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Eagle Eye

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Everything posted by Eagle Eye

  1. [color=#ff8c00]3gc:)[/color]
  2. [color=#ff8c00]1 gc and 10 sc for the water:)[/color]
  3. [color=#ff8c00]1 gc and 3 sc for water[/color]
  4. Happy Birthday dear zeTsu grass, i miss you

  5. [color=#ff8c00]im starting 3gc for GG drachorn[/color]
  6. [color=#ff8c00]2 gc santa[/color]
  7. [color=#ff8c00]blessed day of your birthday:))[/color]
  8. [color=#ff8c00]fixed and good awesome:)[/color]
  9. [attachment=4384:sad cat.jpg]
  10. [quote name='DARK DEMON' timestamp='1358045831' post='130332'] [font=comic sans ms,cursive][color=#006400]Curse (on servers) [/color][/font] [/quote] [color=#ff8c00]Well be right back[/color]
  11. [attachment=4383:can't login.bmp] Can't login also
  12. [color=#ff8c00]I would like and i wish [b]Silvan Watch Spell[/b] or [b]Silvan Spell[/b] ( If you deplete the resources you can't harvest in 5 days and if you collect and harvest bellow the amount of resources you can't harvest in 3 days and the cool effects is to lock move 5 minutes in every scene after depleting and harvesting bellow the amount)[/color]
  13. [color=#ff8c00]Congrats Mya and may the Goddess guide help you[/color]
  14. [b][color=#ff8c00]MD ARENA [/color][/b] [color=#ff8c00]Mp4 = need location[/color] [color=#ff8c00]Mp5 = need location[/color] [color=#ff8c00]Mp6 = need location[/color] [color=#ff8c00][b]Entrance Fee[/b]: [b]1 silver coin to MD treasury[/b][/color] [color=#ff8c00][b]Battle:[/b] [b]Price:[/b][/color] [color=#ff8c00]50 wins Item[/color] [color=#ff8c00]100 wins Spell stone[/color] [color=#ff8c00]150 wins Creature[/color] [color=#ff8c00]200 wins 5 silver coins[/color]
  15. [color=#ff8c00]i love md people:))[/color]
  16. All we need to do is trust the council's because we love this game Give him the honor and the respect he/she deserve it
  17. [color=#ff8c00]3 silver coins[/color]
  18. Happy New Year and a prosperous Year to All

    1. nadrolski


      Happy New Year, boss EE

  19. Telephone ring Green, green, green answering the phone yellow, yellow, yellow Hello Mr. Brown, Brown
  20. Gladly to vote. Keep it up and you did a great job all the council Happy New Year
  21. [color=#ff8c00]sounds good and i can't wait to see[/color]
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