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Everything posted by Lintara

  1. As the title says - happy birthday Sunny! I hope you'll have a good day and a great year. Also lots of cheesecake. Praise the Sun!
  2. Happy birthday Miq!
  3. Happy Birthday MaGo! May you always have some bacon at your side
  4. Here are the members of my team: Lintara 1. Briskness (by definition - Marked by speed, liveliness, and vigor; energetic) 2. Flight 3. Healing others (give vital) 4. Diplomacy 5. Empathy Sunfire 1. Pyromancy 2. Diplomacy 3. Patience 4. Loyalty 5. Combat expertise Valoryn 1. Dancing. 2. Fighting with a sword and buckler. 3. The ability to shield allies (based on the GuardianArmy spell) 4. Horse handling. 5. Doing anything he can normally do while being blindfolded.
  5. Monday night would be better for me as well.
  6. It's probably a little late for part 1, but here is a web I've just finished. And the spider from the back And the front Sorry, no live spiders for part 2, it's too cold for them now where I live, so most have either gone to sleep or froze by now.
  7. Due to changes that had happened (Necrovion being closed off and there being a need for a sixth stop in TTC for planning events), as well as the few mix ups that happened over the past few weeks on Tuesdays, here I post the updated rotation order with the scenes. Loreroot - Ash Arch MagicDuel Archives - Split Pass Halt Marind Bell - Willow's Shop Lands of the East - Plains of Liberty Golemus Golemicarum - Fenth Beach Established Housings - Path of Loneliness
  8. Happy Birthday Gonzalo! :)

  9. Happy birthday! May you always have some time for a catnap.
  10. Be well Nimmy. I wish you all the best. Good luck on those exams!
  11. Happy Birthday Kiley! =^.^=
  12. Thank you all very much!
  13. Due to technical difficulties Aeoshattr couldn't host the event on 24th August. In his stead Sunfire, MaGoHi, Zleiphneir and I held a storytelling event at Path of Loneliness and and each of us told story about the Sun. Here are the stories that were told: MaGoHi's day at the beach - MaGoHi Sisters of the Sky - *Sunfire* The forging of the Sun and Moon - Lintara Sun and Wind's bet - Zleiphneir
  14. Have a great birthday Kyphis!
  15. Have a great day Witty. Happy Birthday!
  16. Removing the s from https:// seems to solve the problem.
  17. Happy birthday Valoryn! May you get lots of cake and may you have a great year.
  18. Happy cakeday Azull! May it be great and may you have many more. =^.^=
  19. Storm's Eye Heaven's Breach Farhorn Island Drachorn's Cry island
  20. Happy birthday Eagle Eye! May you have a good year
  21. Happy birthday Burns! Don't forget the sparkles
  22. All the submissions were fun to see. Results are up on the main post.
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