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Eagle Eye

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Everything posted by Eagle Eye

  1. [color=#ff8c00]Have a wonderful Birthday and Happiness year of your Birthday. Most of all Good Health[/color]
  2. [color=#ff8c00]I hope you like it[/color] http://i1285.photobucket.com/albums/a593/eagleeyesilvan/MDDDDDDD_zpsc4908b0b.jpg
  3. Simple MD Card from the bottom of my heart http://s1285.photobucket.com/user/eagleeyesilvan/media/MDCard_zpse652ecfc.jpg.html
  4. [quote name='DarkRaptor' timestamp='1366131508' post='134957'] [url="http://s1285.photobucket.com/user/darkraptormd/media/MD8AnivParty_zps7b083ca3.jpg.html"][img]http://i1285.photobucket.com/albums/a590/darkraptormd/MD8AnivParty_zps7b083ca3.jpg[/img][/url] [/quote] The Party Begin, where are the others
  5. [color=#ff8c00]Happy Birthday Ghost Army Vall[/color]
  6. I am running 2 MD Birthday Quest. Have FUN

  7. [quote name='Tom Pouce' timestamp='1366106623' post='134938'] [img]http://i48.tinypic.com/9pn8cy.jpg[/img] [/quote] cool come and join us
  8. [quote name='Nimrodel' timestamp='1366048318' post='134893'] Here is my submission: [center]WELCOME TO GOLEMUS THIS SUMMER!![/center] [center]A place where even dst frolics in swimsuits![/center] [img]http://i56.photobucket.com/albums/g173/ysnigdha/2c11b0db-ef8e-4c9f-90cc-480892c41b44_zpsf4a17fcf.jpg[/img] [/quote] Nice submission, thank you Nim
  9. [size=5][color=#ff0000]BIRTHDAY PARTY[/color][/size] All we need to do is choose the scene from MD, We need to make a Birthday Party. You can add cakes, candles, clowns and anything you wanted to make them colorful handmade/photoshop/drawing etc all are welcome. Do not forget the MD sign. Lets the Birthday PARTY begin. Do not forget the MD sign.
  10. Happy Birthday Magicduel

  11. [color=#ff8c00]Happy Birthday my Friend. Wish you all the best[/color]
  12. [quote name='kellox' timestamp='1365958800' post='134848'] Here's my submission. It's Summer Time @ Plains of Deceit (Please click the link..TinyPic isn't working for me!) [url="http://postimg.org/image/5jj4u4vjp/eb80c574/"]http://postimg.org/i...u4vjp/eb80c574/[/url] [/quote] beautiful entry kellox
  13. This code contains warnings and can not be executed. Please edit and fix [color=#FFFFFF][size=3][background=rgb(255, 0, 0)][left][b][MDScript Warnings][/b] #Unable to run script from this location[/background][/size][/color][/left] This script is missing the allowed location setting, please edit and specify from what location it is allowed to run. [color=#FFFFFF][size=3][background=rgb(255, 0, 0)][left][b][MDScript Warnings][/b] #Add (locations COORD) on the first line of your script, replace COORD with the location where the clickable is. You can specify multiple locations that can run this script by adding whem with comma[/background][/size][/color][/left]
  14. [color=#ff8c00]But still need confirmation to make things beautiful[/color]
  15. [color=#ff8c00]Congrats and Good luck. Wish you all the best[/color]
  16. power overrwheelming

  17. [quote name='Fang Archbane' timestamp='1364433742' post='134507'] The Pickle Apprentice, with the aid of the Pickle Meisters Pickle Jar, would be more than happy to Sponsor Spicy Pickles as rewards 3 Spicy Pickles to 1st place. 2 Spicy Pickles to 2nd place. 1 Spicy Pickle to 3rd place. Good luck on your quest Sky. I hope it goes amazingly =] <3 [/quote] thank you Fang
  18. [color=#ff8c00]The Nutcracker (1) Stored Heat 0 Age 78[/color] [color=#ff8c00]2sc [/color] [color=#ff8c00]I need this creature for my quest[/color]
  19. [quote name='Nimrodel' timestamp='1364243336' post='134464'] So its MD avy in a real beach? or MD avy in Golemus beach? Or any of the two? [/quote] Anything you wanted made and from MD avy
  20. I joined the day of fear because interesting, more excitement and scary dead. Wonderful quest Seig
  21. [quote name='Mya Celestia' timestamp='1364172652' post='134397'] [color=#008080][font=lucida sans unicode,lucida grande,sans-serif]I shall put up an attack lock stone for a prize. There may be a dessert if it's still in existence at the end [/font][/color] [/quote] Thank you Mya
  22. [color=#ff8c00]Sounds good Mur, Thank you your alive and i like elixirs[/color] [color=#ff8c00]to get back the realm alive and free[/color]
  23. [quote name='SageWoman' timestamp='1364143208' post='134387'] Do you have to sign-up or just submit a picture of your submission? I have this sudden urge to get semi nude and frolick with a beach ball! [/quote] just submit your picture here
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