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The Great Pashweetie

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Everything posted by The Great Pashweetie

  1. sorry bro you gotta have more muscle to impress me, im a body builder ^^

  2. Many do not understand the importance of death, the quick moment between now and later... do not be afraid, it is the easiest part about life.

    1. aaront222


      Someone must have recently died and then lived to tell the tale...

    2. The Great Pashweetie
    3. The Great Pashweetie

      The Great Pashweetie

      oddly enough aaront222, there is ALOT of people who die for over 7 minutes and then come back to life to tell the tale.

  3. cruelty and rage only damage the soul, you can never go back after having a tirade.

  4. Night, day, boy, girl, up, down, right, wrong... so many sterotypes.... but where do they get us?

    1. The Great Pashweetie

      The Great Pashweetie

      i guess you could call those "generalizations" because we organize groups when nothing on earth is even close to the same.

  5. Remeber, if people hate you, it is not always hate, perhaps just envy, love, or even friendship, that they intend but the words are not how they speak, they speak with their soul.

    1. Curiose


      If you are speaking from experience, I doubt anyone envies, loves or is hating you due to your friendship. At least, not in md. : p

  6. Attachment is not touch, attachment is one, when you are taken apart, you are not yourself anymore.

  7. running is made up of walking in the direction that you want to go, but flying is believing in yourself.

  8. you seem interesting... perhaps we should talk?

  9. Who may you be? *looks at the shadow*

  10. redmyth.... who are you * looks at her curiously awaiting her answer*

  11. I was away for a while, ready to come back and face the wrath of my many haters mwahahahahahhaha

  12. Im sorry but, can we really judge what is spam and what isn't spam at the blink of an eye? I think "forum spam" can be easily misenterpretated, for example i try to say something but then people say its spam, when really i thought it had some meaning behind it... can we really just say "this is spam and that is important!" because this is a matter of opinion, and unless the person is filling the page with real simple things like "lol" "XD" "rofl" i dont think we should just erase it permamently because its completely taking out the "opinion" part of MD.
  13. what is a arguement if it is only fueled by anger... what do your words become? are they yourself, or another creature all in itself?

    1. aaront222


      they are me calling my teachers treehuggers because they force me to use the placebo bin most people call a "recycling" bin even though most of the recycling in my township goes to trash dumps because the recycling plants can't handle it

    2. The Great Pashweetie
  14. Please close this thread, thank you.
  15. opinions never go unchallenged in this game.

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Maebius


      and judgements, as with our watches... None runs quite the same, yet each believes his own

    3. Fyrd Argentus
    4. adiomino


      It's my opinion that clouds are fluffy

  16. everyday magic duel seems like highschool all over again *Chuckles*

  17. You learn eventually that the hard way is more worth it than the easy way.

    1. Luke27


      Yes if you only reach the end of the hard way that is...

    2. keida
  18. [quote name='Rumi' timestamp='1298152283' post='79087'] Considering an offer. What does blackdiamonds token add? [/quote] find it out yourself!! XD... its a very... good token.
  19. WTS bp age 95 tokens: [blackdiamonds] (minimum bid 10sc or no sell)
  20. I have a Bp that ive been dying to sell [blackdiamonds] with the token at max it should hit incredibly high. also its 92 days old i'd like to sell it for a minimum of at least 1g
  21. Continuing in the wrong path only makes getting lost easier.

  22. The first one needs a little more meat on the top, the rib cage is bigger than that.
  23. If hate was a weapon, we would all be dead

    1. adiomino


      Hate is a weapon, in a way

    2. The Great Pashweetie
  24. hiya groundy ;) you did well in the heads contest.

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