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Everything posted by Lintara

  1. Ahh, have fun there Powle! And don't forget to drink some tea :)
  2. Welcome back, Aeoo! Glad to hear you're better. :)
  3. Best of luck, Aeo. Have a good time in Lisabon!
  4. Happy birthday, Valoryn! May your sleepiness go away someday. :D
  5. Happy Birthday, Eagle Eye! Hope you get a big cake, you deserve it >^.^<
  6. May you have a merry birthday, Burns! =^.^=
  7. Happy Birthday, Clock Master, happy birthday, Nadrolski! High-five!
  8. Happy birthday Sunfire! Burn on brightly and best wishes! =^.^=
  9. Happy birthday, Rophs! don't drink acorn coffee, that's a bit like cannibalism
  10. Happy birthday, NimNim, happy birthday, Menhir! =^.^=
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