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Curiose last won the day on January 3 2021

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About Curiose

  • Birthday 07/21/1992

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    if you add my msn, just let me know you are from md with player name else I wont accept
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  1. Can anyone read Tarot cards really well? I am starting out with my own deck, and I need help deciphering. : c

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Laphers


      When did Z have a tarot quest? I had one that gave a basic reading after you completed the quest.

    3. Fyrd Argentus

      Fyrd Argentus

      I think Z did the one where you were chasing tarot cards all over the map - with compass pointing to the next card. It may still be up, as it was passworded.

    4. (Zl-eye-f)-nea


      @Laphers - it wasnt a 'tarot quest', but it had tarot in it. It was called funnels and was last June. @Fyrd - I think you're thinking of a different quest.

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