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Yala Sviseusen

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Everything posted by Yala Sviseusen

  1. Adventuring Award (quester) -Asterdai Fossil of the year (On vet list, Chewett can't nominated, as he won last year) -Amoran The Golden Protector -Adiomino Most Influential -Burns Outstanding Service to MD -Chewett Superlative Orator (Debating) -Agis Asticles
  2. In the spring the weeds will show that he brought back the only rose and he gave it to his girl on the other side of the world.

  3. Is now a Guardian of the Root! *beams proudly*

    1. The Great Pashweetie

      The Great Pashweetie

      congratz! I am glad to have witnessed it :D

    2. Yala Sviseusen
  4. Happy Birthday Neno!
  5. Spectacular.. Sitting in limbo is a favorite past time for me... *cough, cough* Thanks Grido
  6. Any update on this yet? I seem to have found the same end....
  7. “Ordinary riches can be stolen, real riches cannot. In your soul are infinitely precious things that cannot be taken from you.” Oscar Wilde

  8. Haha! Happy shade.. I was saving the name Orpheus for my first shade but you can have it if you like. Even have a moderately stolen story for it.. In Greek mythology Orpheus used a lyre to charm Hades and save his wife. In Yalathology he didn't make it and was turned into a shade. Not really, I just made that last part up..doesn't fit MDology. Buut I think it's a good name nonetheless.. More names: Koli- coal or black Eyphah- gloomy Toshi- mirror Adarsa- " Abner- Father of light Lucian- Light SO...No matter your taste, here's a morsel. Forgive my wordiness, I'm painfully bored.
  9. Awww.. I'm sad to hear you're not my protector anymore Fyrd. Don't cut yourself short, you made quite an mp6.. Thanks for everything! Also, I never got pickles... Best wishes!! Yala
  10. Hello, I would like to join GotR.. Loreroot has been my only homeland and the Guardians appeal to me the most. I'm not sure what else to say, thank you for the consideration..
  11. “Oysters open completely when the moon is full; and when the crab sees one it throws a piece of stone or seaweed into it and the oyster cannot close again so that it serves the crab for meat. Such is the fate of him who opens his mouth too much and thereby puts himself at the mercy of the listener.” Da Vinci

  12. Haha! Asterdai has my dna and Mr. Mystery had my giraffe... Hmmm... Congrats Asterdai, good game everyone...
  13. Happy Birthday Ras! *helps methys with the cake*
  14. Yala Sviseusen


    I've been pretty curious about this too.. 11010111111100100011011110001001011
  15. Has anyone else noticed on the logout screen it says, You may now close this wondow?

    1. Magnus X

      Magnus X

      on the game, after you click logout? no, i dont see that message, not in firefox anyway.

    2. Yala Sviseusen

      Yala Sviseusen

      Hmm..I use Google Chrome..

    3. Raine Castaway

      Raine Castaway

      Ahahahha!! You're so right!! Lol!

  16. Good Luck Eon!
  17. If a blind man finds a four-leaf clover, is he lucky?

    1. Agis Asticles

      Agis Asticles

      I think he's more supernatural than lucky...then again I've only found 1 Ever...

    2. Yala Sviseusen

      Yala Sviseusen

      Really? Wow.. When I was a kid I'd find them all the time! I've got 3 of them in my wallet right now, I believe.. Not really into the wive's tales or luck aspect, just think they're pretty neat little mutants. ;)

  18. If you have an apple and I have an apple and we exchange apples then you and I will still each have one apple. But if you have an idea and I have an idea and we exchange these ideas, then each of us will have two ideas.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Yala Sviseusen

      Yala Sviseusen

      *grins* Maybe you just don't know how to use my apple..

    3. Magnus X

      Magnus X

      take the 2 apples and make a smoothie then enjoy it between the 2 of you while sharing your ideas :)

    4. Yala Sviseusen
  19. Buy me a drink, sing me a song.. Take me as I come, 'cause I can't stay long..

  20. It's gonna getcha Mr. Asticles... :P

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