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Everything posted by Lintara

  1. Happy Birthday Lord Corg! May you have a great day and an even better year. :)
  2. Currently only 3 festival days have hosts - April 16th, 19th and 24th. Please contact me in forum or in-game if you wish to host a day or hold a quest during one of the days. :)
  3. Nimrodel
  4. Shoo the dustbunnies away, let this topic be awake again. Happy Birthday Syrian! May you have a great year ahead of you. :)
  5. Happy birthday MaGo! May you always have some bacon at your side. :D
  6. Greetings everybody! This year MD Birthday is going to be organized by the members of the Kings Council (KC in short): Maebius, Lintara, *Syrian*, Kyphis, Menhir, *Grido*, Azull, Jubaris, No one, darkraptor and Dark Demon. The Birthday festival will start on 14th of April and will last 11 days. All members of the Council can go directly to Chewett to request anything needed for the days (rewards, tools for quest creators, spells/tools for organization and etc). We encourage the involvement of the community in the festival. You can get involved by creating quests, hosting events or doing something entertaining or fun as well as actively participating in quests and events being held. If you are planning a quest or an event during one of the festival days, simply contact one of the members of the Kings Council, state your intentions and request from them any tools or rewards you might need. They will get you scheduled in our official calendar and will pass on any requests you have to Chewett. Let's make 11th Birthday fun! :)
  7. Happey birthday Amber and Jubba! May both of you have a good year :)
  8. Fire
  9. No, he isn't a consul anymore and he has left the game over a year ago.
  10. Happy Birthday, Change! =^.^=
  11. Happy birthday Tankfans! May you have a wonderful year. :)
  12. Happy Birthday Aeo! May you have a great day and a positively eventful year. :)
  13. And the voting is over. The results are: 1st place: Aethon 2nd place: Miq The rewards ceremony will be held at Gazebo of Equilibrium on 20ST on Monday, 4th of January. :)
  14. Submissions closed. The voting poll will be up until January 1st.
  15. Last day to post any more photos, go go go!
  16. Happy birthday, Sir Blut! :)
  17. Thank you Phantasm and may you have have a good stay and happy holidays as well. Merry Christmas! :)
  18. Be well Neno and take care. Sorry for your loss.
  19. Greetings everybody! With all the Christmas (or Murmas) preparations going on and clickie quests going active, even the most seasoned adventurer would start feeling peckish. And what snack fits the season better than some freshly baked cookies. Oh, but before you go bake another batch, here is a contest to make it more fun: bake an MD themed cookie! It can be anything from a creature to a character to a scene object. The rules are: • only one cookie photo can be submitted per participant, posted in this topic updated: two photos of the cookie are required per participant: one of the whole cookie and one of the broken cookie (for validating that it is a real cookie), posted in this topic • the cookie must be MD themed • the cookie does not have to be from gingerbread dough (updated: the dough should still be edible ) • the photo must have the letters MD in it (where and how they are placed are up to the participant) The period for submissions will last until 28th of December, after which I will open a poll until 1st of January. Should there be a draw for any one of the three top places, the sponsors and I will decide on who gets the place. The rewards for top places are: 1st place: 3 gold coins, a Santa and 4 Christmas points 2nd place: 2 gold coins, a colored joker and 3 Christmas points 3rd place: 1 gold coin and 2 Christmas points Everybody else: 1 Christmas point At the end of the quest I will announce the date and time for a reward ceremony with a surprise. :) Update 2015/12/13 : due to some confusion, I have made two changes to the rules. I apologize for any inconvenience. Update 2015/12/28: poll opened
  20. Lintara 202332
  21. Stunning! Thank you Gonzalo! :)
  22. Have you tried picking up a torch and dropping it?
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