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Everything posted by Lintara

  1. Welcome back Glaistig! I've only read about you in the forums but you seemed to be quite the character back in the day. :D You may also want to read Aethon's articles as he is a very active new player that has breathed some new life into MDA. :) As for your questions: 1) Small daily free style RP or just social gatherings, as they can help newcomers get a grip on the realm (or at least the combat system, depends on what they ask and talk about) so long as they are in easily accessible places and the people taking part remain open. Big RP events and quests are good for shaking off the stagnation for the older players for a little while and gives something to talk about during the gatherings. However, interesting big RP events or quests need time to come up with. 2) Go to the Gazebo of Equilibrium and greet everybody. It's the center of many things currently and there is most likely to be someone awake and sparring there who could tell you about the latest events or give you some advice on combat, so long as you ask. 3) Pay attention to as many details (announcements, new forum threads, talking with people) as possible and make sure to have at least one run around the whole realm whenever you log in.
  2. Happy birthday Pip! May you not take root in some lone corner. :)
  3. I would even say first half of February, but later half of January is good too.
  4. Happy birthday, Neno the Great! :)
  5. Thank you No one! :) Well, Ungod, consuls are elected every three years and there are two of them and they share the kingship items. However, we cannot uphold such a system anymore as there are few of us remaining and even fewer active on a daily basis and willing to take the job, and so I've simply proposed to be the sole leading character (queen) until I retire. Here is the old description of the consuls. [spoiler]Executive – Consuls Two citizens shall serve as the Consuls, or chief executives of Loreroot. The Consul is the face of Loreroot; the Consuls shall be responsible for enacting the will of the Assembly. Persons holding this position shall, like the Council Judges, possess experience in the realm and a thorough grasp of what it means to be “Lorerootian”. The Consuls of Loreroot shall serve as the general ambassadors and mediators to the rest of the realm. Disputes involving Lorerootians, whether within the land itself, or between Lorerootians and outsiders, should be brought to the Consuls’ attention as the first option for mediation. The Consuls shall possess emergency authority to make decisions in unforeseen situations, but their decisions shall be subject to review by the Assembly as soon as is feasible. Shall possess the instruments of the Throne (scepter, et al.) and be responsible for their use. Shall consist of two officers per term In cases where the Assembly cannot achieve quorum, or has, in the unanimous opinion of all five Loreroot officials (3 judges & 2 consuls), become incapable of action, the Consuls will act in conjunction with the Council of the Root in the interests of the land. Requirements: 1. Citizenship 2. Have a minimum of 200 Loreroot land loyalty 3. Have a firm understanding of what it means to be Lorerootian 4. Verified access to the citizens’ forum 5. May not simultaneously hold office as a Council Judge[/spoiler]
  6. Greetings all! As some may have noticed, Loreroot hasn't had an official leader for months since Eagle Eye became inactive. However, on November 9th (last Monday) I have raised a question to my fellow Lorerootians if they would like me to be their leader until the day I retire from such a position. To keep the voting from going on for months with no signs of ending, as it has happened in the past, I left the poll open for a week and kept a message about it on the Mood Panel, as well as contacted all I knew, so that only the remaining active Lorerootians could respond to it. And so, on November 16th, with 5 votes for, 2 null votes and 0 votes against, I hereby announce that I, Lintara, am the Queen of Loreroot. :) Thank you all, fellow Lorerootians, and I hope I'll serve you well!
  7. Happy birthday Esmaralda! I'm glad to see you stir again :)

  8. It probably means that your creature can still grow stats by winning fights even after being maxed.
  9. Congratulations Aethon! May your fire burn on and your notebook never run out of paper or ideas. :)
  10. Lintara ID: 202332 AD: 1789 Mindpower 5 Pomegranate, because the berries taste so good, the seeds are pleasantly crunchy and, when cut and split open, the fruit looks like a flower made up of rubies.
  11. Thought I'd try my hand at it too :) http://storenow.net/my/?f=1338730df04d0d72d225119e0356aa5f
  12. Lintara 202332
  13. Happy birthday gonzalocsdf95! Hope you have a great day and may you always have ideas you can draw. :)
  14. Happy birthday, Fire Starter!
  15. Happy Birthday :)
  16. Happy birthday Chewy! Live long and prosper :)
  17. No wonder there's thunder outside tonight. Happy Birthday Marvolo! :D
  18. Lintara 202332
  19. Cheerful birthday Kiley! :)
  20. You got it, Shem! Party from 19ST at Root of the Matter! Party some other time ^_^
  21. Wow, thank you all! :))
  22. Happy birthday Mallos! Hope you have a good one :)
  23. Have a good one! :))
  24. May your enthusiasm never fade, cheerfulness sparkle and may you have many more adventures in life. :)
  25. Have a fun birthday Jaden!
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