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  1. Upvote
    Ravenstrider reacted to TTLexceeded in Suing Mds council or anybody who is responsible.   
    Well i got an anonymous pm the last time i jumped back to NV after an MDP teleport. There are only a few people in the realm with that power. If its not a rule then these people dont know what they are saying since the pm says and i quote:
    [quote]Head contest [u][i][b]rules[/b][/i][/u]
    You are not allowed to go to places where only few players can go during the Head contest. Necrovion is one of them because you can enter it (edited for spoiler) or by spell. Or in your case by jump to leader. But the rest of the people do not have the options.

    So please stay out of Necrovion.[/quote]
  2. Upvote
    Ravenstrider reacted to TTLexceeded in Suing Mds council or anybody who is responsible.   
    Well the most important thing of this topic is updating the rules. I stated the whole situation because i felt i had to. Punishment or not it doesnt really matter that much. What matters is for this type of thing not to happen again. I survived it and i am on my way to winning the HC. So no blood no foul. But do we need blood to change something? I dont think so.
  3. Upvote
    Ravenstrider got a reaction from Kyphis the Bard in Suing Mds council or anybody who is responsible.   
    You enter a hat store, and you see a hat you like, you put it on your head and the owner comes over and breaks your legs.

    You demand to know why he did it and want reparations, and he just says: There was a sign in the store 3 years ago that said: "You can't try out hats. Whoever tries one will get his legs broken."

    MD is a product... And stuff like this does not help it to sell. Even new people who are interested in MD deeper then the basics won't put up with crap for long, and will leave at some point... And then you'll get what you want: The group of people who has all those fancy spells and abilities given to them years ago playing alone, trying to get rid of their frustrations trough MD.

    Also, I wouldn't mind a king pulling out TTL out of Nv for the sake of his citizens... Hey, sure, why not? Heads isn't fair. But the council, who isn't supposed to be biased stepping in and doing it because of an unwritten rule? I mean, come on.

    Same thing with moderators who do it to some, and not others.
  4. Upvote
    Ravenstrider got a reaction from Yala Sviseusen in Suing Mds council or anybody who is responsible.   
    You enter a hat store, and you see a hat you like, you put it on your head and the owner comes over and breaks your legs.

    You demand to know why he did it and want reparations, and he just says: There was a sign in the store 3 years ago that said: "You can't try out hats. Whoever tries one will get his legs broken."

    MD is a product... And stuff like this does not help it to sell. Even new people who are interested in MD deeper then the basics won't put up with crap for long, and will leave at some point... And then you'll get what you want: The group of people who has all those fancy spells and abilities given to them years ago playing alone, trying to get rid of their frustrations trough MD.

    Also, I wouldn't mind a king pulling out TTL out of Nv for the sake of his citizens... Hey, sure, why not? Heads isn't fair. But the council, who isn't supposed to be biased stepping in and doing it because of an unwritten rule? I mean, come on.

    Same thing with moderators who do it to some, and not others.
  5. Upvote
    Ravenstrider reacted to TTLexceeded in Suing Mds council or anybody who is responsible.   
    I put it in the mood panel and i took the anonymous message which i am betting is from the council. And i am complaining about the lack of written rules. You know not everybody is in MD for centuries. Also the announcements state its GoE spell not MDP. You failed to explain why i was sent to MDP and not GoE.

    Also the pm says its a rule. That specific rule is nowhere to be found. Make NV a no-heads place. "remote location" can mean anything. Plus since its supposed to be a rule then when you break rules you get punished. They didnt pm me what Chewett suggested or that they do it cause i am in a remote area but rather a rule that isnt anywhere, saying that Necrovion is off limits.
  6. Downvote
    Ravenstrider reacted to Shadowseeker in Suing Mds council or anybody who is responsible.   
    Excuse me- who was it that you spoke with then?

    I remember Necro having been declared offlimits a long time ago....and one has to say, in MD the rules are generally unwritten until there is a need to..basically until there's too many complaints or too many abusers.
  7. Upvote
    Ravenstrider reacted to Jester in Suing Mds council or anybody who is responsible.   
    "I woke up in MDP with the heads lost."

    This isn't the Send to Gazebo spell, its obvious anyone can use that. This was him waking up at Marble Dale Park.
  8. Downvote
    Ravenstrider reacted to Shadowseeker in Suing Mds council or anybody who is responsible.   
    Plus, I sincerely hope that any LHo you asked would be able to tell you that Necro was offlimits.

    Wouldn't it seem clear that after it happened 2 times someone thinks you shouldn't be there, and you could have asked someone else?
  9. Downvote
    Ravenstrider reacted to Chewett in Suing Mds council or anybody who is responsible.   
    Heh, if you had told me you were going to post this, i could have helped you...

    [2009-09-01 12:27:52 - Alpha 9]
    HC Moderators are any players posessing the "send to gazebo" spell. This type of mods are allowed during the hc to use that spell to send back to central area any player collecting heads and staying with them in remote locations. There is no obligation for them to do that (in case they want to keep the spell cast for other uses) and there is no restriction for them using this spell only on those that they chose, but a impartial judgement is recomandable for a smooth contest evolution. HC mods do not have the power to decide winners or to penalise abuses (unless they have ways of their own), but they can spot and report abuses and you should report possible hc abuses to them. If a spell can be cast during the HC and its not limited by the interface, then it means you can use it!

    The current list of players with this spell is: .Chewett.,.Pamplemousse.,.Akasha.,.yrthilian.,.Grido.,dst,.Firsanthalas.,.MRD.,.Cryxus.,*Awiiya* plus some administrative accounts not actively involved. Please note the list can change in time without notice, as people get replaced or promoted and also it is possible that the spell together with the mod title will be eventualy passed on to the wishshop.

    Whoever sent you the message, be they Mur or Council, had the right to do so, I would have removed you from necro if i saw you there, for we (heads mods) have that privilege.
  10. Upvote
    Ravenstrider reacted to TTLexceeded in Suing Mds council or anybody who is responsible.   
    Well I want to go on trial against the council or whoever is responsible for:


    [b][*]Punishing me for breaking a rule that is nowhere to be found.
    [*]For not informing me of the existence of the rule on time.
    [*]Not having the rules of the HC stated clearly in a place were everybody can read them.
    [*]Meddling with HC contest[/b]

    [u]the situation:[/u]

    I have been participating in the HC and as most of you know I was hiding inside Necrovion. When I got my first big bowl of heads (1,5K heads), which I of course took fair and square by the HC rules, I idled inside Necrovion. I woke up in MDP with the heads lost. The next day the same thing happened about 6 times in a row. After that I get an anonymous message saying this:

    [i]Head contest rules
    You are not allowed to go to places where only few players can go during the Head contest. Necrovion is one of them because you can enter it (edited for spoiler) or by spell. Or in your case by jump to leader. But the rest of the people do not have the options.

    So please stay out of Necrovion.[/i]
    And here comes my accusations.[/u]

    [*]If Necrovion is out of bounds then make it a no-head zone. If you don’t then its not my fault I used it.
    [*]If what the pm says is a rule as the title of the pm suggests then why this rule is not public, and if it is, shouldn’t it be in a place where everybody can read it? That omission costed me my hard work in getting those heads and could have costed me the competition.
    [*]If I got the pm in the first place, even before the first teleport I would have moved away from Necrovion asap. But no, they didn’t sent it until they had teleported me at MDP for at least 6 times… This is preposterous.

    [u]I demand 3 things:[/u]

    [*]An official figure to answer to this post.
    [*]The rule to be written in a place were everybody can see it. Or a forum post with all the rules of the HC and a link in the HC page so people can read it. Its about time that page gets updated.
    [*]Payment in any form you see fit for the energy, time and effort I spent gathering the heads I lost so easily.

    Again I am not suing them for having this rule. I am suing them for the way they reacted, for [u]not having this rule public[/u] and for using punishment [u]before[/u] they even told me what the problem was.
  11. Upvote
    Ravenstrider got a reaction from MoM in Suing Mds council or anybody who is responsible.   
    You enter a hat store, and you see a hat you like, you put it on your head and the owner comes over and breaks your legs.

    You demand to know why he did it and want reparations, and he just says: There was a sign in the store 3 years ago that said: "You can't try out hats. Whoever tries one will get his legs broken."

    MD is a product... And stuff like this does not help it to sell. Even new people who are interested in MD deeper then the basics won't put up with crap for long, and will leave at some point... And then you'll get what you want: The group of people who has all those fancy spells and abilities given to them years ago playing alone, trying to get rid of their frustrations trough MD.

    Also, I wouldn't mind a king pulling out TTL out of Nv for the sake of his citizens... Hey, sure, why not? Heads isn't fair. But the council, who isn't supposed to be biased stepping in and doing it because of an unwritten rule? I mean, come on.

    Same thing with moderators who do it to some, and not others.
  12. Downvote
    Ravenstrider reacted to Curiose in Suing Mds council or anybody who is responsible.   
    You can't really sue the council, because suing the council would be like suing Mur. Which, again, you can't do.

    This is like telling Yrth that he can't use his Send to Gazebo spell during Heads when people are hiding, and calling it abuse.

    Heads is not fair.
    There is always another chance to go against people.
  13. Downvote
    Ravenstrider reacted to Burns in Suing Mds council or anybody who is responsible.   
    1. It's not a punishment, it's a measure taken to keep heads in areas where people can actually play.
    2. No comment, as i don't know whom you asked, and what exactly you asked.
    3. It's in the announcements, not hard to see that.
    4. See 1. It's NOT a punishment.
  14. Upvote
    Ravenstrider reacted to TTLexceeded in Suing Mds council or anybody who is responsible.   
    1st I was not sent at GoE but MDP. Therefore i had no idea it was a punishment.
    2nd I did ask the second time.
    3rd Why is the rule not in a place i can see it?
    4th If somebody punishes me for something shouldnt he tell me what i am getting punished for? O.o I didnt know thats how authority works.
  15. Upvote
    Ravenstrider got a reaction from Sharpwind in Suing Mds council or anybody who is responsible.   
    You enter a hat store, and you see a hat you like, you put it on your head and the owner comes over and breaks your legs.

    You demand to know why he did it and want reparations, and he just says: There was a sign in the store 3 years ago that said: "You can't try out hats. Whoever tries one will get his legs broken."

    MD is a product... And stuff like this does not help it to sell. Even new people who are interested in MD deeper then the basics won't put up with crap for long, and will leave at some point... And then you'll get what you want: The group of people who has all those fancy spells and abilities given to them years ago playing alone, trying to get rid of their frustrations trough MD.

    Also, I wouldn't mind a king pulling out TTL out of Nv for the sake of his citizens... Hey, sure, why not? Heads isn't fair. But the council, who isn't supposed to be biased stepping in and doing it because of an unwritten rule? I mean, come on.

    Same thing with moderators who do it to some, and not others.
  16. Upvote
    Ravenstrider got a reaction from emerald arcanix in Suing Mds council or anybody who is responsible.   
    You enter a hat store, and you see a hat you like, you put it on your head and the owner comes over and breaks your legs.

    You demand to know why he did it and want reparations, and he just says: There was a sign in the store 3 years ago that said: "You can't try out hats. Whoever tries one will get his legs broken."

    MD is a product... And stuff like this does not help it to sell. Even new people who are interested in MD deeper then the basics won't put up with crap for long, and will leave at some point... And then you'll get what you want: The group of people who has all those fancy spells and abilities given to them years ago playing alone, trying to get rid of their frustrations trough MD.

    Also, I wouldn't mind a king pulling out TTL out of Nv for the sake of his citizens... Hey, sure, why not? Heads isn't fair. But the council, who isn't supposed to be biased stepping in and doing it because of an unwritten rule? I mean, come on.

    Same thing with moderators who do it to some, and not others.
  17. Upvote
    Ravenstrider reacted to Jester in Suing Mds council or anybody who is responsible.   
    1. Its Unfair to hide in Necrovion.
    2. Heads is Unfair.
    3. You cannot hide in Necrovion.

    Does anyone else see something strange here?
  18. Downvote
    Ravenstrider got a reaction from dst in Suing Mds council or anybody who is responsible.   
    You enter a hat store, and you see a hat you like, you put it on your head and the owner comes over and breaks your legs.

    You demand to know why he did it and want reparations, and he just says: There was a sign in the store 3 years ago that said: "You can't try out hats. Whoever tries one will get his legs broken."

    MD is a product... And stuff like this does not help it to sell. Even new people who are interested in MD deeper then the basics won't put up with crap for long, and will leave at some point... And then you'll get what you want: The group of people who has all those fancy spells and abilities given to them years ago playing alone, trying to get rid of their frustrations trough MD.

    Also, I wouldn't mind a king pulling out TTL out of Nv for the sake of his citizens... Hey, sure, why not? Heads isn't fair. But the council, who isn't supposed to be biased stepping in and doing it because of an unwritten rule? I mean, come on.

    Same thing with moderators who do it to some, and not others.
  19. Upvote
    Ravenstrider got a reaction from Udgard in Roleplaying   
    Hard to find good RP-ers? I'm almost always in character. It seems to me what you want to find is trivial RPers.

    Good RP requires a lot of knowledge about the nature of the MD realm, which almost everybody who replied in this thread lacks. Create RP-ing groups? Hello! We kind of already have those... Much better ones than those you suggest. They are called lands...

    Classes? So, you want MD to become yet another DnD clone?

    Windy leading a school for RPing would result in new players creating things from thin air and flinging fireballs all about... You'd just get a lot of mp3 demi-gods. And don't we already have enough of those here?

    Suggestion: Read the story mode, read the AL, read the realms RP requirements. Find out what the MD realm really is and then talk about RPing in MD terms. You're just making yourselves look silly this way.
  20. Downvote
    Ravenstrider reacted to Sharazhad in Roleplaying   
    [i][color="#2e8b57"]Listen. You are all going about what is good RP and what isnt. Why doesnt anyone just do it instead of arguing about it. Yes there are rules when it comes to RPing. Any noob with half a brain can figure that out. You dont God - mod as windy and Esmeralda said. You play with other characters so that at the end of the day you can have fun. Thats what its about. BUT what I have noticed in MD there are two types of people: those that love to RP and those that stomp on RP with semantics. blah blah blah you cant do this, because you dont have that. Its bull-shyte. You wanna play in game, then play. Create a role, and play that role!! dont be perfect - flaws make characters interesting. Base it on yourself or one some one you want to be. [/color][/i]
    [i][color="#2e8b57"]I remember when I arrived RP was everywhere, in the pub, in the park, outside willows shop, at Maple Road, outside the howling gates, in the paper cabin. We played games like truth or dare and dressed up on Halloween. We played detective with dead bodies and discovered things about ourselves and others. People interacted with each other. That was the magic in magicduel. Now its Egoduel - one ego fighting each other.[/color][/i]
    [i][color="#2e8b57"]I love to RP. I love to slip into another character, but all these semantics and dogmas make it miserable, and you wonder why the magic is lost. [/color][/i]
  21. Downvote
    Ravenstrider reacted to stormrunner in Roleplaying   
    I'm going to throw thoughts in this

    1. I was gone for a year and came back a few weeks ago... and it's been a pain to find anyone even chat with so I would say yeah roleplaying is probably at a low point

    2. as far as " blue text not equal roleplay" your right but doing nothing doesn't equal anything that is why it's call nothing, anyone who wants to even imply that stat griding is a role please send me cash and your adress so I can try to beat some sense into you or at the very least bleed of a little stress

    3. as far as the "god moding" thing goes that cames from not knowing how to role play at least for me it did, if you take the time at least some would probably stop

    4. as far as any bitching about what anyone does with their time, grow up, you don't like it don't be a part of it. note that means not talking about it too, you want gossip make a topic on it

    5. if you take the time and talk with newbies who are willing to talk you may be surprised at what you find... as long as your not to trying shove anything down their throat

    [b]disclaimer:[/b] this post is not about anyone, or any post just my thoughts on what I've read in this topic, if you have any problems with it... I don't care. if you agree with it great... I'm still not to worried about it. if you have a thoughts that actually are a thought not bitching or saying someone else is bitching. lets see if we can turn them into anything real

    p.s. I am reminded of some thing I read once. opinions are like penises everyone with a firm one wants to stick it in someone else

    p.p.s yes, that slightly dirty joke has a point if you can't see it I don't care. if your young and it warped your mind, your welcome and tells your parents I'm sorry, now go read/ watch a little George Carlin, and read a few books by this guy [url="http://www.wickedjester.com/category/Books-66."]http://www.wickedjes...egory/Books-66.[/url] it will finish the job

    p.p.p.s jester is right
  22. Upvote
    Ravenstrider reacted to Curiose in Role Playing   
    Why did you make another thread instead of just putting this on Windy's?

    Bit redundant.
  23. Downvote
    Ravenstrider reacted to Raine Castaway in Roleplaying   
    I know how you all feel. A few people and I are trying to keep our little role playing group active, but more people are becoming inactive and stopping role playing. And some people just hate us.
  24. Upvote
    Ravenstrider got a reaction from Jester in Roleplaying   
    Hard to find good RP-ers? I'm almost always in character. It seems to me what you want to find is trivial RPers.

    Good RP requires a lot of knowledge about the nature of the MD realm, which almost everybody who replied in this thread lacks. Create RP-ing groups? Hello! We kind of already have those... Much better ones than those you suggest. They are called lands...

    Classes? So, you want MD to become yet another DnD clone?

    Windy leading a school for RPing would result in new players creating things from thin air and flinging fireballs all about... You'd just get a lot of mp3 demi-gods. And don't we already have enough of those here?

    Suggestion: Read the story mode, read the AL, read the realms RP requirements. Find out what the MD realm really is and then talk about RPing in MD terms. You're just making yourselves look silly this way.
  25. Upvote
    Ravenstrider got a reaction from Last Soldier in Roleplaying   
    "Role-playing refers to the changing of one's behaviour to assume a role, either unconsciously to fill a social role, or consciously to act out an adopted role."

    So, rping is not just blue text being flung about, but it's creating a character and acting as that character would. RP is being in character all the time... Having an RP group in a RPing game is just silly. As I said, that's trivial RP.

    And seeing that characters and their roles in MD are tightly bound to lands in 90% of cases, I'd say that lands are more than loosely connected to RP.
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