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The Great Pashweetie

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Everything posted by The Great Pashweetie

  1. Wow... i cant tell you how odd this is, ive been creating characters and making them legendary... now is my time to show off!! in "funorb" and "runescape" i own a character called Firen water, in runescape and funorb i have highscores, 4 top tens in funorb. Also, but less impressing, i have a miniclip player "pwned12233" that is considered one of the top players in funorb with quite a collection of awards and highscores, dominating 98% of player scores. I can totally help you out Mur, and im totally for it ! Just finished and now i have all my screenshots, at your demand mur! [img]http://pashweetie.web.nowhere-else.org/web/Showing%20off%20runescape-%20for%20mur.jpg[/img] [img]http://pashweetie.web.nowhere-else.org/web/Showing%20off%20funorb-%20for%20mur%20copy.jpg[/img] [img]http://pashweetie.web.nowhere-else.org/web/Showing%20off%20miniclip%20copy.jpg[/img] TGP.
  2. Hello :)... Its funny when we spoke i assumed you were completely different. May all your days be shiny with sunlight.

  3. Why does everyone have to be british and leave me out of the fun T.T

  4. Its a snowday and im sick :(

    1. Jester


      Waste of a good illness. Save it for a school day next time.

    2. The Great Pashweetie
  5. Hello id like to welcome you into the realm as well, i can tell your heart is full of love, and i look forward to seeing you in the realm as well as an equal. If you ever need anything that bfh doesnt wana do... I can do it .
  6. Happy birthday I hope your life be sweet from henceforth.
  7. Today i attacked various people who were idle, soon after i left, with a reasuring defense... i was soon owned so bad by the people.

  8. first off, dont listen to curiose, she gets mad WAAAYY to easily, I suggest speaking with eon and trying to figure out something that you both can gain from . As a peacekeeper it is my job to settle fights, i hope that works . TGP
  9. Hahaha wife's can be helpful in that way, When drawing an avatar remember to keep at it, thats the most important thing, i loved how your avatar turned out !
  10. Yeah i have already a map
  11. santa 12 sc
  12. 1 i want to be a better person 2 i want to get on more often 3 i want to get more wps and participate in more quests 4 i want you all to have a great new years!
  13. im good, just others... not so much.
  14. I smelled santas beard in an elevator because i can! haha XD
  15. Well lately there have been many reports (current count 7, also seems that only mp5's get the bug...) of not having the requirements to get their presents... and although i have not experienced this, i wanted to post the topic for the few unlucky souls that did not get their presents from mur! Does anyone have an idea for them to get their presents? Eyewitness: apophys: When I clicked the tree, a red gift popped up. apophys: when I click the gift, I get: apophys: Error: SyntaxError Err description: undefined Err number: undefined Err message: missing ; before statement Ajax response: You do not meet the requirements for receiving a gift this year. This message was recieved on first attempt to grab a red present under the tree. Although apophys may have been caught "alting for presents" or something else... thus has happened to several other people and experience tells me that this may not be purposfully... apophys claims he did not make any alt accounts for more benefit of the christmas season... will you guys help us two(update 5 peps) out?
  16. ... new eh? Well if youz eva need help... im here :D

  17. Starting a new unnoficial group called the peacekeepers message me here on md if you wish to start the testing phase, read my CoS for more details, or ask me for more details (remember this is comepletely unnoficial... for now XD)

  18. Why shoudlnt we live as we wish, if one day we will die?

    1. Agis Asticles

      Agis Asticles

      is that asked from a philosophical or theological point of view?

    2. The Great Pashweetie

      The Great Pashweetie

      The view of our life on earth.

  19. Welcome to MD! If you ever need help feel free to message me!

  20. Have we done anything? Science, our thoughts, is it all an illusion? are we really just one big dream?

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. The Great Pashweetie

      The Great Pashweetie

      But grido... whats the point of constructing a dream to fool someone when it doesnt benifit you? XD

    3. Grido


      who said it didn't benefit me?

    4. The Great Pashweetie

      The Great Pashweetie

      idk... lol, i was trying to get that part out.

  21. So i should email you or something? *is confused*
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