GoE that viscosity is not a simple thing to be played around with. Apparently last time they had to lower the costs of all scenes for this to work. So it wouldn't apply to just one or two locations.
  24. Time can be changed to 24hours so long as people understand that will mean there will be no jump links available for the day.
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