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Eagle Eye

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Everything posted by Eagle Eye

  1. My opinion; what about another voting 4 public council Option 1 4 main lands Marind's bell Loreroot Golemus Golemicarum Necrovion The king of his Land can nominate of 1 or 2 member of his land. Hoping citizen is allowing or not Option 2 Marind's Bell Magicduel Archive Lands Golemus Golemicarum Loreroot The tribunal No Mands Land Underground We can choose by voting and pick 4 lands By voting of council/chewett/Mur or voting public voting Any additional pls edit
  2. happy Birthday Phantom Orchid. Many more years to come and good health all the time
  3. Public council is a public council this can be epic to those active. If we need more? It is work? The real life are problem but we try our all best to fulfill our duty
  4. Major major is a big problem. But I'm hopping chewett can solve the problem with help the public council. Stick together
  5. My opinion is if you holding tags minor or higher than can possible only One tag appear to what he/she become. It is good one tag to per player(consul,council,leader or king ) If they have two tags. Player can choose what tags can remain to kept as his tag forever
  6. Happy birthday brothers tankfans wish you all the best this year
  7. I love them both For the best of all go for it What the best did you feel good
  8. No emotion but my heart don't know how it feels I understand about shem. Shem is shem you can do anything you want Sadly to hear misundestanding because we love you
  9. I'll be there soon, Thanks for all your prayers Fellow MDeyers

    1. John Constantine

      John Constantine

      May the Eagles watch over you from above!

    2. Eagle Eye

      Eagle Eye

      Thankbyou John Constantine. Its my pleasure to say thank you

  10. Here is my log of story telling My lover [spoiler][02/11/13 00:11] Eagle Eye:How can i pariticipate the story telling? [02/11/13 00:12] Zyrxae:Eagle, do you have a story to tell? [02/11/13 00:12] Bash Chelik:easy, we listen, you speak:) [02/11/13 00:12] Eagle Eye:prepraring [02/11/13 00:12] Bash Chelik:horey, storytime:)) [02/11/13 00:13] :Zyrxae smiles and settles in to listen [02/11/13 00:13] Bash Chelik:rophs is not awake, i hope he post his on forum as had things irl to manage [02/11/13 00:15] Zyrxae:If his story has been told here, it can be retrieved through magical means.. [02/11/13 00:16] Bash Chelik:well, i`m sure it was.. although i had to go before he started [02/11/13 00:18] Bash Chelik:eagle, i`m eager to hear you:)) [02/11/13 00:18] Bash Chelik:zyri too:) [02/11/13 00:19] Eagle Eye:. [02/11/13 00:19] :Zyrxae whispers to Bash "Oh, I haven't prepared a story, I've just been wanting to hear yours." [02/11/13 00:20] Eagle Eye:. [02/11/13 00:20] Eagle Eye:I walked to my friends house when we hope to ebb into the Halloween [02/11/13 00:20] Eagle Eye:dark around you have seen any light passing. I was the only one on the road. So I went to my friend with me to the cemetery [02/11/13 00:20] Eagle Eye:My friend house when we are away from home and no lights on the road. I continue to walk in the road [02/11/13 00:21] Eagle Eye:I hear that strange particle I do not know what. I stood with fur neck as well as my hand, I really had to go. I quickens I walk home quickly reaches for a friend. [02/11/13 00:21] Eagle Eye:there fore I can see light, I said to myself maybe near their home. Somewhat lighten my mood. I continued walking and I look forward to I saw an animal I can not determine what animal. [02/11/13 00:21] Eagle Eye:. Dark and tail. I’ve already stopped and suddenly I lose fearsome beast. I never knew the monster turned on my side shovel. I do not know what to do, I would quickly run and feet but I did not budge [02/11/13 00:22] Eagle Eye:I saw a friend of mine waiting outside to shovel me. said a friend of mine why you faded heck happened there reaching you. [02/11/13 00:23] Eagle Eye:I told my friends that I saw a monster and I knew I had to be at walking monster. no monster cow eye shall return you just because you;re afraid to walk alone. [02/11/13 00:23] Eagle Eye:no other way to the cemetery. I do not want my passing passed earlier. said a friend of mine Do not be afraid because I am also here with you. [02/11/13 00:23] Eagle Eye:said a friend of mine Do not be afraid because I am also here with you. He does not even believe I said with monster passing, I said to myself. did we start walking towards the cemetery. [02/11/13 00:24] Eagle Eye:vibrate to turn my heart suddenly. I told my friends that I saw the monster suddenly disappeared done I look at my side right side to the monster and escorted walking. [02/11/13 00:24] Eagle Eye:. I said to myself would not show the monster. The monster suddenly appeared in front of us. I do not do self because I I’m scared. [02/11/13 00:24] Eagle Eye:My friend said that you do not worry any. When we got to the cemetery accompanied him to the tomb finished I saw his name being carved on grave [02/11/13 00:25] Eagle Eye:I am crying deeply of what i saw. [02/11/13 00:26] Eagle Eye:. [02/11/13 00:26] Eagle Eye:. [02/11/13 00:26] Eagle Eye:done [02/11/13 00:26] Bash Chelik:interesting stuff, hard to follow but nicely done:)) [02/11/13 00:26] :Zyrxae shivers and grins [02/11/13 00:27] Zyrxae:Thank you for sharing! [02/11/13 00:27] Eagle Eye:your welcome and thank you Bash Chelik [02/11/13 00:27] Bash Chelik:real story for halloween, eagle:) [02/11/13 00:27] Eagle Eye:Hoping you like it [02/11/13 00:28] Bash Chelik:yes:)) [02/11/13 00:28] Eagle Eye: :) [02/11/13 00:28] Bash Chelik:but only few of us made stories, i hoped there will be much more:( [02/11/13 00:28] Eagle Eye:It's your time Bash Chelik to share yout story [02/11/13 00:29] Eagle Eye:we hope [02/11/13 00:29] :Eagle Eye smiles [02/11/13 00:29] Bash Chelik:hahah, but i did, i shared it first [02/11/13 00:29] Bash Chelik:lashtal was here, later come some other guys [02/11/13 00:29] Ary Endleg:and i didnt die in it :P [02/11/13 00:29] Bash Chelik:i posted it on forum:D [02/11/13 00:30] Bash Chelik:ahhaah, of course not, i was just joking:D [02/11/13 00:31] Eagle Eye:hehehe [02/11/13 00:31] Eagle Eye:you know what is the monter name on the story [02/11/13 00:32] Bash Chelik:in your story? [02/11/13 00:32] Eagle Eye:Yes, you want to know [02/11/13 00:32] Bash Chelik:name of your friend? [02/11/13 00:32] Eagle Eye:before my friend [02/11/13 00:33] Eagle Eye:the monster name Young Savage Knator [02/11/13 00:33] Eagle Eye:My friend name Sagewoman [02/11/13 00:33] Bash Chelik:ahhahah, well, it fit description, i mean for knator [02/11/13 00:34] Bash Chelik:i dont know about sagewoman, or who she is [02/11/13 00:34] Bash Chelik:ahh [02/11/13 00:34] Bash Chelik:that keep related to her? [02/11/13 00:34] Bash Chelik:sage`s keep? [02/11/13 00:34] Eagle Eye:It's a story [02/11/13 00:34] Chewett:The keep is not related to sagewoman [02/11/13 00:35] Bash Chelik:oh well, it sounded logical:D[/spoiler] here are the full LOGS http://magicduel.com/temp/13_11/2013-11-01%20tranquil%20plains.html
  11. Day: 300 Year: 8 ~ watering and wishes [spoiler]: *MRAlyon* collects memorystone : Eagle Eye wishes : Eagle Eye meditates : Eagle Eye We missed you Rumi : Eagle Eye gives water to the Garden : Eagle Eye thank you[/spoiler]
  12. Welcome Summer breeze If you need me message me:)
  13. Eagle Eye AD: 1248 Volition: 19.17 No grinding waling Loreroot land and No Mans' Land
  14. Hello Summer breeze. Welcome and We hope the best to Vote for you in citizenship of loreroot
  15. It is allow to make dragon using plants/fruits anything from the soil/land
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